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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Cál

Cál Çeviri İngilizce

4,911 parallel translation
Cal volvió a enamorarse, esta vez de una dentista, y se casaron.
They got divorced, and Cal quickly fell in love again, this time to his dentist. They, too, got married.
Se divorciaron y Cal volvió a casarse inmediatamente.
They got divorced, and Cal quickly got married again.
A Bruce le gustaba mucho, pero Cal se divorció otra vez.
Bruce liked her a lot. But Cal got divorced again.
Por fin, Cal empezó a dudar de su idea de seguir siempre los dictados del corazón.
Finally, Cal started to question the wisdom of always following his heart.
- No te rindas, Cal.
- Hey, don't give up, Cal.
- O ríndete, Cal, porque está claro que no te sirve de nada lo que haces, te sigues casando con la gente.
- Or do give up, Cal, okay? Because clearly what you're doing, it's not working.
Deja de escuchar a ese idiota, Cal, y presta atención al cerebro y a las pelotas, y con cerebro quiero decir pelotas.
Stop listening to your stupid, stupid heart, Cal. Start listening to your brain and your balls. And by your brain, I-I definitely mean your balls.
Por mucho que Cal se haya equivocado esta vez tiene razón.
As many times as Cal has been wrong, this time he just happens to be right.
Kacey nació en un pueblecito cerca del de Cal.
Kacey was born in the small town right next to Cal's.
Como Cal, Kacey era hija única y sus padres la adoraban.
Just like Cal, Kacey was an only child whose parents adored her.
Era risueña y positiva, y como Cal siguió a su corazón a donde la llevara.
Kacey was upbeat and positive, and, just like Cal, she followed her heart wherever it lead her.
Como Cal después de sus matrimonios rotos se negó a que el mundo la desanimara.
Just like Cal after his failed marriages, she refused to let the world get her down.
Cal y Kacey se pusieron a hacer mucho ejercicio fisico y se dedicaron al trabajo, y cuando eso no bastaba se iban a la Estación Central a ver pasar la vida.
Cal and Kacey both threw themselves into high-rep, low-impact workouts and buried themselves in work. And when that wasn't enough, they'd both go down to Grand Central Station and watch the world go by.
Eran perfectos el uno para el otro.
Cal and Kacey were perfect for each other.
Cal, no puedes insistir en lo mismo una y otra vez y esperar un resultado distinto.
It's right. Cal, you can't keep trying the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
Cal va a casarse con la camarera en tres semanas.
Cal is gonna marry that waitress in like three weeks.
O podrías alegrarte por él porque ha conocido a su ángel terrenal.
Or you could be happy for Cal'cause he met his earth angel.
No la conoces, Cal.
You don't know this girl, Cal.
Cal estaba preocupado. Al otro lado
Cal was worried.
Sabía que su corazón se había equivocado antes, pero no podía dejar de pensar en Cal.
She knew her heart had been wrong before, but she couldn't shake how she felt about Cal.
Cal sabía que su corazón se había equivocado muchas veces en el pasado, pero no podía dejar de pensar en Kacey.
Cal knew his heart had been wrong many, many, many times before. But he couldn't shake how he felt about Kacey.
Por desgracia, en ese mismo momento los temores de Cal se hicieron realidad.
Unfortunately, in the very next moment, all of Cal's worst fears came flooding back.
Mientras Kacey le esperaba, empezó a preguntarse si su corazón se había equivocado otra vez.
And as Kacey waited for Cal, she started to wonder if her heart had been wrong again.
Espero que este matrimonio dure más que los otros dos, pero seamos sinceros, entre tú y yo, seguramente no salgas del aparcamiento sin haberte divorciado.
Anyway, Cal, I hope this wedding lasts longer than the other two. But let's be real, between you and I, you probably won't even make it out of the parking lot without getting a divorce.
Cierto, Cal, vámonos.
That's true, actually.
Dios, qué calor hace en el bosque.
Cal, let's go. God, it is hot in this forest.
God, we did such...
Cal y yo nos ponemos así porque no queremos que vea a su ex.
Me and Cal were standing like that because we really didn't want him to see his ex.
Muy bien, Cal, te pido que seas un muro humano y mira lo que haces.
Great, Cal. I ask for one human wall, and that's the effort I get? - Awesome.
- Cal.
Wow! - Cal. - Hey.
Cal, muro humano.
[Sighs] Okay, Cal, human wall.
- Norma elemental.
- ( Bruce Cal ) Yes. - Industry standard.
Esos viajeros cerraron este sitio a cal y canto.
Those travelers sealed this whole place up tight.
¿ Qué me he perdido?
Oh, just Cal being the hero.
A Cal portándose como un héroe. Los calvos esos se estaban pasando con Kacey y Cal se acercó a hablar con ellos.
Those bald guys over there were being rude to Kacey, so Cal marched over there and spoke to them.
No se ha terminado, Cal, son calvos bajitos.
No, it's not over, Cal. Those are short, bald guys.
Cal, las dos cosas más importantes para un hombre son la altura y el pelo, mira a Tom y a mí.
Cal, the two most important things a man must have in life are height and hair look at Tom and I.
Pero no te preocupes, Tommy, Cal pelea.
But don't worry about it. Tommy, Cal can fight.
No es mi pelea, Cal, ¿ vale?
This isn't even my fight, Cal, okay?
¿ Quién es tu amigo? El conductor de mi limusina, Cal.
Oh, this is my limo driver, Cal.
Cal, protégeme.
Cal, protect me! Uh, raise your arms!
Cal, ¿ puedes agarrarme de la mano?
Cal, will you hold my hand? I'm so cold.
Cal, Tom.
Hey, Cal. Hey, Tom.
No es mala idea, Cal.
That's actually not a stupid idea, Cal.
Hola, Carrie, gracias por el consejo en el partido de CAL-TCU.
Hey, Carrie, thanks for the tip on the CAL-TCU game.
- ¡ Cal!
- Oh, Cal!
- No, Cal.
- No, Cal.
Si no es nada, ¿ me dirían al menos de qué se trata? ¿ Cal?
Well, then if it's nothing, can you at least tell me what it is?
Acordamos no decírtelo.
Cal? We agreed that we shouldn't tell you.

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