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Mcnally Çeviri Türkçe

419 parallel translation
Get Browning, Schlagel and McNally in New York City now.
New York'tan Browning, Schlagel ve McNally'i bağla hemen.
Browning, Schlagel and McNally.
Browning, Schlagel ve McNally.
Browning, Schlagel and McNally. Long-distance from Memphis?
Browning, Schlagel ve McNally, Memphis'ten uzun mesafeli bir arama.
Ever hear of Browning, Schlagel and McNally?
Browning, Schlagel ve McNally'i duymuş muydun?
I've been with Browning, Schlagel and McNally 17 years in full charge of the drug account.
Browning, Schlagel ve McNally'de, 17 yıldır uluslararası ilaç hesabını yönetiyorum.
You know how long it takes at Browning, Schlagel and McNally to get a corner...?
Browning, Schlagel ve McNally'de köşe ofise sahip olmak kaç yıl sürüyor...?
Tell Colonel McNally the train's ready.
Albay McNally'ye tren hazır deyin.
Tell Colonel McNally the train is ready.
Albay McNally'ye tren hazır deyin.
Colonel McNally, over here.
Albay McNally, bu tarafa.
I'd like you to meet my friend Cord McNally.
Arkadaşım Cord McNally'yle tanış.
- No, Mr McNally.
- Hayır, Bay McNally.
And this is Colonel McNally.
Bu da Albay McNally.
- Cord McNally.
- Cord McNally.
McNally, give him one for Tuscarora.
McNally, Tuscarora için de bir tane vur.
It's all right, Colonel McNally, they're friends.
Sorun yok Albay McNally, onlar dost.
Mr McNally, you make a person feel...
Bay McNally, siz insanı çok...
"rand-mcnally guide to the stars."
"Rand-Mcnally yıldız haritası."
Lighten up, McNally.
Neşelen, McNally.
John Kungle played ball with the young man... who was known here in Florida City as Richard McNally.
John Kungle, burada Florida City'de... Richard McNally olarak tanınan genç ile top oynamıştı.
- Hey, McNally,
- Hey, McNally, O resmin bir kopyasını da ben istiyorum.
Detective McNally.
Dedektif McNally.
RIO : First we're gonna break your arms. McNALLY :
- Önce kollarını kıracağız.
- Hadi çocuklar, bunu kaçırmayalım!
McNALLY : How does that sand taste, huh?
- Nasıl, hoşuna gitti mi ha?
McNALLY : You're dead, you little puke.
Öldün sen, küçük kusmuk!
McNALLY : You're dead.
- Öldün sen!
McNALLY : Oh, no! Morning, boys.
- Günaydın çocuklar.
Maggie Conlan, erm, I'm Kevin McNally from Social Services.
Maggie Conlan, ben Kevin McNally Sosyal Hizmetlerden.
So down there in, say, Argentina or Rand McNally, all their water runs backwards?
Yani, Arjantin'de ya da Rand McNally'de su ters tarafa akar diyorsun?
In fact, in Rand McNally, they wear hats on their feet and hamburgers eat people.
Aslında, Rand McNally'de insanlar ayaklarına şapka giyer ve hamburgerler insanları yer.
He attacked McNally with a fucking ax.
McNally'ye bir baltayla saldırmış.
McNally, help me get a count. Let's figure a way out of here.
Buradan çıkmanın yolunu bulalım.
McNally, you're staying.
McNally, sen kalıyorsun.
... McNally, who's been thoroughly in command.
McNally maça damgasını vurmaya başladı.
Does Terrence McNally know about you two?
Terrence McNally'nin sizden haberi var mı acaba?
I'm an attorney at Downing, McNally Dima.
Downing, McNally Dima'da avukatım.
I'll be the first guy to leave here since Jimmy McNally went to Disney World.
Jimmy McNally, Disney World'e gittiğinden beri buradan ayrılan ilk kişi olacağım.
McNally, you hear the same stories I do.
Sen de aynı hikayeleri duydun, McNally.
McNALLY : Seems like a waste of time, if your source is really on the money.
Eğer kaynağın parayla birlikteyse, hepsi zaman kaybı olabilir.
Look, I trust this source, McNally.
Kaynağıma güveniyorum, McNally.
- Damn, McNally...
- Kahretsin, McNally...
- McNally.
- McNally.
Here they are, McNally.
Buradalar McNally.
- And who are you, Rand McNally?
Rand McNally navigasyon sistemi mi?
- Sıra bende.
- Evet.
All right.
McNally, bana yardım et.
- Ne?
Come on, McNally. What are you so afraid of?
Hadi, McNally.

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