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You got this all wrong Çeviri Portekizce

63 parallel translation
You got this all wrong.
Percebeste tudo mal.
You got this all wrong.
Percebeste tudo mal!
You got this all wrong.
Percebeu tudo mal.
No, no, mate, you got this all wrong, man. This isn't my fault.
- Não tive culpa, a arma disparou-se!
Joe, you got this all wrong!
Joe, isto é tudo um engano!
You got this all wrong.
Está a perceber isto tudo mal.
You got this all wrong.
Perceberam tudo mal.
- Mr. Donnegan... - I think you got this all wrong.
Sr. Donnegan, acho que percebeu tudo mal.
Yo, you got this all wrong.
Percebeste tudo mal.
You got this all wrong!
Entenderam mal.
You got this all wrong! Stay back!
Tu percebeste tudo ao contrário!
Hey, Sidorov... you got this all wrong.
Sidorov... Entendeu tudo mal.
You got this all wrong.
Entendeste tudo mal.
... but you've got this thing all wrong.
Mas percebeste tudo mal.
- You've got this all wrong.
- Percebeste tudo mal.
No, you've got it all wrong. I want you to leave your husband and this awful house.
Quero que deixes o teu marido e esta casa horrível.
Maybe you got the wrong man for this job, after all.
E poderá que não.
You got the wrong attitude about all of this, Cyrus.
Não estás a portar-te bem.
No, Mary, you got this all wrong.
Não, Mary, estás a ver isto tudo ao contrário.
Look this whole Henry thing you got it all wrong, okay?
Quanto a essa história, você não entendeu.
Look, you guys have really got this all wrong.
But I'll tell you this, in five years from now... if I'm in that goddamn rocket ship and I watch the Earth blow up all over again... it ain't going to be because some computer got pilfered... by two surf punks who got earrings in all the wrong holes. Hear me?
Se daqui a cinco anos eu estiver naquela nave... e assistir à Terra explodir de novo... não será porque dois otários com brincos... mexeram num micro, certo?
- You've got this all wrong, Betty.
Estás a entender mal as coisas.
You've this you've got this taped out all wrong.
Tu percebeste tudo mal.
You got this whole thing all wrong, man.
- Perceberam tudo mal.
You've got this all wrong.
Percebeu isto tudo mal.
- I confessed to you. You've got this all wrong.
Percebeu isto tudo mal.
You've got this all wrong!
Perceberam isto tudo mal!
I think you've got this all wrong.
Vês, penso que entendeste isto tudo mal.
Well, I guess you heard wrong, honey,'cause, like I said, I've got an officer on the inside, and that gives me all the authority that I need to take over this little rodeo.
Parece que ouviu mal, querida. Porque, como já disse, tenho um agente infiltrado. E isso dá-me toda a autoridade que necessito para mandar neste pequeno rodeo.
- You guys got this all wrong.
Entenderam tudo mal!
You guys have got this all wrong.
Entenderam tudo mal.
You've got this all wrong.
Entenderam tudo mal.
You got this wrong, I can prove I was on base all day.
Estão enganados. Posso provar que estive na base o dia todo.
Man, you Columbos got this all wrong.
Os grandes Sherlocks estão a ver tudo errado.
You've got this all wrong, buddy.
Você fez tudo errado. Sim.
Now, looky here, stud, if you're backing off this thing cos you're porking that guy's sister, I'd say you've got your priorities as a cop all wrong.
Ouve bem, garanhão, se vais recuar porque estás a malhar na irmã do gajo diria que tens as tuas prioridades como polícia trocadas.
And this should fly nicely in court. - You got it all wrong.
E isso deve servir em tribunal.
You guys got this all wrong.
Entenderam isto tudo mal.
Mrs. Roosevelt, you got it all wrong. You see, this isn't for the King...
Está enganada, Mrs Roosevelt, isto não é para o rei.
You've got this all wrong.
Não entendeste nada.
- You've got this all wrong.
- Percebeste mal.
Oh, listen, you've got this all wrong.
Entendeste tudo mal.
Ivory tower. This all happened because you got the science wrong.
Isto tudo aconteceu porque erraste na ciência.
No, you-you've got this all wrong.
Entenderam tudo mal.
Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot today, with me blasting you and all, but we've got to work together on this.
Eu sei que hoje comecou com o pe esquerdo, voce atirou e tudo isso, mas agora temos que trabalhar juntos.
Look, you guys got this all wrong.
Entenderam tudo mal.
I mean, you have got this all wrong.
Quero dizer, Percebeste tudo mal.
Hey, you've got this all wrong.
- Percebeu tudo mal.
I don't know where this is all coming from, but you've got your facts all wrong.
Não sei de onde vem isto tudo, mas tem os factos todos errados.
You've got this all wrong. I'm not gonna kill you, not anytime soon.
Não vou matá-la agora, nem vai ser em breve.

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