It was a man Çeviri Türkçe
2,168 parallel translation
It was a wolf I saw in that building, but it was a man that came out!
Binada gördüğüm kurttu. Dışarı çıkan ise bir adamdı.
- George. It was a man dressed as a wolf.
Kurt postu giymiş bir adamdı George.
It was a man and a woman.
Bir kadın ve bir erkekti.
Even if it was a man, I wouldn't want to see that.
Adam olsa da böyle bir şey görmek istemezdim.
Stevie and I tried a spot o'field playing but it got competitive because it was a man in uniform!
Belli bir kariyer yönüm olmadı hiç.
It was about a man who died a long time ago.
Uzun zaman ölen bir adam hakkında.
It was a two-man operation?
İki kişilik bir operasyon muydu?
It was the body of a man.
Birinin cesediydi.
It wasn't that Owen thought that the story of the Garden of Eden was literally correct, but nonetheless he was a deeply religious man.
Sebep, Owen'ın "Cennet bahçesi" hikayesinin harfiyen doğru olduğuna inanıyor olması değildi. Yine de Owen, koyu dindar bir adamdı.
Moments later a man was found murdered, and I think you had something to do with it.
Birkaç dakika sonra ölü bir adam bulundu. Bence olayla ilginiz var.
Believe it or not, at one time, he was once a decent man.
İster inan ister inanma, bir zamanlar saygın bir adamdı.
I had no idea that Jasper existed until he was a grown man. Is this true? It is.
Jasper koca adam olana dek varlığından haberim olmadı.
E-Excuse me. How very rude. I-It's just... you're the spitting image of my brother when he was a young man.
Ağabeyimin gençlik hâlinin adeta kopyasısınız.
It was a man.
Bir adamdı.
But, sir, whatever attacked us was not a man. It was a wolf.
Bize saldıran insan değildi efendim.
He was an underboss. He was a favorite of the old man's, but he got Squeezed out by junior when the old man bit it.
Yaşlı moruğun en sevdiği adamıydı ama o nalları dikince oğlu tarafından dışlandı.
He was a brave man doing it all for Felicia, of course, not just for the potential profits.
Cesur bir adamdı. Tabii ki her şeyi kâr için değil Felicia için yapıyordu.
I know. I was married to Donna for six years, and that's not as long as you and Elliot. But it's long enough to feel a gut punch when she left me for another man.
Biliyorum. 6 yıl boyunca Donna ile evliydim, ve evliliğim, sen ile Elliot kadar uzun sürmedi, ama beni başka bir adam için terk ettiğinde, yumruk yemiş gibi hissedecek...
Now, Nietzsche was a man who could never see an idea without pushing it too far.
Tabi, Nietzsche, sonuna kadar zorlamadan bir fikrin peşini asla bırakmayan bir adamdı.
A man in Russia who underwent penis-enlargement surgery returned to his doctors a month later begging them to undo it because he was too big and no woman wanted to be with him.
Rusya'da bir adam penis büyütme operasyonundan sonra çok büyük olduğu için kadınların onu reddettiğini söyleyerek doktorlardan onu eski haline getirmelerini istedi.
I don't think the old man realized how difficult it was to build a house. It took us two years.
Sanırım bizim ihtiyar, ev yapmanın ne kadar zor oluğunu anlamamıştı.
That sucks. Well if it's any consolation, my night was a complete bust man.
İğrençmiş, benim gecem de rezil geçti, için rahat olsun.
Really, I would say, if I was a betting man, that these two crazy kids are gonna work it out.
Gerçekten. Eğer bahse girecek olsaydım paramı bu iki deli çocuğa yatırırdım.
If there was a time to listen to a white man, this would be it.
Bu da beyazların lafını dinlemen gereken o anlardan biri.
They say it was because of a man.
Bir erkek yüzünden olmuş diyorlar.
Well, once upon a time, there was a young man probably around 10 or 11 who got it in his head that he wanted to take his father fishing.
Bir varmış bir yokmuş, eskiden 10-11 yaşlarında bir çocuk varmış. Bu çocuk bir gün babasını balığa götürmeyi kafasına koymuş.
Oh, earlier I heard Isabelle having an argument with a man. It was that man.
Isabelle'i erken saatlerde bir adamla tartışırken duydum şu adamla.
It was like I was just waiting for a call, man.
Aramasını bekleyip durdum, dostum.
I thought it was a comedy about one man's failed journey through the Kama Sutra
Neden? Kama Sutra seyahati başarısız olmuş bir adamın komik hikayesi olacak sanıyordum.
He said that the man with that mark... would try to open a door between our two worlds... that a storm was coming, and that the only way to stop it would be for me to find him before the shape-shifters did.
İşaretli olan adamın iki dünya arasındaki kapıyı açmaya çalıştığını söyledi... Fırtınanın yaklaştığını ve bunu önleyebilmenin tek yolunun şekil değiştirenden önce onu bulmak olduğunu söyledi.
This bar looks like it was set up by a blind man, And there's no bourbon.
Sanki kör bir adam bu barı düzenlemiş ve burbon yok.
- Such as it is. He was a great account man.
Çok iyi bir müşteri temsilcisiydi.
Unfortunately, it looks like our con man was running a whole slew of cons.
Ne yazık ki dalaverecimiz bir sürü dolap çeviriyormuş.
If I was a religious man, I'd think it was a miracle.
İnançlı birisi olsaydım bu bir mucize derdim.
Because while i was busy trying to improve the company and make it a success, jim, the bad man, was busy kissing the boss man's butt.
Ben şirket geliştirmekle meşgul olup, başarıya koştururken Jim, yani kötü adam, patronun kıçını öpmekle meşguldü.
How does it feel to have taken out one of SB's most notorious drug lords, a man who was personally targeting you?
Kişisel olarak sizi öldürmek isteyen, SB'nın en azılı uyuşturucu kralını ortadan kaldırmak nasıl bir duygu?
A man's life was hanging in the balance. It was clearly our only move.
Adamın hayatı pamuk ipliğine bağlıydı ve yapılacak tek bir hareket vardı.
Those that got locked inside of it knew that there was only one fate and that's to be devoured by a horrible, ravenous, man-eating beast.
Oraya kilitlenenler, tek bir kaderlerinin olduğunu ve sonlarının korkunç, yırtıcı, insan yiyen bir canavarın elinden olacağını biliyorlardı.
It was started up just over a year ago by a man named Arthur Janson.
Bir yıl kadar önce Arthur Janson isimli bir adam kurmuş.
I can tell you that... it was a lot harder than being caught by my old man, you know?
Diyeceğim şu ki beni babam böyle yakalasa, o kadar koymazdı, anlıyor musunuz?
I just heard that before spider-man was a movie, It was a comic book- - is that possible?
Örümcek Adam'ın filminden önce çizgi romanı varmış diye duydum, bu doğru olabilir mi?
"it was a typical day For delivery man avery mann until..."
"Postacı Avery Mann için o gün sıradan bir gündü, ta ki..."
But then, after a close call, She came to her senses And told the man it was over.
Bir tehlike atlattıktan sonra kendine geldi adama bittiğini söyledi.
Because that was a dummy wolf man, and it's really hard to play with a dummy.
Çünkü o aptal bir kurt adamdı ve aptallarla film çekmek çok zor.
It's very possible that the ancient Greeks, looking at erupting volcanoes like Mount Etna, might have looked at that huge angry red eye of the volcano as it erupted hot rocks and lava, and they might have pictured a sort of monstrous man-mountain with a single eye that was angrily raging at mankind.
Etna Dağı gibi patlayan volkanları gören antik Yunanlıların, volkanın büyük kırmızı gözüne, ateşten kayalar ve lav püskürtürken baktıklarında, insanlara ateş püsküren, tek gözlü, dev bir insandan dağ hayal etmiş olma ihtimalleri yüksektir.
Sometimes, it was tough to get his attention. But he was a good man.
bazen dikkatini toplayamazdı, ama iyi bir adamdı.
But Merlin wouldn't be half the magician he is today without 23-year-old Colin Morgan, a man of whom it could be said was also destined for great things.
Ama Merlin bugün büyücü olmak yerine, 23 yaşında Colin Morgan olur, harika işler yapmak alın yazısı olduğunu söylenebiliriz.
Look, he had it out for me because he put me on trial for an assault I didn't commit and he lost. And rather than being a man about it, he decided to rattle my cage, to show me who was the alpha male.
Ancak delikanlı gibi kabul etmektense patronun kim olduğunu göstermek için bile bile üzerime gelmeyi tercih etti.
A man's life was hanging in the balance, And it was my job to save him.
Bir adamın hayatı tehlikedeydi, ve onu kurtarmak benim görevimdi.
Mr. Scott, I know you're a busy man and your schedule moves around a lot, but through all your generosity through the years, your tots, who are ready to graduate, thought it was time to give you a proper thank you.
Bay Scott, meşgul biri olduğunuzu biliyoruz. ... işlerinizden dolayı sürekli yolculuk ediyorsunuzdur. Ama cömertliğinizden dolayı, liseden mezun olan "sizin çocuklarınız", size özel bir teşekkür sunmak istiyorlar.
It was like a brother be going, my man, could you spare a dollar?
bi kardeşinin gelip şöyle söylemesi gibi, "adamım, enerji kaynakları için bir doların varmı?"
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was good 635
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233
it was good 635
it wasn't hard 37
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it was stupid 233