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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Rusça / [ W ] / What did you think you were doing

What did you think you were doing Çeviri Rusça

45 parallel translation
What did you think you were doing?
Ты вообще думаешь, что ты делаешь?
- What did you think you were doing?
– Ты что натворила? !
What did you think you were doing?
О чем ты думал?
What did you think you were doing?
Как вы думаете, что вы делаете?
- What did you think you were doing?
- Что ты делаешь?
- Tinker Bell, what did you think you were doing?
- Тинкер Белл, что ты натворила? !
What did you think you were doing?
- Зачем, что, по-твоему, ты делал?
What did you think you were doing?
Ты что, по-твоему, делал?
What did you think you were doing?
Что ты наделал?
What did you think you were doing?
Какое-то дешевый пластиковый "хомут"?
- What did you think you were doing?
Что же ты делаешь?
What did you think you were doing anyway?
Что по твоему ты делал?
What did you think you were doing?
Ты понимаешь, что творишь?
What did you think you were doing?
Ты что, по твоему, творишь?
What did you think you were doing?
- Что ты наделала?
- What did you think you were doing?
А что по-твоему ты сделала?
What did you think you were doing? Sprinkling sunshine?
А вы разве хотели нас повеселить?
What did you think you were doing?
Что вы, по-вашему, делали? !
Well, what did you think you were doing?
Ты о чём вообще думала?
What did you think you were doing? !
И что по-твоему ты делала?
What did I think you were doing?
Вы были вместе в постели. Что еще вы могли там делать?
Just what in the hell did you think you were doing?
Что ты по-твоему вообще блядь такое делал?
What the hell did you think you were doing?
Чёрт, вы хотя бы соображали, что делаете?
What did you think we were doing?
А что мы по-твоему делали?
What the hell did you think you were doing?
Что ты, черт возьми, хотел сделать?
What did you think you were doing?
О, Мартин!
What the hell did you think you were doing back there?
О чем ты, черт возьми, думал, вытворяя там такое?
What the hell did you think you were doing?
Чем, чёрт подери, ты занимался?
What did you think we were doing, comparing our beautiful souls?
А чем ты думала мы занимались - любовались прекрасными душами друг друга?
What else did you think we were doing here--playing house?
А ты думаешь, чем ещё мы тут занимаемся - в куклы играем?
What the hell did you think you were doing?
И что, по-твоему, мы делали?
What the hell did you think you were doing?
Что ты, твою мать, сделала?
What in the hell did you think you were doing?
Ты черт возьми думаешь, что ты делаешь?
What the hell did you think you were doing?
Какого черта, ты думаешь, натворил?
What the hell did you think you were doing?
Какого чёрта ты делаешь?
What did you think you were doing'I
What did you think you were doing?
А чем ты, по-твоему, занимался?
- What did you think we were doing? - Duh.
А ты что думал?
- What did you think we were doing in there?
- Гретхен, слушай... - Чем ты думала мы там занимаемся?
What did you think we were doing?
- А что по-твоему мы делали?
What did you think we were doing?
А что по-твоему мы делали? !
What the hell did you think you were doing?
Что, Черт возьми, по-твоему ты делала? !
What the hell did you think you were doing?
Какого черта ты вытворяешь?
What did you think we were doing?
Чем мы, по-твоему, занимались?

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