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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Türkçe / [ D ] / Determinate

Determinate Çeviri Türkçe

21 parallel translation
Sir, I think you should know that General Hammond authorised me to take command of the team if I determinate...
Efendim, bilmeniz gerekir ki General Hammond komutayı almam gerektiğinde... - Şimdi yap.
in the UK, around 6 percent the population are gay, lesbian or bisexual it's impossible to determinate the exact figure because people's sexual preference is going to change during the lifetime
İngiltere'deki insanların % 6'sı gay, lezbiyen ya da biseksüel. Bu rakamı kesin olarak belirlemek imkansız... çünkü insanların cinsel tercihleri zaman içinde değişebiliyor.
"We get on stage and determinate."
"Sahneye çikarim ve kararliyim ( determinate )."
That is so not what determinate means.
Kararli kelimesinin anlami o degildir.
♪ Determinate, determinate ♪ Hate to feel this way ♪ And waste a day, I gotta get myself on stage
â ™ ª Determinate, determinate â ™ ª Hate to feel this way â ™ ª And waste a day, I gotta get myself on stage â ™ ª I shouldn't wait or be afraid â ™ ª The chips will fall where they may
♪ Determinate, determinate ♪ It's Wen and I'm heaven-sent ♪ Music like a veteran, renegade, lemonade
â ™ ª Determinate, determinate â ™ ª It's Wen and I'm heaven-sent â ™ ª Music like a veteran, renegade, lemonade
♪ Get down now, I ain't playin'round ♪ Put your feet upon the ground and just make that sound ♪ Gotta turn the world into your dance floor
â ™ ª Get down now, I ain't playin'round â ™ ª Put your feet upon the ground and just make that sound â ™ ª Gotta turn the world into your dance floor â ™ ª Determinate, determinate
♪ Push until you can't and then demand more ♪ Determinate, determinate ♪ You and me together
â ™ ª Push until you can't and then demand more â ™ ª Determinate, determinate â ™ ª You and me together
♪ Gotta turn the world into your dance floor ♪ Determinate, determinate ♪ Come on and, come on and come on and get it going
â ™ ª Gotta turn the world into your dance floor â ™ ª Determinate, determinate â ™ ª Come on and, come on and come on and get it going
♪ On the dance floor, determinate ♪
â ™ ª On the dance floor, determinate â ™ ª
♪ Gotta turn the world into your dance floor ♪ Determinate, determinate ♪ Push until you can't and then demand more
â ™ ª Gotta turn the world into your dance floor â ™ ª Determinate, determinate â ™ ª Push until you can't and then demand more â ™ ª Determinate, determinate â ™ ª You and me together
♪ We can make it better ♪ Gotta turn the world into your dance floor ♪ Determinate, determinate ♪
â ™ ª We can make it better â ™ ª Gotta turn the world into your dance floor â ™ ª Determinate, determinate â ™ ª
♪ Determinate, determinate ♪ Push until you can't and then demand more ♪ Determinate, determinate
â ™ ª Determinate, determinate â ™ ª Push until you can't and then demand more â ™ ª Determinate, determinate â ™ ª Come on and, come on and come on and get it going
♪ Determinate ♪
â ™ ª Determinate â ™ ª
the enemy's sporadic attacks during the night were to determinate the most vulnerable points in the US lines.
Düşmanın gece boyu süren aralıklı saldırıları ABD hattındaki en zayıf noktaları saptamak içindi.
Special prosecutor Thomas Dewe is determinate to find Mafia kingpin Luky Luciano.
Özek savcı Thomas Dewey, mafya patronu "Lucky" Luciano'yu bulmaya kararlıydı.
- We call it the Delta Determinate.
Biz kati delta diyoruz.
♪ Determinate, determinate ♪ Push until you can't and then demand more ♪ Determinate, determinate
â ™ ª Determinate, determinate â ™ ª Push until you can't and then demand more â ™ ª Determinate, determinate â ™ ª You and me together â ™ ª We can make it better â ™ ª Gotta turn the world into your dance floor
It's always been that the decisions made by the few with the money and the power, dictated by the priorities of their government and the stories in the media they determinate the lives and opportunities of their citizens but now there's something bigger than that
It's always been that the decisions made by the few with the money and the power, dictated by the priorities of their government and the stories in the media they determinate the lives and opportunities of their citizens Ama şimdi bundan daha büyük bir şey var...

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