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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ Y ] / You should have seen him

You should have seen him Çeviri Portekizce

146 parallel translation
You should have seen him behind those guns today.
Devia tê-lo visto por trás dessas armas hoje.
You should have seen him in the ring, he had more grace, more style....
Devia tê-Io visto na arena, tinhamais graça e elegância...
Hey, you know, you should have seen him with his niece.
Sabes, devias tê-lo visto com a sobrinha.
And you should have seen him when he came here this evening.
E devias tê-lo visto quando aqui entrou esta noite.
- You should have seen him.
- Você deve tê-lo visto.
I must've hit every part of his face. You should have seen him.
Devo ter-lhe atingido cada centímetro da sua cara.
But if someone scruffy came in, you should have seen him!
Mas se viesse alguém mal arranjado, devia vê-lo!
You should have seen him fight, Daddy.
Devias de o ter visto a lutar, pai.
You should have seen him. He went crazy.
Deviam-no ter visto, parecia maluco.
You should have seen him, Rico.
- Devias tê-lo visto, Rico...
You should have seen him.
Devias tê-lo visto!
You should have seen him on the operating table, cut to pieces.
Deveriam tê-lo visto naquela sala de operações.
You should have seen him at the height of his power when he had a grip on things.
Devia tê-lo conhecido quando tinha poder sobre as coisas.
- You should have seen him.
- Devia tê-lo visto.
You should have seen him.
Devia tê-lo visto.
You should have seen him!
Você devia tê-lo visto!
You should have seen him.
Meu Deus, deviam tê-lo visto :
You should have seen him.
Devias tê-lo visto.
But you should have seen him lying there, all black and blue.
Mas devias tê-lo visto ali deitado, cheio de nódoas negras.
You should have seen him run.
Devias tê-lo visto a correr.
I mean, you should have seen him.
Quer dizer, devia-lo ter visto.
You should have seen him strangling in his bed.
Devias tê-lo visto asfixiando na cama.
You should have seen him last night.
Deviam tê-lo visto ontem á noite.
You should have seen him when he was a new intern.
Oh por favor! Devias vê-lo quando ele era estagiário...
You should have seen him.
Devias tê-lo visto. Ficou assim...
Oh, you should have seen him.
Oh, havias de o ter visto.
You should have seen him, dude.
Devias tê-lo visto, meu. Espera, que estou eu a dizer?
You should have seen him, Lana.
Se o visses, Lana.
You should have seen him, Matt.
Devias tê-lo visto, Matt.
You should have seen him earlier today.
É arrogante. Devias tê-lo visto hoje.
You should have seen him, like a bull terrier crossed with a rottweiler and a Fuller Brush salesman.
Devia tê-lo visto. Tipo bull terrier cruzado com um rottweiler e um vendedor da Fuller Brush.
Yeah, you think this is bad, you should have seen him before.
Se acham que isto é mau, deviam tê-lo visto antes.
You should have seen him with fur.
Devias tê-lo visto com pêlo.
You should have seen him.
Devia tê-lo visto, meu Deus.
Man, you should have seen him.
Caramba! Devias ter visto.
You should have seen him crying when we were leaving.
Ele até gritava quando vínhamos embora.
You should have seen him at the meeting.
Devias tê-lo visto na reunião.
You should have seen him in the old days when he was a real activist.
Devias tê-lo visto antigamente, quando era um verdadeiro activista.
Honestly, Patsy, you should have seen Jerry this afternoon. And when that chair started to slip from under him.
Sinceramente, Patsy, devia ter visto o Jerry esta tarde... e quando a cadeira começou a escorregar debaixo dele.
You should have seen his face... when I told him you have Chavez with you.
Devias ter visto a cara dele... quando soube que tinhas a Chavez contigo.
You should have seen Schwiefkas face when Williams said he'll get to him in a minute.
Devias ter visto a cara do Schwiefka quando o Williams lhe disse que ia tratar dele.
You should have seen the preacher's face when I told him... I got him a stained-glass memorial window.
Se visses o padre quando soube que o vitral não era em sua honra...
You should have seen the size of the guy on the boat with him.
Devia ter visto o tamanho do tipo que estava no barco com ele.
You should have seen the look on Garber's face... when the Army showed up and hauled him off.
Deviam ter visto a cara do Garber quando o exército o levou.
Oh, well, you should have seen his face... when I showed him the pictures of what I have in mind.
Devia ter visto o rosto dele quando mostrei as fotos do que tinha em mente.
You should have seen Mason trying to convince him he'd be safe.
Deviam ter visto o Mason a convencê-lo de que era seguro.
Hey, girl, you should have seen him, though.
Devias ter visto o gajo, Era grande!
You should have seen the look on Legate Porania's face when I told him I was going into retirement three years ago.
"A SORTE ESTÁ LANÇADA" Devia ter visto a cara do Embaixador Porania quando lhe disse que me ia reformar.
you should have seen the look she gave him, though!
Mas devias ter visto como ela olhou para ele.
- You should have seen... as soon as he died... they badly could wait to remove him / it of there.
- Você deveria ter visto... assim que ele morreu... eles mal podiam esperar para tirá-lo de lá.
Hey, man, you should have seen this little pissant when we told him he had to throw this rager.
Devias ter visto o pigmeu quando lhe dissemos que tinha de dar a festa.

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