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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Acabã

Acabã Çeviri İngilizce

29 parallel translation
Se acabà ³, anciano.
It's over, old man.
Se acabà ³ la guerra.
This war stops now.
Se acabà ³.
Hey, that's it.
Entonces,  ¿ se acabà ³?
So that's it?
- Se acabà ³, amigos.
- It's all over, folks.
Sà ­, se acabà ² la clase de matemà ticas.
Yeah, math class is over.
- Se acabà ³.
- It's over.
Quiero decir que acabà ³ lo difà ­ cil, carià ± o.
I'm saying the hard part is over, sweetie.
Y cuando se concentran en algo se logra concentrarlos por un perà ­ odo muy corto de tiempo probablemente muy intensamente todo el mundo està ¡ tuiteando sobre à © l y vià © ndolo en YouTube y luego se acabà ³ porque algo nuevo llega.
And when it gets concentrated on something, it gets concentrated for a very short period of time. Probably very intensely. Everybody is tweeting about it and watching it on YouTube, and then it's gone because the next thing has come along.
"Vaya, se acabà ³".
"Wow, it's over."
Bueno, se acabà ³ el tiempo.
Okay, time's up.
Quiero decir, yo-yo trato jodidamente duro sà ³ lo de pasar el rato aquà ­, y hacer de este trabajo de mierda, pero se acabà ³, ya està ¡ hecho.
I mean, I-I try really fucking hard just to-to hang in here, and make this shit work, but it's over, it's done.
Esto significa que en la medida que a mà ­ respecta mi matrimonio se acabà ³.
It means as far as I'm concerned my marriage is over.
Y en dos aà ± os y medio no pasa nada. Se acabà ³.
And in two and a half years you've had no breaks, so enough of this shit.
Bueno, se acabà ³.
All right, over.
 ¡ Se acabà ³!
That is it, boy.
Se acabà ³.
He's done.
Se acabà ³ lo de ser policà ­ a.
All this cop talk will be finished.
Se acabà ³.
So, you done.
- Esta charla se acabà ³.
This conversation is over.
Esto se acabà ³.
This shit is over.
Se acabà ³ el juego.
Game over, bitch.
Se acabà ³.
We're done.
Se acabà ³, amigos.
Jacob : ( Indistinct )
Ya no doy mà ¡ s. Se acabà ³.
I'm fucking done. I'm done.
 ¡ Se acabà ³!
No more!
 ¿ Y ya acabà ³ con un matrimonio?
And he's already failed at marriage?
Se acabà ³.
That's it.
Se acabà ³, carajo.
It's fucking over.

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