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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Comer

Comer Çeviri İngilizce

70,958 parallel translation
He estado en Estados Unidos durante una semana, y no he hecho más que comer mi dinero.
I have been in America for a week, and it has done nothing but eat my money.
¿ Quién dice que tienes que tener hambre para comer?
Who says you have to be hungry to eat?
Porque quieren comer y llevar ropa.
'Cause they want to eat and have clothes to wear.
Pues vamos a comer y a celebrarlo.
Well, let's eat and celebrate.
¿ Te vas a comer los dos?
You going to eat both of those?
Mira, Randy, no pretendo meterte prisa, pero tengo un invitado a comer, y me gustaría estar realmente preparada.
Look, Randy, I don't mean to rush you, but I have a guest coming for lunch, and I would really like to be ready.
Bueno, quizás podrías ir a verle después de comer.
Well, maybe after lunch you could go see him.
Considéralo una forma de darte las gracias por venir a comer sin previo aviso.
Consider it my way of saying thank you for making lunch on such short notice.
¿ Qué te apetece comer?
And what are you hungry for?
Quiero pasarme a ver a mi padre antes de comer.
I want to stop by my dad's before lunch.
No vamos a comer, Manny.
We're not eating, Manny.
¿ Quién se va a comer todo esto?
Who's going to eat all of these?
¿ Has dado de comer a los niños?
Did you feed the kids?
Claro que he dado de comer a los niños.
Of course I fed the kids.
- Vayamos a comer.
- Let's get lunch.
Ha sido después de comer.
It started after lunch.
Solo hay que comer alimentos blancos cuando tienes diarrea.
It's all about the white foods when you have the trots.
Comer, comprar, pasear.
Eat in groups, shop in groups, go for walks in groups.
Vamos a comer, después podemos hablar.
We'll have a meal, then we can talk.
¿ Qué me dices de ir a comer tailandés en vez de eso?
What do you say you and I go eat some Thai instead?
Bueno, me ha citado hoy para comer Dar Adal.
Well, I got summoned to lunch today by Dar Adal.
No tienes que comer y dormir con perros.
You don't need to eat and sleep with hounds.
¿ Si te invito a comer?
Meat Loaf, man.
Dar de comer a nuestro padre.
Feeding our father.
Dale de comer.
Feed him.
No tengo la menor idea de cómo cortaré esta baguette en trocitos, lo cual es una pena, puesto que iba a comer los trocitos de pan con hummus de frijoles.
It means I have no possible way of cutting up this baguette into bite-sized pieces, which is really unfortunate because I was gonna take the bread that was cut up with a white bean hummus- -
Esta es la cocina, donde tienen permitido comer.
This is the kitchen, where you may help yourselves to meals.
¿ Cuándo vamos a comer?
When are we going to eat?
Para comer.
For eating.
Invítala a comer.
Invite her in.
Tienes que comer bien, tomar tu medicina y concentrarte.
You need to eat properly, take your medicine, and focus.
- ¿ Quieres comer?
- Do you want to eat?
Vamos a comer.
Let's eat.
El sexo es una necesidad natural, es como dormir, comer o beber.
Sex is a natural need, just like sleeping, or eating, or drinking.
Si hubiéramos ido a comer a otro lugar...
Or if we went somewhere else to eat...
Todo lo que hace es comer, comer, comer.
All he ever does is eat, eat, eat.
Se fue a comer.
Gone to lunch.
¿ Quieres comer algo?
Do you want a snack or something?
Os traeré a todos algo de comer.
Um, I'll... I'll get everyone something to eat.
Vamos a comer fuera esta noche. ¿ Bueno?
We'll eat out tonight. Okay?
Rohan, si no quieres comer Vamos a la cama
Rohan, if you don't want to eat let us go to bed.
Pero debes terminar de comer esto, antes de que vuelva.
But you must finish eating this, before I am back.
¿ Quieres algo de comer?
Would you like something to eat?
No lo dejaré comer comida chatarra nuevamente incluso por error.
I won't let him eat junk food again even by mistake.
¿ Podemos comer algo de camino?
Can we get some food along the way?
Ella viajó tres horas en tren para comer aquí. ¿ Por favor?
She took a three-hour train to eat here.
Será como comer solos.
I won't even look at you. It will be like we're eating alone.
Bueno. ¿ Quieres ir a comer algo?
Allora... So you want to go eat something?
- Oh, venga... me convenciste para ir un día a Rockaway a comer helados italianos, porque Vincent Gallo podría estar allí.
- Oh, come on... you convince me to go to Rockaway for the day to get Italian icies, because Vincent Gallo might be there.
No, no voy a dejar que se siente aquí a comer putos Cheetos y a jugar a Candy Crush o lo que sea.
Well, I'm not gonna let her sit here and eat fucking Flamin'Hot Cheetos and play Candy Crush or whatever.
¿ Tienes algo de comer que no lleve un centro de actividades por detrás?
Do you have anything to eat that doesn't have an activity center on the back?

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