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Patten Çeviri Türkçe

31 parallel translation
Was it Kierkegaard or Dick Van Patten who said,
Şunu söyleyen Kierkegaard mıydı yoksa Dick Van Patten mı,
I can't believe that Bryce prefers Van Patten's card to mine.
Onun kartını benimkinden daha çok beğendiğine inanamıyorum.
He wants to meet you, David Van Patten, and Tim Bryce at Harry's for drinks.
Craig Mcdermott seninle buluşmak istiyor.
What did you say, you dumb bitch?
Patten ile buluşacakmışsınız. - Tanrım! Neden haber vermedin?
Here's former Eight Is Enough star, Dick Van Patten.
İşte eski Eight is Enough yıldızı, Dick Van Patten.
At this rate, we'll make Berlin before Monty or Patten.
Bu durumda, Monty yada Patten'den önce Berline ulaşırız.
A contingent comprising of 500 from People's Liberation Army entered Hong Kong, as the colony's last British Governor Chris Patten departs...
Arada bir. Ya sen?
I can accept the suicide attempt, that is post-partum depression, but... everything else was a clear patten of abuse.
Doğum sonrası depresyondan intihar eğilimini anlarım ama bir çocuğa böyle davranmasını kaldıramam.
Like that movie with the hedge maze and Vincent Van Patten?
Labirent ve Vincent Van Patten'in filmi gibi?
I'm Mike Sexton along with Vince Van Patten, and Vince, this is going to be an amazing week of poker.
Ben Mike Sexton ve bu da arkadaşım Vince Van Patten. Vince, oldukça heyecan verici bir hafta olacak.
Heard rumours that the exiled ANC was gathering bomb-making materials, looking to avenge last year's attack on their Patten Street offices.
Sürgündeki ANC'nin bomba yapım malzemeleri topladığı ve geçen sene Patten Caddesi'ndeki bürolarına yapılan saldırının intikamını alacağı dedikodusunu duymuş.
- There you go, Mrs Patten.
- Buyurun, Bayan Patten.
I've read the complete works of Marguerite Patten and everything.
Marguerite Patten'in kitaplarının hepsini okudum.
- Marguerite Patten is from High Barnet.
- High Barnet'ten Marguerite Patten.
- Dick Van Patten?
- Dick Van Patten?
- Well, good heavens, Mr Patten!
- Çok güzel Mr Patten!
- Mr Patten was asking...
- Mr Patten - -
Ah, Patten.
- Patten, remind me.
- Patten, hatırlat
I'm patten leading the third army in my tank.
Tankımla üçüncü orduya destek oluyorum.
I need to get to Patten.
Patten'a gitmem gerek.
I'm Detective Alcala... this is Detective Patten.
Ben dedektif Alcala, bu da dedektif Patten.
Ms. Van Patten.
Bayan Van Patten.
I coming into the closet, Ms. Van Patten.
İceri giriyorum, Bayan Van Patten.
Colonel Van Patten, you can go right into the Situation room.
Albay Van Patten, Durum Odası'na gecebilirsiniz.
These ray guns gonna work, Van Patten?
Bu ısın silahları ise yarayacak mı, Van Patten?
Anything, Colonel Van Patten?
Bir sey var mı, Albay Van Patten?
Eddie Plant Ludlow Lamonsoff Sam Brenner And Lt. Col. Violet Van Patten are American heroes.
Eddie Plant Ludlow Lamonsoff Sam Brenner ve Yarbay Violet Van Patten Amerikan kahramanlarıdır.
Dick Van Patten, and that's my big ol'dick.
Dick Van Patten, benim big ol'dick'im.
Prince Charles and Governor Patten were both smiling as they arrived.
Prens Charles ve Vali Patten gülüyordu.
- Like Marguerite Patten.
- Marguerite Patten gibi.

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