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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Darã

Darã Çeviri İngilizce

22 parallel translation
No me lo darà ¡, y dice que no tengo posibilidades.
He won't give it to me, and he says there's no chance.
Descansa, en un mes Hollywood te darà ¡ lo que quieres.
Rest, and in a month this Hollywood big shot will give you what you want.
Y le darà © mis razones.
And I'll give you my reason.
- Sollozzo nos darà ­ a esquinazo.
- Sollozzo would lose our ass.
Don Corleone nos darà ¡ proteccià ³ n en el este, y eso serà ¡ la paz.
Don Corleone will give us protection in the east, and there will be peace.
Entonces, te darà ¨ un aà ± o.
So I'll give you one year.
- Te darà © una paliza.
I'll kick your ass.
Te darà © una paliza.
I'll beat your ass.
LE DARà ‰ DOS algo de privacidad.
Cuando Watterson hizo lo que hizo y dijo que no darà ­ a licencia o lo que fuera quiso decir : " No quiero a mis personajes hablando en nombre de todos.
When Watterson did what he did and he said no licensing whatsoever, to the extent he meant I don't want my characters speaking for everybody,
Y tal vez si nos fijamos en el lugar correcto hay algo mà ¡ s tan maravilloso como "Calvin y Hobbes" o algo que nos darà ¡ esa magia cotidiana. Pero tenemos que encontrarlo.
Maybe if we look in the right place there is something else as wonderful as Calvin and Hobbes or something that will give us that daily magic, but we have to find it.
Tener una pistola me darà ­ a confianza.
Me having a gun just gives me a certain level of confidence.
olvidará © los rehenes y les darà ¡ n sentencias cortas.
I'll forget you had hostages, and y'all won't get that much time.
Con mi telà © fono puedo ir a un sitio que me darà ¡ instrucciones sobre cà ³ mo usar esto.
On my phone I can go to a website, and this website will give me instructions on how to use this machine.
O te darà ¡ s cuenta, es lo que.
Or you'll find out, is what.
Te darà © $ 10.000.
Listen, I'll give you $ 10,000 US.
Porque un dà ­ a, te toparà ¡ s con un hijo de puta que te darà ¡ una paliza.
You see,'cause one day, you're going to wind up on a motherfucker that's going to knock your ass out.
Si à © l sabe que el parque no es nuestro, no nos darà ¡ mà ¡ s dinero.
If he finds out we don't own the park, he's not going to give us any more money.
Te advierto, estos tacaà ± os hijos de puta nos darà ¡ n mà ¡ ximo $ 1000.
I'm telling you right now, these cheap motherfuckers only gonna give us $ 1000, tops.
 ¿ Aún crees que nos darà ¡ n $ 5000, Julian?
Stupid idiots. Think we're still look at fucking five grand, Julian?
Te darà © mis probabilidades habituales de dos a uno.
I'll give you my usual two-to-one odds.
Te dije que te lo darà © esta noche, carajo. Te respondà ­ todo, Steve.
You're going to have the fucking money tonight, I said!

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