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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Türkçe / [ P ] / Pinoke

Pinoke Çeviri Türkçe

22 parallel translation
Well, Pinoke...
Eh, Pinoke...
Attaboy, Pinoke, and I'm gonna help ya.
Aferin, Pinoke, ben de sana yardım edeceğim.
Try it again, Pinoke.
Yeniden dene, Pinoke.
Why, it's... it's Pinoke!
Ama bu... Bu Pinoke!
Here they come, Pinoke.
Geliyorlar, Pinoke.
Pinoke, you can't go!
Pinoke, gidemezsin!
She's right, Pinoke, you better come clean.
Haklı, Pinoke, doğruyu söylemelisin.
Come on, Pinoke.
Hadi, Pinoke.
That's the stuff, Pinoke.
İşte böyle, Pinoke.
Oh, Pinoke?
Ah, Pinoke?
This is the life, Pinoke.
Hayat bu, Pinoke.
Pinoke, the kids, the boys, they're all donkeys!
Pinoke, çocukların hepsi eşek olmuş!
This way, Pinoke.
Bu taraftan, Pinoke.
Pinoke, come here.
Pinoke, buraya gel.
Pinoke, are you crazy?
Pinoke, sen delirdin mi?
Hey, Pinoke, wait!
Hey, Pinoke, bekle!
Hey, Pinoke, wait for me!
Hey, Pinoke, beni bekle!
Go ahead, Pinoke, ask them.
Hadi, Pinoke, sor onlara.

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