/ İspanyolca → İngilizce / Capitân
Capitân Çeviri İngilizce
64 parallel translation
Capitân, último torpedo a bordo.
Captain, last torpedo's on board.
- Capitân.
- Captain.
- Cartero, Capitân.
- Mail orderly, captain.
¿ Por qué el Capitân no usa sus galones?
Why doesn't the captain wear his decorations?
El Capitân no los desperdicia.
Our skipper doesn't waste them.
Feliz Navidad, Capitân.
Merry Christmas, skipper.
¡ Pisô al Capitân bajando la escalerilla! "
Since he stepped on the skipper coming down the ladder! "
- Luce animado, Capitân.
- Look pretty snappy today, captain.
El Capitân autorizó escuchar el noticiero de San Francisco.
Captain has given permission to pick up the San Francisco newscast.
¿ El Capitân dio permiso para esa broma?
Captain give you permission to pull that stunt?
El Capitân quiere el catálogo.
Captain wants the chart catalog, Rocky.
La tripulación sabe dónde va, antes que el Capitân.
The crew always knows where we're going before the captain does.
Respondiô correctamente, Capitân.
Plane answered challenge correctly, captain.
- Suba a conocer al Capitân.
- Come up, meet the captain.
Ni yo ni el Capitân podemos alcanzarla.
And neither the captain or I can get to it.
El voluntario, Capitân.
Your volunteer, captain.
- No, Capitân.
- No, captain.
El Capitân finalmente abandonó la lámpara de sol.
Don't tell me the captain finally gave up that sun lamp.
¿ Cuâl es el rumbo? 0-5-0, Capitân.
What's the bearing?
- Tengo las tangentes, Capitân.
- Got my tangents, captain.
Verificando gravedad, Capitân.
Checking the gravity, captain.
¿ Cômo fue que se ofreció de voluntario, Capitân?
How'd you happen to volunteer for the submarine service, captain?
Perdôn, Capitân.
I'm sorry, captain.
- ¿ Blanco certero, Capitân?
- Dead duck, captain?
¿ Oyeron al Capitân decir que no disparemos torpedos?
Did you guys hear the skipper say we're not firing any torpedoes?
Wolf, el Capitân quiere verte.
Hey, Wolf, captain wants you in his stateroom right away.
- Deme la orden, Capitân.
- Well, just give me the orders, captain.
- Iré, Capitân.
- I'll go, captain.
Fue el evento del año, ¿ sí, Capitân?
I guess that was the biggest kick of the year, eh, captain?
- Capitân, no soy doctor.
- Listen, captain, I'm not a doctor.
A toda máquina, Capitân.
All ahead full, sir.
Al Capitân le gustará si cuentas las bombas.
Skipper won't mind if you keep score on his bulkhead.
- Capitân al teléfono.
- Captain to the phone.
- Teléfono, Capitân.
- Phone, captain.
Capitân al teléfono, señor.
Captain on the phone, sir.
El Capitân nos sacará de esto.
Skipper's got to get us out of this.
Ya no pasará tanto tiempo entre cervezas, Capitân.
Won't be such a long time between beers now, captain.
- Capitân.
- Oh, captain.
Capitân, no creo que podamos cortar el hielo.
Captain, I don't think we have a chance of chopping through the ice with axes.
¡ Capitân Hendry!
Capt. Hendry! Capt. Hendry!
Capitân Hendry.
Capt. Hendry.
¡ Capitân Hendry!
Capt. Hendry!
- Capitân, yo...
- Captain, I...
Hey skipper, when do we eat?
Su arma, Capitân, el gran cáliz y los mismos ladrones nos han lastimado a ambos.
Your gun, captain, the great chalice, and the same thieves have made both of us mourn.
Ya envié a alguien, Capitân, tras el gran cáliz.
I have already sent one, captain, after the great chalice.
- ¡ Capitân Staggis!
- Captain Staggis!
¡ Capitân Staggis!
Captain Staggis!
¡ Lo siento, Capitân!
My mistake, captain!
Capitân daría lo que fuera por afirmar que yo fui como los hombres que murieron hoy realmente valiente pero no puedo decir eso.
Captain I would give anything to claim I was like those men who died there today truly brave but I can't say that.