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It was your idea Çeviri Türkçe

954 parallel translation
So it was your idea to pay off Lionel?
Yani Lionel'a rüşvet vermek sizin fikrinizdi?
You shot the video, your kid posted it online, and it was your idea to fire Jason.
Videoyu sen çektin, çocuğun internete koydu Jason'ı kovmak senin fikrindi.
It was your idea to come up here in the first place.
Buraya gelmek senin fikrindi.
It was your idea.
Bu senin fikrindi.
- It was your idea.
- Bu senin fikrindi.
But it was your idea.
- Ama bu sizin fikrinizdi!
Look, it was your idea.
Bak, bu senin fikrindi.
She said it was your idea.
Senin fikrin oIduğunu söyIedi.
It was your idea to establish a purchasing depot there.
Oraya ikmal deposu kurmak zorundayız.
Let him think it was your idea, that you heard about the accident and came.
Senin fikrin olduğunu, kazayı duyup geldiğini düşünsün.
It was your idea?
Bu senin fikrin miydi?
It was your idea.
Bu senin fikrin.
After all, it was your idea.
Ne de olsa, senin fikrindi.
Go ahead, it was your idea.
- Senin fikrindi.
It was your idea to steal them.
Onları çalmak senin fikrindi.
It was your idea of a joke.
O senin şaka yapma anlayışındı.
- It was your idea!
- Senin fikrindi.
- It was your idea.
- Ama fikir senden çıktı!
Very well, but remember it was your idea.
Pekala, ama hala plan aşamasında unutmayın.
- It was your idea, when you're better.
- Senin fikrindi, önce bir iyileş de.
- It was your idea.
- Senin fikrindi.
It was your idea.
Senin fikrindi.
Stop it. - It was your idea.
- Senin fikrindi.
It was your idea to use her as bait to get Ichi.
Onu Ichi'ye karşı yem olarak kullanmak senin fikrindi.
It was your idea, Abigail.
Senin fikrindi, Abigail.
You. You're the cause of it all. It was your idea.
Sen. Her şeye sen sebep oldun Bu senin fikrindi.
Don't crawfish, it was your idea.
Kaçma şimdi, senin fikrindi.
it was your idea, you know.
Biliyorsun, bu senin fikrindi.
- It was your idea, you wanted it.
- Bu senin fikrindi, bunu sen istemiştin.
But sergeant, it was your idea.
Ama çavuşum, sizin fikrinizdi.
No, it was your idea.
Hayır, sizin fikrinizdi.
Don't know? Look, you're the director. It was your idea to bring him over here from India.
Onu Hindistan'dan getirmek senin fikrindi.
Mimi, it was my idea to have your husband here. Wasn't it clever of me?
Mimi, kocanı buraya getirme fikri benimdi, ne kadar zekiyim değil mi?
Mr. Stephens, was it your idea that Barrow and Miss Porter were merely casual acquaintances?
Bay Stephens, Barrow ile Bayan Porter'in tanışıyor olmaları sizin fikriniz miydi?
You know, I was just thinking. Wouldn't it be a good idea for you to have Ellie May come down to your house and kind of look after the place and cook for you?
Düşündüm de, acaba Ellie May senin eve gelse senin için ortalığa çekidüzen verip yemek yapsa iyi olmaz mıydı?
- Colonel, it was your own idea.
- Albay, bu sizin fikrinizdi ama.
It was Beda, it was your bandage that gave me the idea you were a physician.
Beda sayesinde, yaptığınız bandaj bana doktor olduğunuz fikrini verdi.
- It was your own idea. - I know.
Senin fikrindi.
This was your idea, wasn't it?
Senin fikrindi, değil mi?
Your sister-in-law thought it was a good idea to have target practice on those bottles.
Şu şişeleri hedef alıp pratik yapmanın iyi bir fikir olduğunu düşünmüş.
As a matter of fact, Miss Warriner, I don't think it was a good idea your coming here today.
Aslına bakarsanız Bayan Warriner,... bugün buraya gelmeniz iyi bir fikir olmadı sanırım.
Was it your idea, Joey, or was it hers?
Senin fikrin değil miydi? Yoksa onun fikri miydi?
- It was all your idea, Bobo.
- Ama hepsi senin fikrindi Bobo.
When I mentioned your idea, he said it was the last one you'd have.
Vip günü fikrini beğenmiş. Bu sizin tek...
What, was this Frazer's idea or was it your idea?
Bu Frazer'ın mı, senin fikrin mi?
Oh, good! Then you can swear how it was all your idea.
Oh, bu güzel.
It was entirely your idea and then, you're ashamed of me.
Gelmeyi ben istemedim. Hepsi senin fikrindi ve şimdi, benden utanıyorsun.
- Was it your clever idea to risk this engine in a daylight run?
- Lokomotifi gün ışığında sürüp riske girmek sizin fikriniz miydi?
It was you and your obstinate idea that I am stupid, like you.
Senin yaptığın bu inat yüzünden ben de senin gibi aptallık yapıyorum.
No, it was always your idea.
Hayır, en başından beri senin fikrindi.
I think it only fair to say that your being brought in on this case was not my idea.
Bu olayın başına getirilmenin benim fikrim olmadığını bilmen çok iyi olur.

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