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Continues Çeviri İngilizce

7,795 parallel translation
Me preocupa que si su temperatura sigue aumentado, disparará una reacción en cadena.
I worry if his temperature continues to rise, it'll set off a chain reaction.
Tal vez el pozo continúe debajo.
Maybe the shaft continues below.
Los médicos, sin embargo, pudieron, salvar a su bebé, que sigue en observaciónen la UCIN de St Thomas.
Doctors were, however, able to save her baby, who continues to be monitored at St. Thomas'NICU.
Cambiando de noticia, Wall Street sigue recuperándose de la Crisis Relámpago.
In other news, Wall Street continues to recover from the Flash Crash.
Font color = "# D900D9" [Chittering continúa]
[Chittering continues]
Como podéis ver, la sospechosa actividad espheni cerca de Washington D.C., continúa interfiriendo en nuestra información.
As you can see, the suspected Espheni activity near Washington, D.C., continues to jam our Intel.
¿ Pueden volver en otra ocasión?
( monitor continues beeping rapidly ) Can you come back another time?
- Fiona : Wait. - [music continues playing]
Debes castigarme.
[Continues sobbing] You should ground me.
Aquí, "el universo se sigue expandiendo", está describiendo la teoría de relatividad.
Here, "the universe continues to expand", is descibing the theory of relativity.
ES decir, los piratas muertos dejaron cosas estupendas en el tiempo mientras mas busquemos mas cosas serán reveladas
I mean, dead pirates left cool stuff behind all the time. More will be revealed as the search continues.
Una carta de reclutamiento.
[Radio chatter continues] A draft letter.
Hermosos pisos.
[Tapping continues] Beautiful floors.
Ha pasado un tiempo desde que alguien haya querido hablar de Eddie y Lucy.
[crying continues] It's been a while since anybody's wanted to talk About eddie and lucy.
No si continúa persiguiéndote.
Not if it continues to haunt you.
- [gritando ] [ gritando continúa ] [ whooshing ] [ estampido sónico]
- [screaming ] [ screaming continues ] [ whooshing ] [ sonic boom]
El movimiento continua creciendo.
The movement continues to grow.
La gente deja de hablar de ello, así que continua pasando, y hace que uno se pregunte : ¿ Qué tiene que suceder?
People stop talking about it, and then it just continues and it makes you wonder, what is it gonna take?
Continúa el interrogatorio con Emil Ähre.
Interrogation with Emil Ahre continues. Time 09 : 54
Continúa el interrogatorio con Stefan Lind.
- I have to leave soon. Interrogation with Stefan Lind continues.
Y continúa.
But because of you the war continues.
Un centurión romano manteniendo a la horda de salvajes en la bahía, garantizando la perpetuación de su semilla.
A Roman centurion keeping the savage horde at bay, ensuring your seed continues.
A esta altura, Laura debió haber visto el mensaje... inclusive estando en el baño a algo... y sin embargo, el silencio continúa.
By this point, Laura must have seen the text, even if she was in the bathroom or something, and yet the silence continues.
Se ve tu cráneo.
Wow, you can see your scalp. - ( crying continues )
Seguimos por la carretera, atacamos el puente y seguimos hasta aquí.
We follow the road.attacking the bridge and continues up here,
Kayser, Idland, Strømsheim y yo, entramos en el edificio... colocamos los explosivos, mechas de dos minutos y volamos la planta.
Kayser.Idland Strømsheim and I continues into the building - - Placing the charge.two minutes fuse and blow up the plant,
¡ No!
( dinging continues ) No!
- La policía continúa con la investigación por la desaparición de la chica de 17 años... Jordan, ¿ alguna novedad?
DC Metro continues its investigation into the disappearance of 17-year-old... ♪ ♪ Jordan, any news?
- No deja de sorprenderme.
- She continues to surprise.
[viento continúa]
[blowing wind continues]
[gruñido ] [ gruñendo continúa ] [ gruñendo ] [ disparo ] [ gruñidos continúa ] [ disparo ] [ disparo ] [ splorch ] [ golpe ] [ respirando pesadamente]
[snarling ] [ snarling continues ] [ growling ] [ gunshot ] [ growling continues ] [ gunshot ] [ gunshot ] [ splorch ] [ thud ] [ breathing heavily]
[gruñidos continúa]
[growling continues]
( grabación continua ) Hay un hombre viajando entre ustedes que es el único humano que se sabe han sobrevivido un bocado zombie
( recording continues ) There is a man traveling among you he's the only human known to have survived a zombie bite
[gruñido ] [ gruñendo ] [ gruñidos continúa ] [ golpe ] [ gruñidos continúa ] [ golpe ] [ gruñidos continúa ] [ rebanada ] [ gruñido]
[snarling ] [ growling ] [ growling continues ] [ thump ] [ growling continues ] [ thump ] [ growling continues ] [ slice ] [ snarling]
[splorch ] [ gruñendo ] [ gruñidos continúa ] [ golpe]
[splorch ] [ growling ] [ growling continues ] [ thud]
[gruñendo continúa]
[snarling continues]
[gruñidos continúa ] [ gritando continúa ] [ disparo ] [ splorch]
[growling continues ] [ screaming continues ] [ gunshot ] [ splorch]
- ( Guardia continua en turco )
- ( Guard continues in Turkish )
( Continua orando )
( Continues praying )
( La musica sigue )
( Music continues )
( Gritando enojado continua )
( Angry shouting continues )
( Gritar continua )
( Shouting continues )
( Coro continua )
( Choir continues )
( Canto Siniestro continua )
( Ominous chant continues )
( Trueno sigue )
( Thunder continues )
( Crackling continua )
( Crackling continues )
( Bebe sigue llorando )
( Baby continues crying )
( Burlas y abucheos continúa )
( Jeering and booing continues )
( Haciendo sonar continúa )
( Clanking continues )
Señor Idalis, hola, Will Freeman, mi amigo y yo reventamos el baile en el maravilloso bar mitzvah
[relaxing acoustic guitar music ] [ horn honks ] [ music continues playing from van] Will : Mr. Idalis, hey, Will Freeman, my friend Andy and I crushed the Hora at your son's wonderful
[pitido de alarma ] [ alarma continúa ] [ melancolía suena la música de guitarra ] â ™ ª â ™ ª â ™ ª [ explosión sorda ] â ™ ª â ™ ª [ explosión] â ™ ª
[alarm beeping ] [ alarm continues ] [ melancholy guitar music plays] ♪ ♪

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