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Sabretooth Çeviri Türkçe

59 parallel translation
WOLVERINE : Sabretooth!
SABRETOOTH : Let him go!
Bırakın onu!
His name's Sabretooth.
İsmi Sabretooth.
If you take Sabretooth from this infirmary, don't bother coming back.
Sabretooth'u buradan götürürsen, geri dönmeye zahmet etme.
Besides, Sabretooth needs our help.
Hem Sabretooth'un yardımımıza ihtiyacı var.
Trini, fearless and agile, the Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord
Trini, korkusuz ve çeviksin, Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord
- Sabretooth Tiger!
- Sabretooth Tiger!
Sabretooth Tiger!
- Smilodon!
- Sabretooth nearly killed you.
- Sabretooth neredeyse seni öldürüyordu.
XAVIER : Is there no limit to the torment in your mind, Sabretooth?
Zihnindeki acıların sınırı yok mu, Sabretooth?
Your mind is full of torment Sabretooth.
Zihnin acıyla dolu, Sabretooth.
( SABRETOOTH GROWLING ) What are you hiding from me, Sabretooth?
Benden ne saklıyorsun, Sabretooth?
Ne büyük acı.
I've been spending some time with Sabretooth probing his mind, working to help alleviate his rages, much as I did for Wolverine.
Sabretooth'la biraz vakit geçirdim. Zihnine girip, öfkesini hafifletmeye çalıştım Wolverine'e yaptığım gibi.
After conquering your own rages, Wolverine, you more than anyone know what Sabretooth is going through.
Öfkeni zapt etmemizden sonra, Wolverine Sabretooth'un neler yaşadığını herkesten daha iyi anlıyor olman gerek.
Jubilee, you stay here and look after Sabretooth.
Jubilee, sen burada kalıp Sabretooth'a bak.
SABRETOOTH : Magneto ordered me to find this place and take it over.
Magneto burayı bulup ele geçirmemi istedi.
Good thing I didn't go too far away to cool off, Sabretooth.
İyi ki fazla uzağa gitmemişim, Sabretooth.
But Sabretooth was about to total me!
Ama Sabretooth beni haklayacaktı!
Sabretooth Tiger!
- Sabretooth tiger.
Sabre-toothed Tiger!
- Sabretooth Tiger.
The mutant Sabretooth.
Mutant Sabretoos.
You've got a lot of guts coming up here, Sabretooth.
Buraya gelmek büyük cesaret ister, Sabretooth.
- WOLVERINE : Sabretooth!
- Sabretooth!
SABRETOOTH : What's wrong, punk?
Ne oldu serseri?
- You sent me that photo! - SABRETOOTH :
- Bana o fotografi sen gönderdin!
SABRETOOTH : Move it, runt!
- Kipirda!
One moment, Sabretooth.
Dur biraz, Sabretooth.
The remarkable tissue regeneration in the subjects code named Wolverine and Sabretooth appears to be genetic.
Wolverine ve Sabretooth kod isimli deneklerdeki müsis doku yenilenmesinin sebebi genetik gibi görünüyor.
We will try the process on Wolverine first, then if successful, on Sabretooth.
Prosesi önce Wolverine üzerinde deneyecegiz basariya ulasirsak da Sabretooth'ta.
Hiçbir sey!
Give Sabretooth a blaster.
Sabretooth'a bir silah ver.
suraya bakin!
Where's Sabretooth?
Sabretooth nerede?
You brought the stain of Sabretooth into our lives!
Sabertooth lekesini hayatlarımıza sen soktun!
Our research shows that the corruption of your blood does not end with Sabretooth.
Araştırmalarımıza göre kanındaki bozulma Sabertooth ile bitmeyecek.
It was bad enough to find out that Sabretooth is my father.
Sabertooth'un, babam olduğunu öğrenmek berbat zaten.
- Sabretooth!
- Sabertooth!
The man who attacked you is an associate of his called Sabretooth. Sabretooth?
Sana saldıran onun bir arkadaşı, adı Kaplan.
Tell you what, Sabretooth.
Sana ne diyeceğim Sabretooth.
- Sabretooth!
- Sabretooth!
- That seems to be Sabretooth's plan too.
- Sabretooth'unda planı bu olmalı.
Sabretooth, where is Wolverine?
Sabretooth, Wolverine nerede?
- Sabretooth.
- Sabretooth.
A strange woman was spotted near the scene of the violence... High above city hall, an amateur video caught a glimpse of... ( SABRETOOTH GROWLING ) MALE ANNO UNCER :
Belediye binası yakınlarında amatör bir video tarafından çekilen...
Man, that is one ferocious bug!
- Sabretooth Tiger.
Sabretooth Tiger!
Sabretooth tiger.
- Sabretooth Tiger.

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