It wasn't like that Çeviri Rusça
610 parallel translation
No, it wasn't like that.
Нет, не совсем так.
It wasn't right for him to go off like that.
Нехорошо было исчезать таким образом.
I'd see no reason to discuss it if it wasn't that your Ma acts like it was important.
Я не вижу даже причин обсуждать его, но твоя мать делает вид, что оно важно.
But wasn't it dreadful, him being dead like that?
Но какой ужас, что он умер таким образом, правда?
She smelled it like that, and it wasn't perfume.
Она вот так ее нюхала. Это были отнюдь не духи.
How extraordinary it must be... what you were telling me just now... to lose your memory just like that... completely, wasn't it?
Как это должно быть необычно, что вы мне только что рассказали. Вот так потерять память. Совсем, не так ли?
It wasn't like that at all.
Она врала! Все врала!
Well, it wasn't in a ring or anything like that, you know.
Ну, конечно, не на ринге.
It wasn't a hat like that.
Это была не такая шляпа.
If you don't like it (? ) for you. - That wasn't the deal.
Я имею больше прав быть здесь, чем Вы.
Then, when I woke up, it was morning. There wasn't any evidence of anything like that ever having appeared.
Когда я проснулся, было уже утро и ничего не напоминало о том, что случилось.
Oh, hey, it wasn't like that at all.
Что скажешь? - Идёт.
But it looked so much like suicide that nobody bothered to suggest it wasn't.
Но я никак не могу понять, как вы догадались, Стэнтон?
It may have sounded like that, but it wasn't. I meant it. I began this.
Я это начал, я это и закончу.
But it wasn't like that We really did meet by chance
Но все было совсем не так. Мы и правда случайно встретились.
and then it's something silly like this. No, I wasn't there but I heard that the archive hands out audience cards. Did you meet him?
Ты встретился с ним?
It's wasn't like that.
Если бы...
It wasn't like that an hour ago.
Час назад этого еще не было.
It wasn't like this, though, I'll tell you that.
Она была не как эта, хотя, я скажу вам так.
It wasn't like that.
Это было не так.
Yes, but it wasn't like that
Ну да, это ты так говоришь... А на самом деле - нет.
Now you're thinking that I was simply hypnotized with fear, that I didn't know what to do - it wasn't like that!
Наверное тебе кажется, что я оцепенела от испуга. И не знала, как мне быть? Нет, это не так.
It wasn't like that.
Всё было не так.
He was shot. It wasn't suicide or an accident or anything like that.
Вы принесли с собой что-нибудь, может, рекомендательное письмо?
It wasn't like that!
Не правда!
When I left home yesterday - this morning - it was of course it wasn't like that.
Когда я собирался дома вчера утром - все это выглядело иначе.
- But I guess it wasn't like that.
Я не привыкла к этому.
Originally, it wasn't like that.
Оригинально, ни на что не похоже.
It's just that in that light you look so much like Scott. - I wasn't thinking.
Должно быть потому, что при этом освещении ты точь-в-точь Скотт и я даже не подумала...
It wasn't meant to happen like that.
Такое не должно было случиться.
It's that I just felt like I wasn't in control... for the first time since all that.
Просто мне показалось, что этот сон кто-то "навязывает". С тех самых пор - такое впервые.
It wasn't like that for wiseguys.
Для мафиози это было не так.
No, it wasn't anything like that.
Ќет. Ќичего такого не было.
It wasn't like that.
- Не было ничего такого.
You know, Data, it almost seems to me like you're trying to prove that Dr. Tainer wasn't telling the truth.
Знаешь Дейта, по-моему ты почти что пытаешься доказать, что доктор Тейнер лжет.
It wasn't like that, Ulf!
Это не походило на это, Ульф!
But I bet you didn't say you'd split on him. - It wasn't like that.
Я уверен, ты ему не сказала, что бросишь его.
Oh, it wasn't like that.
O, это было не так.
Pretty good, don't you think? You might have made a robot that looks like him, but he's no match for the real Sonic! Tails, it should be apparent to you. Sonic wasn't being electrocuted earlier.
Неплохо, не правда ли? Может быть этот робот и выглядит как Соник, но ему не сравниться с Настоящим Соником! Тейлс, тебе то это должно быть в первую очередь понятно! То, чему подвергся Соник не было электрошоком.
Apparently, it wasn't always like that.
Видимо, так было не всегда.
It wasn't the wine, or my hair, or talking to Kathy or anything Like that!
Это не вино, не мои волосы, не разговор с Кэтти ничего подобного!
I'd imagine it really wasn't that difficult. Child's play for a guy like you.
Игрушки для такого парня, как вы.
Kaiva was really interested in all that, but no, it wasn't really like that.
По-моему Кайуа проявлял интерес к такого рода вещам. Но, серьезно, я так не думаю.
No, it wasn't like that.
Нет, это было не так!
Making it look like a suicide that wasn't quite convincing enough to really be suicide.
Представив все самоубийством, не достаточно убедительным, для настоящего самоубийства.
But then Vice Principal Billard took it around to all the classes... to see who it was, and I was, like, "Wasn't that your bag?"
Но директор Биллард взял и пронес его через весь класс... чтобы узнать, чей портфель и спрашивал, "Это не твой ли рюкзак?"
He seemed to like me, in his own way. It became obvious that his way wasn't my way. It took some time, but I accepted it.
" наешь, € не собиралс € идти. ћен € притащил ѕерри.
I spent the whole day with Min Joo Kim - The boss doesn't like his staff to be too loose like that - it wasn't even funny
хотя было совсем не забавно.
But maybe it wasn't like that at all.
А, может, все было не так.
It wasn't like that.
Он был не такой, конечно же.
It wasn't like that at all.
! Это оказалось совсем не так.
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't hard 37
it wasn't a big deal 50
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't hard 37
it wasn't a big deal 50
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37