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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Aquã

Aquã Çeviri İngilizce

568 parallel translation
Si vienes aquà ­ a enterrar a esta carroà ± a... apúrate y hazlo en silencio.
If you're here to bury these corpses... hurry it up and keep quiet.
Aquà ­ estamos en el sur.
This is the South.
No puede quedarse aquà ­.
She can't stay here.
Aquà ­ tienes.
Here you go.
Hay que tener agallas para traer a esa muchacha aquà ­.
It takes guts to bring that girl along with you.
Me cambiará © aquà ­.
I'll change here.
Podà ­ as haberte quedado aquà ­ con nosotras.
You could have stayed here with us.
Ahora vendrá ¡ n aquà ­.
Now they'll come here.
Encià © rrate aquà ­ con llave y no te muevas.
Lock yourself in and don't move.
Yo estarà © aquà ­, esperà ¡ ndote.
I'll be here, waiting for you.
Llà © vate a la muchacha contigo y vete lejos de aquà ­.
Take the girl and go far away from here.
 ¡ Pero si te encuentra aquà ­, se desquitarà ¡ con nosotros y nos matará ¡!
But if he finds you here, he'll take it out on us and kill us!
Los cementerios son una buena inversià ³ n aquà ­ si te pagan por adelantado.
Cemeteries are a good investment around here, if you get paid up front.
Si me hubiesen dicho que acabará ­ a aquà ­, cavando tumbas sin que me paguen...
If they had told me I'd end up here, as a gravedigger with no pay...
Por culpa tuya tendremos que irnos de aquà ­.
Because of you, we'll have to leave this place.
Ya no querrà ¡ n venir mà ¡ s hombres aquà ­ y nos moriremos de hambre.
Men won't want to come here anymore, and we'll starve to death.
 ¡ Fuera de aquà ­, desgraciada!  ¡ No te queremos aquà ­!
Get out of here, you wretch, we don't want you here!
 ¡ Mira quià © n està ¡ aquà ­!
Look who's here.
-  ¿ Has venido aquà ­ para reà ­ rte de mà ­?
Did you come here to make fun of me?
-  ¡ Por fin està ¡ n aquà ­!
- Finally, they're here.
 ¡ Està ¡ n aquà ­!
They're here!
 ¡ Por aquà ­!
This way!
Debemos detenernos aquà ­.
We have to stop here.
 ¡ El general Hugo està ¡ aquà ­!
General Hugo is here!
El oro de nuestra revolucià ³ n estarà ¡ bien protegido aquà ­ adentro.
In here the gold for our revolution will be well protected.
Ven aquà ­, yo te consolará ©.
Come here. I'll comfort you.
No te quedes aquà ­.
Don't stay here.
Vete de aquà ­ antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Get away, before it's too late.
Y sin embargo, aquà ­ estoy, luchando mi guerra... una guerra que no acabará ¡ nunca.
Yet here I am, still fighting my war... a war which will never end.
iVen aquà ­, ven aquà ­!
Come here, come here, come here!
iMichael, viene para aquà ­!
Michael, he's coming over here!
Aquà ­ tiene. 600.000 dà ³ lares sobre cuatro patas.
There you are. $ 600,000 on four hoofs.
iY ahora largo de aquà ­!
You get the hell out of here!
Tengo aquà ­ el informe de Sollozzo.
I have the Sollozzo notes here.
La familia Tattaglia le respalda aquà ­.
The Tattaglia family is behind him here.
- Un proceso en Italia, otro aquà ­.
- One term in Italy, one here.
Ven aquà ­.
Come here.
- Quà ­ talo de aquà ­.
- Take it away.
- Sà ­, estoy aquà ­.
- Yeah, I'm here.
-  ¿ Me quedo aquà ­?
- Shall I stay?
 ¿ Quà © hace aquà ­?
What are you doing here?
Aquà ­ no se puede estar.
You're not supposed to be here.
Aquà ­ pasa algo, no hay nadie.
I got here late, there's nobody here.
Aquà ­ estará ¡ s mejor, papá ¡.
Just lie here, Pop.
Aquà ­ soy yo el que manda.
I pulled them off.
Aquà ­ te acercas, les vuelas los sesos y que te salpique.
You have to get close and get their brains on your suit.
-  ¿ Quà © tal se come aquà ­?
- How's the food in this restaurant?
Tus enemigos saben que està ¡ s aquà ­.
Your enemies know you're here.
Aquà ­ està ¡ n los nombres de los muertos.
There are the names of the dead.
Dile que venga aquà ­.
Tell him to come here.
Diles que no vuelvan a aparecer por aquà ­.
Tell them to stop taking in action.

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