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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Türkçe / [ B ] / Burkhardt

Burkhardt Çeviri Türkçe

376 parallel translation
Fellow by the name of Burkhardt.
- Burkhardt adında bir adam.
Yes, Mr. Burkhardt?
- Buyurun, Bay Burkhardt?
Thank you, Mr. Burkhardt.
Teşekkür ederim Bay Burkhardt.
Don't drop me like this, Burkhardt.
Burkhardt, beni böyle bırakma.
You don't just move on from Jackie Burkhardt.
Öylece Jackie Burkhardt'tan vazgeçemezsin.
Jacqueline Burkhardt, will you marry me?
Jacqueline Burkhardt, Benimle evlenir misin?
Under "B," Baker and Burkhardt.
"B" nin altında, Baker ve Burkhardt.
No, Jennifer Burkhardt had a conversation with Dr. March, not me.
Hayır, Jennifer Burkhardt Dr. March ile konuştu, benimle değil.
Mister Burkhardt.
Bay Burkhardt.
I'm sorry, Mr. Burkhardt.
Üzgünüm Bay Burkhardt.
I'm Detective Griffin.. this is detective Burkhardt.
Dedektif Griffin, bu da Dedektif Burkhardt.
Detectives Burkhardt and Griffin.
- Dedektif Burkhardt ve Griffin.
This is Detective Burkhardt.
Ben Dedektif Burkhardt.
These are Detectives Griffin and Burkhardt.
Bunlarda Dedektif Griffin ve Burkhardt.
You can thank Detective Burkhardt.
Aslında Dedektif Burkhardt'a teşekkür etmelisiniz.
Burkhardt remembers me.
Burkhardt beni hatırlıyor.
- Burkhardt.
It's detective Burkhardt.
Ben dedektif Burkhardt.
Now, Burkhardt, whatever else we are, we are both cops, and we ought to be working together.
Burkhardt, ne olursak olalım ikimiz de polisiz. Birlikte çalışmamız icap eder.
Yeah, Burkhardt.
Evet, Burkhardt.
Detectives Burkhardt and Griffin, this is assistant principal Grace Kaplan.
Detektif Burkhardt ve Griffin, bu müdür yardımcısı, Grace Kaplan.
I'm Detective Burkhardt, this is Detective Griffin.
Ben dedektif Burkhardt, Bu da dedektif Griffin.
I'm a friend of Detective Burkhardt's.
Dedektif Burkhardt'ın arkadaşıyım.
Yeah, it's detective Burkhardt.
Evet, Ben dedektif Burkhardt.
Detectives Burkhardt and Griffin.
Detektif Burkhardt ve Griffin.
Detectives Burkhardt and Griffin.
Dedektif Burkhardt ve Dedektif Griffin.
Yeah, this is detective Burkhardt.
Evet, ben Dedektif Burkhardt.
Yeah, Burkhardt.
- Evet? Ben Burkhardt.
It's detectives Burkhardt and Griffin!
Dedektif Burkhardt ve Griffin!
This is Detective Burkhardt.
Bu bey Dedektif Burkhardt.
Yeah, Burkhardt.
Evet? Burkhardt.
Yeah, Burkhardt.
- Evet? Burkhardt.
Sorry, Burkhardt.
- Kusura bakma Burkhardt.
Listen to me. Two people were killed in Rhinebeck, New York, 18 years ago, Reed and Kelly Burkhardt.
Beni dinle. 18 yıl önce Rhinebeck, New York'ta iki kişi öldürüldü.
This is Detective Burkhardt from the Portland police department.
Ben Portland Polisi'nden Dedektif Burkhardt.
Detectives Burkhardt, Griffin, this is Rosalee Calvert.
Dedektif Burkhardt, Griffin. Bu hanım Rosalee Calvert.
- Yeah, Burkhardt.
- Ben Burkhardt.
Well, there are plenty of legal substances that'll still fry your brain.
- Hâlâ beynini uçuracak yasal maddeler var. - Burkhardt.
Burkhardt. Rosalee says she's going to the shop.
- Rosalee dükkâna gittiğini söylüyor.
- I like that idea a lot.
- Bu fikri sevdim. - Burkhardt.
This is detective Burkhardt...
Ben Dedektif Burkhardt.
If there's trouble down there, they might already know about it, and if they don't, they should.
O evde bir sorun varsa zaten biliyor olabilirler. Bilmiyorlarsa da bilmeliler. Adım Nick Burkhardt.
Yeah, this is Nick Burkhardt, I want to report a domestic disturbance at 1800 pine meadows drive.
1800 Pinemeadow Yolu'ndaki bir aile içi şiddet olayını bildirmek istiyorum.
- Sheriff. Detective Burkhardt, Portland pd.
Portland Polisi'nden Dedektif Burkhardt.
- Rosalee? Hey, Nick Burkhardt here.
Benim, Nick Burkhardt.
- Burkhardt. - Hey, Nick.
- Burkhardt.
- Burkhardt.
I'm detective Burkhardt.
- Ben Dedektif Burkhardt.
I'm Nick Burkhardt.
Adım Nick Burkhardt.
Burkhardt. - Hello, Nick.
- Burkhardt.

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