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Yussef Çeviri Portekizce

92 parallel translation
Yussef Kasim is the name.
O meu nome é Yussef Kasim.
Mr. Beshraavi on the one hand, and Mr. Yussef Kasim on the other.
O sr. Beshraavi de um lado e o sr. Yussef Kasim do outro.
It was Yussef Kasim.
Foi Yussef Kasim.
- So Yussef has the cipher now?
- Então Yussef tem o criptograma?
But tell me, my flower, I don't think you've explained yet how it happens that Yussef managed to leave you alive.
Mas conte-me, minha flor, ainda não me explicou... como Yussef a deixou viva.
I'm too busy now being jealous of Yussef.
Agora estou ocupado demais para ter ciúmes do Yussef.
And wind up back in Yussef Kasim's rumble seat?
E terminar na traseira da carrinha de Yussef Kasim?
Yussef is not my boyfriend.
Yussef não é meu namorado.
Yussef ordered me to meet him and to cultivate his friendship, so I could report on his actions.
Yussef ordenou que me aproximasse dele e conquistasse a sua confiança, para que pudesse reportar as suas acções.
You've forgotten, Yussef took it from me in the van last night.
Esqueceu-se? Yussef tirou-ma na carrinha, ontem à noite.
Where's Yussef?
Onde está Yussef?
Yussef was here.
Yussef estava aqui.
- He must be calling Yussef.
- Deve estar a ligar para o Yussef.
He knows Yussef's number.
Ele sabe o número do Yussef.
He must have been following Yussef's man, the one who was killed.
Ele deve ter seguido o homem de Yussef. Aquele que foi morto.
Yussef is the only one who knows.
Yussef é o único que pode.
She's an agent of Yussef's, like her husband.
Ela é agente de Yussef, como o marido.
The moment you let her know I was double-crossing them, she called Yussef to warn him.
No momento em que soube que eu sou um agente duplo, ligou para Yussef a avisar.
She would have told Yussef.
Ela teria contado a Yussef.
So that's what they wanted Yussef to know.
Então era isso que eles queriam que Yussef soubesse.
He uses the name Yussef Karim.
Ele usa o nome Yussef Karim.
Let Yussef shoot.
Deixa o Yussef disparar.
Your turn Yussef.
É a tua vez Yussef.
Yussef started shooting at the cars... because Hassan said that the bullet could go far.
O Yussef começou a disparar contra os carros porque o Hassan disse que as balas não iam muito longe.
Yussef killed the American and he spies on Zohra naked... and Zohra lets him watch her.
O Yussef matou a americana e espreita a Zohra nua... E a Zohra deixa-o ver.
Zohra got naked lots of times so Yussef could watch her.
A Zohra despiu-se muitas vezes para que o Yussef a visse.
Everyone has a crush on you Yussef.
Todo mundo tem uma queda por você, Yussef.
You're shallow, Yussef you know that?
Você é muito superficial, Yussef, sabia?
Yussef no!
Yussef não!
It's Yussef, my friend!
É o Yussef, um amigo meu!
- Yussef?
- Yussef?
I told Yussef to pay Walid to keep them quiet.
Disse ao Yussef para pagar ao Walid para os manter tranquilos.
Yussef paid him to keep things quiet during the wedding, but it didn't work.
O Yussef pagou-lhe para manter as coisas calmas durante o casamento, mas, não funcionou.
Yussef was kind of vague about his injuries, but he said there was a woman in the car with him.
O Yussef foi algo vago sobre os seus ferimentos, mas, disse que ele tinha uma mulher no carro com ele.
Walid gave you this, Yussef?
Foi o Walid lhe deu isto, Yussef?
- Yussef : "With certainty"?
- "Com certeza?"
Yussef, you tell Walid we are going to find his shit of a nephew one way or the other.
Yussef, diga ao Walid, que vamos encontrar o cobarde do sobrinho dele de uma forma ou de outra.
- Yussef : Welcome home.
- Bem-vindo a casa.
- Yussef : It's not as if you had a choice.
- Não tens qualquer escolha.
Yussef, I've shown you where he is.
Yussef, vou-te mostrar onde ele está.
It'll be you, me and Yussef.
Serás tu, eu e o Yussef.
Good morning, Yussef.
Bom dia, Yussef.
Didn't Yussef tell you?
O Yussef não te disse?
Yussef, what are you doing?
Yussef, o que é que estás a fazer?
Yussef's working his angle.
O Yussef está a trabalhar nisso.
Come on, Yussef, I haven't got all day.
Então, Yussef, não tenho o dia todo.
Good to see you Mr. Yussef.
Prazer em vê-lo, Sr. Yussef.
Yussef killed her.
O Yussef matou-a.

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