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You were right about everything Çeviri Türkçe

78 parallel translation
You were right about everything,
Her konuda haklıydınız.
You were right about everything.
Sen her konuda haklıydın.
You were right about everything, OK?
Hepsinde haklıydın, tamam mı?
Yes. You were right about everything.
Evet... herşeyle ilgili haklıydın.
You were right about everything.
Sen hakliydin herseyde.
You were right about everything I even fell off the roof
Her konuda haklıydın. Çatıdan bile düştüm.
Giles, you were right about everything.
Giles, her konuda haklıydın.
You were right about everything. I slept with Max Winter.
Max Winter'la yattım.
You were right about everything, Joey.
Çok haklıydın Joey.
You were right about everything.
... sen haklıydın, her konuda...
You were right about everything.
Her konuda haklıydın.
You were right about everything.
Her şey konusunda haklıydın.
But then you were right about everything.
Ama tüm söyledikleriniz doğruydu.
Well, I just... I wanted to say that you were right about everything.
Sadece her konuda haklı olduğunu sana söylemek istedim.
Look, you were right about everything, my purpose.
Her konuda haklıydın, benim amacım.
you were right about everything.
Söylediklerinde haklıydın.
You were right about everything.
Tüm dediklerinde haklı çıktın.
Listen, you were right about everything.
Dinle, herkonuda haklıydın.
You Were Right About Everything.
- Her konuda haklıydın.
But you were right about everything.
Ama sen her konuda haklıydın.
I mean, you were right about everything.
You were right, you were right about everything.
Haklıydınız. Her konuda haklıydınız.
You were right about everything.
Neredeyse her şey hakkında haklısın. Serena...
You were right about everything.
Her şeyde haklıydın.
You were right, you were right, you were right about everything.
- Her şeyde haklıymışsın.
You know, you were right about everything you said yesterday, except one thing.
Dün söylediğin her şeyde haklıydın bir şey hariç.
The thing is, you were right about everything.
Sen her konuda haklıydın.
You were right about everything
En başından beri haklıydınız.
Look, I know you can't talk but you were right about everything.
Bak, biliyorum konuşamazsın... ama sen her şey hakkında haklıydın.
No, you were right about everything.
Sen her konuda haklıydın.
Kiera, you were right about everything.
Kiera, sen her konuda haklıydın.
You were right about everything.
Sen her şey hakkında haklıydın.
You were right all along, about everything.
Baştan beri haklıydın. Her konuda.
I just wanted you to hear from me that despite everything that's happened and the miles that may be between us right now I still think about the way things were.
Sadece aramızda geçen her şeye rağmen, aramızda kilometreler olmasına rağmen eskiden ne kadar yakın olduğumuzu hâlâ düşündüğümü bilmeni istedim.
You were right about M.J. You're right about everything.
M.J. Konusunda haklıydın. Her konuda haklısın.
You were right about M.J. You're right about everything.
M.J. konusunda haklıydın. Sen herşeyde haklıydın.
I figured if you were right about that, you were probably right about everything else as well.
Bu konuda doğru olsaydı ben düşündüm Zaman muhtemelen de her şey hakkında doğru vardı.
You were right about me and everything. I should have admitted it, but I was afraid you wouldn't like me anymore.
Her konuda haklıydın fakat ben bunu kabul etmedim çünkü beni artık sevmeyeceğinden korktum.
You were right about everything.
Her şey hakkında haklıydın.
Of course, as usual, you were right about Israel and wrong about everything else.
Tabii her zamanki gibi İsrail konusunda haklıydın, onun dışındaki her şeyde haksızdın.
You were right Eleanor, about everything.
Haklıydın, Eleanor.
Like you were right about lena and about everything.
Lena ve her şey hakkında haklıydın.
I just wanted to come here and say thanks, and to let you know that you were absolutely right about everything.
Ben sadece gelip teşekkür etmek ve her şeyde sonuna kadar haklı olduğunu söylemek istemiştim,.
Right before we walked in there, you were just complaining about how easy it would be if you could just forget the whole hero-alien-everything-weird side and were jusust a regular, mundane reporter living a normal life.
Oraya girmeden hemen önce kahraman, uzaylı ve garip olan her şeyi unutup sadece bir muhabir olarak normal bir yaşam sürmeyi istediğini söylemiştin.
You were right, you know. About everything.
Sen haklıydın, yani, her konuda.
You were right about everything.
Söylediğin her şeyde haklıydın.
After you learned you were going overseas, you forgot everything else except about shopping at the duty free shops, right?
Yurtdışına gideceğini öğrendikten sonra vergisiz satış mağazalarında alışveriş yapmak haricinde, her şeyi unuttun değil mi?
I know you're mad, and you should be, and you were right about Megan, about Angela, about everything.
Kızgınsın biliyorum. Hakkın da var. Megan konusunda da, Angela konusunda da, hepsinde sen haklı çıktın.
He just was so sweet about everything and making sure that things were right between you and me and telling the truth...
O kadar tatlıydı ki ve seninle benim aramın iyi olduğundan emin olmak istedi, -... ve doğruyu söyledi.
Hey, if I were right about everything, you'd still have a movie career.
Her şey hakkında haklı olsaydım hala bir film kariyerin olurdu.
You always said it was impossible, and you were always right about everything.
İmkansız olduğunu söylemiştin, ve her zaman her konuda haklıydın.

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