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You had to be there Çeviri Portekizce

258 parallel translation
You had to be there, right?
Você tinha que estar lá, certo?
Doesn't seem worth it but I guess you had to be there, huh?
Não parece valer tanto, mas acho que devia ter estado lá, hã?
You had to be there.
Tinhas de estar lá.
i guess you had to be there.
Deviam ter estado lá.
You had to be there.
Você tinha que estar lá.
You had to be there.
Só lá estando!
I guess you had to be there.
Tinha de estar lá.
Guess you had to be there.
Parece que tinhas que ai estar.
Maybe it's the kind of story where you had to be there.
Talvez seja uma daquelas histórias que tinhas de lá estar.
Maybe you had to be there?
Se calhar tinha-se de estar mesmo lá para se compreender?
Well, I guess you had to be there.
Acho que é preciso ter estado lá.
I guess you had to be there.
Acho que só estando lá.
It's just something Joshua said about V-necks, but you had to be there.
Algo que o Joshua disse sobre decotes em V, mas só visto.
The nights at Trindade, you had to be there to know...
As noites da Trindade... Só quem lá esteve...
You had to be there, Lieutenant. The guy tidied up the place.
Tenente, o cara limpou tudo.
But I'm warning you, and you, Jean La Cour... member of the City Counsel, and all of you... if we get us another dose of yellow fever like we had back in'30... when there wasn't enough men alive to bury the dead... there just isn't going to be any town to run a railroad into.
Mas estou a avisá-lo, e você, Jean La Cour membro do Município, e todos vocês se tivermos outro surto de febre amarela, como nos anos 30 quando os vivos não chegavam para enterrar os mortos não haverá cidade aonde levar o caminho-de-ferro.
She hadn't told me who you were or that she had known you before. And to be perfectly frank, i was so overwrought when i got there that neither your name nor your personality was sufficiently impressive to arrest the pent-Up feelings that had accumulated on the way.
E com toda franqueza, eu estava tão... esgotado que nem seu nome, nem seu... personalidade bastaram para vencer a contrariedade que me embargava.
Is this just going to be the best conversation I've had in months or is there still a chance you can get me elected president?
Esta será só a melhor conversa que já tive... ou você vai ajudar a me eleger presidente?
You remember saying this was a racket, there had to be something in it for Christiani?
Lembras-te de me dizer que nesta tramoia, tinha de haver alguma coisa para o Christiani?
Neither Cleo or Bathsheba Had her tactics to beguile You can bet your fez There would be no Suez
Nem Cleo ou Bathsheba tinham a sua táctica para governar se não fosse o que ela fez não haveria nenhum Suez sem a Virgem Branca do Nilo
We had a council meeting and everyone agreed that if you wanted to stay we could go to the deputy, I'm sure there'd be no problem.
Tivemos um encontro da comissão e toda a gente concordou que se quisesses ficar, podíamos ir falar com o assistente, tenho a certeza que não haveria problema algum.
Do you know that in the hospitals there's not a single free bed to be had?
Sabe que nos hospitais não há uma única cama livre?
Of course, I was disappointed, to a large extent because, ordering my crews for there, wise person that would suffer decreases you add, e if we had made a good one work, these would be prevented.
Naturalmente, fiquei desapontado, em grande parte porque, mandando as minhas tripulações para lá, sabia que sofreriam baixas adicionais, e se tivéssemos feito um bom trabalho, estas seriam evitadas.
You said that there had to be another key to fit the new lock, and when you had that key, then you'd have the person who murdered Allen Mallory.
Disse que havia uma chave para a nova fechadura e quando encontrasse a chave, encontrava o assassino. Exactamente.
And it will be such a good example to show how when you apply... the technique, the art of the guerrilla, properly there can be no defeat. I had an interview with Fidel... ( Mario Monje, general secretary of the Bolivian Communist Party )... on February,'66.
Tratam de semear o desalento apóiam aqueles que se opõem à luta guerrilheira apóiam os que desertam o movimento revolucionário guerrilheiro
But Cassen said in order for there to be enough heating going on you had to start the heating before Europa basically cooled off.
Mas Cassen diz que nesta ordem, para obter o calor suficiente, há que começar a aquecer antes que Europa basicamente arrefeça.
Well Sarge, I wanted to be alone with Evelyn, even though I know you don't approve. So I had everyone disappear. And there we were, Evelyn, Scardella and me.
Bem, Sargento, queria estar a sós com a Evelyn, embora saiba que não aprova, pelo que fiz toda a gente desaparecer.
- It may well be, but I would've thought some of the people sitting close to you at the moment, would have been deeply and justifiably offended had he sat there
Vamos cobrá-lo a von Klinkerhoffen. Está a ir muito bem, Hans, Acho que ela gosta de si.
Rhoda, Pug's an admirable man, and you're a wonderful woman, but there was a rift in your marriage before we ever met. There had to be.
Rhoda, Pug é um homem maravilhoso e tu uma mulher admirável, mas houve uma fractura no casamento antes de nos encontrarmos.
Why? Well, based on all the whiplash you were inflicting back there, I wondered if you had to be licensed for carrying concealed weapons.
Com base em todas as chicotadas que deste ali, pergunto-me se não tens de ter licença de porte de armas escondidas.
If you had shot him like I asked... there would be another one to take his place, andhewould have killed us for sure.
Se o tivesse matado, como lhe pedi, estaria outro no lugar dele e ter-nos-ia matado de certeza.
Well, you just had to be there.
Tinhas de estar lá.
Still, you must admit, there is some comfort to be had in contemplating... the folly of so many dead, don't you think?
Devo admitir que há conforto na contemplação... da loucura de tantas mortes, não acha?
You really had to be there to appreciate it.
Tinhas de lá estar para ver.
There are many things that I think you can point to as proof that the humans are not smart. But my personal favorite would have to be that we had to invent the helmet.
Há muitas coisas que podemos referir que provam que os humanos não são espertos, mas o meu argumento favorito teria de ser que tivemos de inventar o capacete.
Were it possible, and you had the right to make this decision, wouldn't there be a terrible price to pay?
Se isso fosse possível e tu tivesses o direito de tomar essa decisäo. o preço a pagar näo seria horrível?
You may not believe this... but, there was a time when I had to be the best at everything.
Podes não acreditar nisto mas houve uma altura em que eu tinha de ser a melhor em tudo.
Smithers, do you realize, if I had died... there would be no one to carry on my legacy?
Sabes que se morresse... Não havia quem continuasse o meu legado?
Used to be that you had your Russian reds, your Cuban red, Hollywood red. Here a red, there a red, everywhere a red red.
Antes havia comunistas russos aqui, lá, em todas partes um comunista.
The idea that there had to be an audience that wanted to see... stories about being gay in America... who wanted to see stories about a guy who has Al Ds in America... is this almost backward understanding of how it works... when you're standing in front of the box office in your local dodecaplex... and you have a choice between...
A idéia de que tem que haver uma audiência que queira ver historia a respeito de ser gay na América, que queira ver histórias aproxima de ter SIDA na América, é essa espécie de compreensão tardia a que explica como funciona. Quando está parado frente à boletería do cinema local e pode escolher entre...
And there is plenty to be had of it, I assure you!
E tem muito a dizer, garanto-lhe.
I wish I had more to tell. But at least, now you understand why there had to be so much secrecy.
Não é a sua hora de morrer.
So you had to destroy the station, too. That way, there'd be no witnesses.
Por isso, teriam de destruir a estação para que não houvesse testemunhas.
Captain, there has to be a reason why you've had these delusions. And we're going to figure out what it is.
Capitã, deve haver uma razão porque você teve essas ilusões e vamos descobrir qual é.
There had to be some reason I'm dating you.
Tinha de haver uma razão para namorar contigo.
You just had to be there.
"Apenas tinha de estar presente."
You had to be there.
- Tinhas de lá ter estado.
I had the same reaction to the story as you, but there is one area that has yet to be explained.
Eu reagi à história da mesma forma, mas há algo que permanece sem explicação.
And it's a strange thing because I always had this sense that you were going to be there.
E é uma coisa estranha porque sempre tive a sensação que você ia estar lá.
What you just did, there had to be at least some sort of a death wish going on.
O que acabou de fazer envolveu decerto um certo desejo de suicídio.
If you're mooching a ride home off me that you had to have your mommy ask for, there will be no talking, okay?
Se me cravares uma boleia para casa, que até tiveste de pedir através da mamã, não há conversas, está bem?

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