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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Türkçe / [ P ] / Perhaps tomorrow

Perhaps tomorrow Çeviri Türkçe

202 parallel translation
Perhaps tomorrow.
Belki yarın.
Perhaps tomorrow we'll be on the plane.
Yarın uçağa binmiş olabiliriz.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Novotny, perhaps tomorrow.
Maalesef, bayan. Novotny, belki yarın.
Perhaps tomorrow I'll take one myself.
Belki yarın da ben yaparım.
But each day I thought, "perhaps tomorrow".
Fakat her geçen gün, belki yarın diye düşündüm.
Perhaps tomorrow.
- Hayır bu gece olmaz, belki yarın.
Perhaps tomorrow night?
Yarın gece olur belki, ha?
Perhaps tomorrow, later in the day, we could talk.
Belki yarın konuşabiliriz.
No more running today or perhaps tomorrow.
Bugün koşmak yok, yarın da öyle.
And I... I see myself perhaps tomorrow, perhaps next year,
Ve ben... kendimi... belki yarın, belki de gelecek yıl,
Perhaps tomorrow.
Yarın yapsanız?
Perhaps tomorrow, maybe?
Yarın olabilir mi?
Perhaps I'll tell you tomorrow.
Belki yarın sana söylerim.
Tomorrow perhaps.
- Yarın, belki.
It's tomorrow perhaps
Belki yarın.
Some other time, or perhaps you would break your journey and sup with me tomorrow.
Belki başka bir zaman. Ya da yola ara verip yarın benimle yemek yiyin.
Perhaps we can come back again tomorrow night.
Belki yarın akşam yine geliriz.
Perhaps, tomorrow.
Belki yarın.
Lieutenant, I think perhaps we'd better have a little powwow in your office tomorrow.
Teğmen bence yarın senin ofiste küçük bir toplantı yapmalıyız.
Perhaps if you'd wait and see Linda tomorrow.
- Belki beklersen yarın linda'yı görürsün.
- Tomorrow, perhaps.
Belki yarın. - Sevgilim.
Tomorrow, perhaps I'll be less strong, I'm sure.
Yarın, belki gücüm olmaz, eminim.
If you try to get some sleep and compose yourself... - perhaps we can discuss it tomorrow. - You'll discuss it now!
Eğer biraz uyuyup dinlenirseniz belki yarın konuşabiliriz.
I'm leaving tomorrow, perhaps sooner.
Yarın yola çıkıyorum belki de daha erken.
Perhaps it would be pleasant for you to go tomorrow and bring back the jewels you redeem.
Yarın kendiniz gitseniz daha iyi olur belki de hem rehin bıraktığınız mücevherleri de geri alırsınız.
Perhaps you would attend a meeting at my house... at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning.
Belki de yarın sabah 11'de evimizde yapılacak toplantıya katılırsınız.
Perhaps he won't be home until late tonight, or he may even camp in the hills and come in tomorrow after you're gone.
Belki gece geç saatlerde eve gelir... veya tepelerde kamp kurup yarın siz gittikten sonra burada olur.
Well, not tomorrow, perhaps, but we'd like you to be ready to open in about two weeks.
Yarın olmaz. İki hafta içinde başlamak istiyoruz.
He'll be free by tomorrow, perhaps.
Belki yarın çıkar.
- Perhaps I'll come back tomorrow.
- Yarın yine gelirim.
Tomorrow, perhaps.
Yarın, belki.
- Tomorrow, perhaps.
- Yarin olabilir.
I think perhaps we should finish our game tomorrow, major.
Maçımızı yarın bitirsek iyi olur sanırım, binbaşı.
Perhaps if you were to come into my offce tomorrow, or the next day.
Belki yarın veya öbürkü gün ofisime gelebilirseniz.
If the city can't do anything, perhaps the state can. We'll take it up with the governor tomorrow.
- Eğer şehir yönetimi bir şey yapamazsa, belki eyalet yetkilileri yapar.
- See you tomorrow perhaps.
- Belki yarın görüşürüz.
Perhaps, tomorrow...
Belki yarın...
Perhaps if, uh, if I could rest it tonight, uh, I'll be all right tomorrow.
Belkide yarın olursa, yani bu gece dinlenebilseydik...
But if we can keep them locked in their own stockade and at the same time if we can destroy the ammunition dump with a cannon if we can attack on their ground if we can keep them inside, on the defensive if we can be ready by tomorrow's sunrise then perhaps we might win.
Ama onları kendi hapishanelerine tıkabilirsek ve aynı zamanda cephaneliği topla imha edebilirsek eğer onlara kendi topraklarında saldırabilirsek onları içeride, savunmada tutabilirsek eğer yarın gündoğumundan önce hazır olabilirsek belki o zaman yenebiliriz. - Eğer.
- Perhaps we'll get a bill tomorrow.
- Yarın elimize bir fatura verilebilir.
Well, perhaps for tonight. And tomorrow I'll come for you.
Belki bu gece olmaz ama, yarın senin için geleceğim.
Well, tomorrow, perhaps.
Şey, belki yarın.
Perhaps tomorrow?
Belki yarın?
Tomorrow perhaps.
Yarın olabilir.
Stay with them tomorrow, and always. Perhaps...
Şimdi, yarın ve hatta daima!
In fact, he is so well that perhaps tonight or maybe tomorrow morning, he'll be visiting.
Aslında, bu gece ya da yarın sabah onu ziyaret ettiğimizde daha iyi olacak.
Perhaps we'll be able to fit you in tomorrow.
Belki yarın alabiliriz.
The day after tomorrow, perhaps.
Belki ertesi gün.
Perhaps it's just as well that you won't be here tomorrow, to be offended by the sight of our May Day celebrations here.
Bahar Bayramı kutlama görüntülerimizden rahatsızlık duymamak adına... belki de yarın burada olmamanız iyi oldu.
Perhaps it's just as well that you won't be here... to be offended by the sight of our May Day celebrations tomorrow.
"Bahar Bayramı kutlama görüntülerimizden rahatsızlık duymamak adına.. belki de yarın burada olmamanız iyi oldu."
So that you made this? Now they know our address perhaps e appears tomorrow. "
"Neden bunu yaptın?" "Artık nerede oturduğumuzu biliyorlar."

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