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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Amore

Amore Çeviri İngilizce

383 parallel translation
¡ Por el amor de San Catalino!
Ma per l'amore a Santa Catarina!
Amore mio.
Amore mio.
- Oh, no, no, amor mío.
- Oh, no, no, amore.
Estoy preocupado.
- D'Amore. - El señor D'Amore y el señor...
- Mr. D'Amore e Mr....
¿ Vive aquí Monsieur Raffaele D'Amore, uno con bigotes?
Does a Mr. Raffaele D'Amore live here? He has a moustache.
Amore " ",
Amore. "
Eso es amore
That's amore
¿ Eso es amore?
That's amore?
- Eso es amore
- That's amore
Ya sabes el cantante de ese disco llamado "Eso es amor".
Oh, you know, he's the fellow that had that big record on "That's Amore".
¡ Amor!
iAmor mío!
Las mujeres se aburren de hacer el amore en un mismo cuarto.
Women get bored making love in the same room.
Los peregrinos de la Virgen del divino amor acaban de pasar.
The pilgrims of the Madonna del Divino Amore just went by.
Acabé el rodaje, estaba sin trabajo, entonces me fui con la compañía de Nello d'Amore.
Well, when we left each other I had finished the film, I didn't have a job. So I went away with the theatre company run by Nello D'Amore.
¿ Fuiste amiga de Nello d'Amore?
Were you friends with Nello D'Amore?
Un día, delante de una sala, Marcello leyó un anuncio de Nello d'Amore. Y tuvo la mala idea de ver al cantante, del que Anna le había hablado.
One day, while driving past a cinema-theatre Marcello read the name of Nello D'Amore on a poster and he became suddenly curious to see what this singer looked like, who Anna had so often spoke of.
Señoras y señores, ¡ Nello d'Amore!
And now, ladies and gentlemen, may I present Nello D'Amore!
¿ Qué te ha dicho Nello d'Amore?
And what did Nello D'Amore have to say?
¿ Nello d'Amore te trata mal?
- This Nello D'Amore, has he mistreated you? - What?
Aunque no es muy probable, creciendo en esta isla de amore.
But he hasn't much chance, growing up on this island of amore.
Che non cognosce il dolce gioco del amore
Che non cognosce il dolce gioco del amore
# Forse pensi anche tu a un amore laggiù sotto un cielo lontan.
¤ Maybe you too think of a love there under a faraway sky.
# Questo tango è d'amor ma il mio amore è lontano.
¤ This tango is about love but my love is far away.
Tranquila, Amor. ¿ No nos reconoces?
Amore, don't you recognise me?
Ahí está el sacristán.
Amore! Here comes the sacristan.
Amor, te voy a poner los cuernos.
Bye, Amore. I'm being unfaithful to you!
Amor, escucha. Se lleva a la joven.
Amore, make way for the young.
Al Divino Amor.
- Divino Amore sanctuary.
- Una vez más, con amore!
- Once more, con amore!
Y despues con nuestros amigos, alquilamos algunas bicicletas y nos fuimos a la "Madonna del Divino Amore".
And we rented some bikes with our mates and went to the Madonna del Divino Amore.
Para ser una solterona. Es casi imposible creer que nunca has experimentado un "Grande Amore"
It seems impossible to believe that you have not once experienced a grande amore.
Abogado D'Amore, se le ruega que no interrumpa.
Counsel D'Amore, you are kindly requested not to interrupt!
Como ve, abogado D'Amore, no me atribuyo ningún mérito.
As advocate D'Amore will find out, I'm not biased.
Abogado D'Amore, ¿ desea interrogar al testigo o renuncia?
Advocate D'Amore, do you have any questions for the witness?
- ¡ Abogado D'Amore!
- Advocate D'Amore!
- ¿ Qué, "mio amore"
- What, mio amore?
- Amore significa amor.
- Amore means love.
È I'amante. ¡ Viva I'amore!
( In italian : ) He is a lover!
¿ L'amante?
Viva I'amore!
- ¡ Encantado!
- This is Raffaele D'Amore.
- El barón Raffaele D'Amore.
And where's Mimì?
- con el señor...
- D'Amore.
iEh! - Amor.
- Amore.
Nello d'Amore.
Nello D'Amore!
Me llaman Amor adrede.
And they call me Amore.
Adiós, Amor.
Bye, Amore.
La policía.
Amore, watch out, the cops!
¿ Recuerdas "That's Amore"?
Remember "That's Amore"?

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