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You want to talk to him Çeviri Portekizce

416 parallel translation
Pablitio is one the phone if you want to talk to him.
Pablito está ao telefone se querem falar com ele.
- Do you want to talk to him?
- Quer falar com ele?
You want to talk to him?
Queres falar com ele?
You want to talk to him?
Quer falar com ele?
Do you want to talk to him? Bullshit is all the reasons we give for living.
As razões que damos para viver, são tudo tretas.
What do you want to talk to him about?
O que quer tratar com ele?
If you want to talk to him, you talk to me.
Se queres falar com ele, fala comigo.
Dont you want to talk to him?
Não quer falar?
Mrs Berman, if you want to talk to him, sometimes I think that's the best thing.
Sra. Berman, se queres falar com ele, às vezes é a coisa melhor a fazer. Eu não tenho de ouvir.
I have a Bob Wiley on the line who says you want to talk to him
Sinto incomodá-lo, mas eu tenho Bob Willey na linha que diz que quer falar com o senhor
Sure, you want to talk to him yourself?
Claro, quer ser você a dizer-lhe?
You want to talk to him?
Quer falar com ele? Claro...
Well, what the fuck you want to talk to him about?
Porque raios queres falar com ele?
Sure, but he's awake, if you want to talk to him.
Claro, mas ele está acordado, pode ir falar com ele.
You can't reach him. He gave me his home number In case you want to talk to him later.
Ele deixou o número de casa, caso queiras falar com ele mais tarde.
I think maybe you tell Irby I want to talk with him, huh?
É melhor dizer ao Irby que quero falar com ele.
I don't want to impose upon you... but you're Johnnie's cousin as well as his employer. I wanted to talk to you about him.
Capitão Melbeck, não quero incomodá-lo, mas é primo do Johnny para além de seu patrão e queria falar consigo sobre ele.
I want you to talk sense to him.
Quero que lhe fale com sensatez.
I want him to talk to you.
Quero que ele fale contigo.
I want you to get Judge Purley and tell him you wanna talk to him out in the corridor.
... quero que leves o Juiz Purley..... até lá fora ao corredor.
You can tell Prokosch, I don't want to talk to him.
Podes dizer ao Prokosch que não quero falar com ele.
Talk to him. Now that you're changing, I want you to see just how unimportant they are.
Agora que estás a mudar, eu quero que vejas quão insignificantes eles são.
When Bollin gets here, that's the captain's name let him in, talk to him, tell him anything you want, but keep him here.
Quando o Bollin chegar, é esse o seu nome, deixa-o entrar, fala com ele, diz-lhe o que quiseres, mas aguenta-o aqui.
If you're his friend, you can talk to him whenever you want.
Se és amiga dele, podes falar com ele sempre que quiseres.
I mean, if you want me to talk to him...
- Se quiser falar com ele...
You talk to him. And you tell him that I want you to come with me and I want you to stay with me, you hear?
Diz-lhe que quero que venhas comigo, que fiques comigo, ouviste?
You want the girl, talk to him.
Se queres a rapariga fala com ele.
When you see him, would you tell him I want to talk to him?
Quando o vires, dizes-lhe que preciso de falar com ele?
I want you to talk to him first.
Quero falar com ele primeiro.
I want my suspension lifted. I want my name cleared and I want you to talk to Willis... and tell him he made a very big mistake.
Eu quero a minha suspensão anulada, quero o meu nome limpo e quero que fales com o Willis... e quero que digas que ele cometeu um erro muito grande.
But I no longer talk with him. I want to marry you.
- Quero casar-me contigo!
I want you to stall the paperwork,'cause I bumped into a Metro guy working gangs. I want to talk to him before I interview this kid, all right?
Ouve, empata o processo, porque dei de caras com um tipo da Polícia infiltrado no gangue, e quero falar com ele antes de interrogar este miúdo, certo?
Lieutenant, I want you to see what Tommy Brown's like. I want you to talk to him.
Tenente, quero que veja como é o Tommy Brown.
Do you want me to talk to him?
Quer que tente falar com o jake?
I thought you'd want to talk with him... about the critters and all.
Pensei que que poderías falar com ele... acerca das criaturas e tudo isso.
If you want to know who he is, why don't you talk to him?
Se queres saber quem ele é, por que não falas com ele?
If you want to know more about Nick, talk to him.
Se quiser saber mais coisas, fale com ele.
Take a bus and go to him Or take a taxi and go no matter where You don't want to talk, do you?
Apanha o autocarro e vai ter com ele ou apanha um taxi Não importa aonde é que queres falar, pois não?
I want you to talk him out of it.
Quero que o convença a não ir.
If it's an accusation, you better be sure. Yeah, well, what I want to do is talk to Strack first, give him the benefit of the doubt.
Quero dar ao Strack o benefício da dúvida.
I just told you because If you want Bill to be your friend, Its better not to talk to him about George.
- Eu contei-te porque se queres que o Bill seja teu amigo, não fales com ele sobre o George.
- I'll tell him you want to talk.
direi que querem falar com ele
You wanna speak to him? No, I don't want to talk to him.
- Não quero falar com ele.
Talk to him as long as you want.
Fala com ele o quanto tu quiseres.
You want to talk about him?
Ok. Quer falar dele?
- I told you, I don't want to talk about him.
- Já lhe disse! Não quero falar dele.
I want you to talk to him.
Eu disse "olá". - Quero que fales com ele.
I think you, uh, want to talk to him too.
Acho que... também quer falar com ele.
I don't know why I want to talk to you about it. But you know him. I don't know.
Não sei porque é que quero falar contigo, mas tu conhece-lo bem.
But if one of them did want to talk, you would listen to him, wouldn't you?
Mas se um quisesse conversar, não o ouvirias?
If you want me to talk in front of him, you may be asked... to kill him later.
Se vou falar à frente dele, talvez tenhas de o matar.

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