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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ Y ] / You might want to see this

You might want to see this Çeviri Portekizce

70 parallel translation
I thought you might want to see this.
Veja. Achei que ia querer ver isto.
- Doctor Tani, you might want to see this
Professor Tani. Talvez queira ver isto.
- Thought you might want to see this.
- Achei que talvez quisesse ver isto.
Frank, Ed, you might want to see this.
Frank! Ed! Venham ver isto.
I thought you might want to see this.
Eu achei que iria querer ver isto.
Captain, you might want to see this.
Capitã, você vai querer ver isto.
You might want to see this.
Talvez queira ver isto.
You might want to see this.
Vais querer ver isto.
I thought you might want to see this bridal magazine.
Pensei que talvez quisesses ver esta revista de casamentos.
Dr. Cross, you might want to see this.
Dr. Cross, talvez queira vir ver isto.
We had a feeling you might want to see this.
Pensámos que podiam querer ver isto.
Anyway, I thought you might want to see this.
Pensei que talvez quisesses ver isto.
If you're awake, you might want to see this.
Estás acordado, Mose, vais querer ver isso.
I thought you might want to see this, coach.
Achei que ias gostar de ver isto, Treinador.
I thought you might want to see this.
Pensei que pudesses querer ver isto.
You might want to see this.
Devem querer ver isto.
Dr. Krieger, you might want to see this.
Dr. Krieger, talvez queira ver isto.
Sorry to barge in, Commander, but I thought you might want to see this.
Desculpe interromper, Comandante, mas acho que devia ver isto.
You might want to see this, sir, proof that the human race can mend its own problems.
Veja isto, a prova de que a raça humana pode resolver os seus problemas.
You might want to see this.
Talvez queiras ver isto.
You might want to see this, Ted- - naked pictures.
Talvez queiras ver isto, Ted... fotos nuas.
Guys, you might want to see this.
Rapazes, se calhar deviam ver isto.
I thought you might want to see this before it runs in the paper tomorrow, knowing what a stickler you are for things being written about you.
Pensei que gostaria de ver isto antes que apareça no jornal, amanhã sabendo quão rigorosa é relativamente às coisas que são escritas sobre si.
Karen, you might want to see this.
- Karen, vais querer ver isto.
You might want to see this.
Talvez queiram ver isto.
Guys, you might want to see this.
Malta, acho que vão querer ver isto.
You might want to see this.
É melhor ver isto.
You might want to see this.
Podes querer ver isto.
Falcon : Tony. You might want to see this!
Tony, vais querer ver isto.
Thought you might want to see this.
Acho que vai querer ver isso.
I don't expect you to understand the pain and suffering my family went through but I did come here thinking that this office might want to see justice finally served.
No espero que entenda a dor e o sofrimento da minha família mas eu vim pensando que talvez gostassem de ver que se faça justiça.
- All right. - Man, you might want to listen... to some of this shit if you want to live past tomorrow. See you later, rogue.
Até logo, proscrito.
You might want to see this, sir.
É melhor ver isto, Capitão.
Seeing as you've come all this way, though, you might want to have a look-see at the videotapes.
Mas, como vieram de tão longe, talvez queiram dar uma olhada nas cassetes de vídeo.
I think that this... extremely wonderful sales pitch that you're giving to me... about how you might be able to help my life or help me discover myself... might possibly, I don't want to offend you, but might possibly be... an intelligent ruse to see whether I'll fuck you.
Penso que este... magnífico discurso que fez... isto de que você podia guiar-me ou ajudar-me a descobrir quem sou... possivelemente, não pretendo ofendê-lo, mas possivelmente seja... um genial artimanha para saber se me deitaria cosigo.
You guys might want to see this. Up.
- Vocês vão querer ver isto.
It has been brought to my attention that some of you are unhappy with my plan, so what I'd like you to do, is to fill this out and write down any diseases that you have, That you might want covered and I'll see what I can do.
Foi-me chamado à atenção que alguns de vocês estão descontentes com o meu plano, então o que eu gostaria que vocês fizessem, é de preencher isto e escrever em baixo quaisquer doenças que tenham, que vocês possam querer cobertas e eu verei o que posso fazer.
Louie messer's personal affects? I think you might want to see this.
São os pertences pessoais do Louie Messer?
South by southeast, full speed. Captain, you might want to see this.
Capitão, acho que vai querer ver isto.
That being the case, I think you might all want to see this.
Sendo assim, acho que devem querer ver isto.
See, in your time constraints you might want to use the fire truck for this one.
Na tua restrição de tempo, talvez queiras usar um carro dos bombeiros para isto.
You might want to watch and see how a real man handles this kind of thing.
Talvez queiras assistir e ver como é que um verdadeiro homem lida com uma situação destas.
Come on. Billy, zoe, you might want to see this.
Billy, Zoe, talvez queiram ver isto.
Captain, sir, you might want to come see this.
Capitão, o senhor pode querer vir ver isto.
You might want to come see this.
Talvez queiram ver isto.
You might want to come see this.
É melhor veres isto.
You might want to see these midterm grades- - they were posted this morning.
Talvez queiras ver isto. Publicaram esta manhã as notas intercalares.
You guys might want to see this.
Talvez queiram ver isto.
You might want to see this.
Acho que vais querer ver isto.
You drink way too much coffee. Listen, I thought you might want to, uh, see this.
Ouça, pensei que poderia querer, hum, ver isto.
You might want to pack your bags...'cause I am gonna see to it You are thrown out of this country.
Podes querer arrumar as malas... porque vou garantir que sejas expulsa deste país.

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