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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Deberiá

Deberiá Çeviri İngilizce

3,737 parallel translation
- Deberia estar en casa.
- I should be home.
pero uno deberia examinar su propia reticencia a mirar en la cara que tanto recuerda a los suyos.
But one should examine one's reticence to gaze upon the face that so reminds you of your own.
¿ No crees que para el público, deberia haber una foto jumto al nombre? ¿ Un rostro?
Don't you think for the public, there should be a picture to go with the name?
Si. tal vez es eso lo que deberia hacer.
That'd be- - yeah. Maybe that's what I should do.
¿ Qué deberia ponerme?
What should I wear?
Hay algo que deberia saber?
Is there something I should know?
" No deberia juzgar a mi cita solo porque está en una silla de ruedas.
"I shouldn't judge my prom date " just because he's in a wheelchair. I should judge him by who he is in here. "
Y Jack deberia darte algo
And Jack should give you something
Dixon, estoy bastante seguro de que no es como deberia de funcionar.
Dixon, I'm pretty sure that is not how that is supposed to work.
Deberia ser capaz de pensar de la misma forma.
I should be able to think the same way.
quizas no deberia haber querido ser tu antes pero ahora definitivamente quiero
Maybe I shouldn't have wanted to be you before, but now I definitely do.
Ese deberia ser el hombre lobo. ¿ Qué me va a pasar?
That must be the werewolf. What's happening to me?
Sip, Steve deberia venir aqui.
Yep, Steve should go here.
No, yo soy el que deberia lamentarlo.
No, I'm the one who should be sorry.
Ella deberia estar en la estacion de policia escupiendo todo lo que sabe no, dion y el O.G que el mato eran como hermanos sera su palabra contra la de dolly y las palabras de adicta no son palabras que valgan mucho para la policia
She should be at the police station, spilling her guts. No. Dion and the O.G. he killed were like brothers.
Ella se supone que deberia estar donde Madeline
She's supposed to be at Madeline's.
Que piensas que deberia hacer, Nate?
What do you think I should do, Nate?
No deberia se complicado, ¿ De acuerdo?
Shouldn't be too tough. Shall we?
Eso y las demas partes deberia ser suficiente para saber quien fabrico esto.
That, plus the components should be enough to find out whoever built this.
Bien, el deberia haber pensado eso antes de hacer negocios.
Well, he shoulda thought about that before insider-trading.
¿ Tienes algo sobre lo que deberia saber?
You got anything on you I don't know about?
Ella piensa que porque mi hermano es un cura, yo deberia ser una monja.
She thinks because my brother's a priest,
Quiero decir, mientras que el padre este en prision, ella deberia estar bien.
I mean, as long as the dad's in prison, She should probably be okay.
alguien deberia ir y ayudarla.
Somebody should go and help her.
yo... porque yo no deseo ser el chico que no deberia hacer nada.
I... Because I didn't want to be the guy who couldn't do everything.
Tal vez luego de la boda, no deberia quedarme en Londres, porque podria besar a otro paciente.
Maybe after the wedding, I shouldn't stay in London, because maybe I could kiss another patient.
Si, y esa es otra razón que Julian deberia volver a Los Angeles.
Yep, and that is another reason that Julian should move back to L.A. ♪ You try to make your escape, but the blows keep on coming ♪
Él deberia estar agradeciéndomelo.
He should be agradeciéndomelo.
- No deberia haber ninguno.
- Shouldn't be any.
Mira, Sook, te fuiste por un año, y me mataba solo pensar en toda la gente que deberia seguir viviendo aqui, y como todos se han ído.
Look, Sook, you have been gone for a year, and it killed me even thinkin'about all the people who should still be livin'here, and how they're all gone.
y deberia tener hecho un lio de puntos de comprador frecuente
And I should have a mess of frequent shopper rewards points
Deberia patear tu maldito trasero.
I should kick your fuckin'ass.
Porque deberia llamarte como sea?
Why should I call you anything?
No deberia involucrarme.
I shouldn't be gettin'involved.
Deberia de ser el unico que te haga sentir mejor, que con el...
I should be the one making you feel better, what with the...
¿ Que demonios se supone que deberia hacer, dispararle mientras tiene al bebe en brazos?
What the hell was I supposed to do, shoot him with the baby in his arms?
Todo el mundo deberia haber llamado a la policía.
Every single one of you should have been calling the police.
Vas a tener que venir por futuros examenes y controles durante todo el proceso, y deberia esperar que cualquier pequeña duda, dolor o molestia sea algo que vos prestes atencion,
You'll have to come in for further tests and checkups all along the way, and I would expect that any little doubt or pain or ache is something you pay rapt attention to,
deberia ser suficiente como para llamarlo
Should be enough to call out.
Mira, aún eres joven, y has hecho en esta lucha más que lo que ningún chico deberia haber hecho.
Now, you're still young, and you've done more in this fight than any kid should ever have to.
Eso deberia darnos tiempo suficiente para entrar a su auto, abrir el maletín, copiar la información, cerrar el maletín, sin ser detectados.
That should give us just enough time to get into the car, open the briefcase, copy the intel, put it all back, undetected.,
Por lo que entonces deberia estar protegido, en una casa segura.
Then I should be protected, at the safe house.
El hombre deberia ser mas responsable.
The man should be more responsible.
Deberia ser aqui.
We should hit a junction by now.
Ahora los dos decidirán con quien deberia casarme.
Now both of yöu decide who I should marry.
lo dije cien veces, ella deberia utilizar un producto químico con una reacción más rápida, pero...
I said it a hundred times, she should use a chemical with faster reaction, but...
Si alguien deberia de estar aquí, es él.
If anybody should be in here, it's him.
La red artifical gravitacional deberia ser suficiente para estabilizar el planeta.
The artificial gravity web generated should be enough to stabilize the planet.
Caleb, Deberia estar iniciando el analisis del fragmento.
Caleb, I really should be starting the analysis of the shard.
Jackie, Crees que Jack deberia nombrar a Bobby como Fiscal General?
Jackie, do you think Jack should appoint Bobby as Attorney General?
Ahora bajo circunstancias normales, Sr. Presidente, yo deberia, uh, yo sentiria que, uh, sus devaneos deberian permanecer entre ud, su esposa y su dios.
Now under normal circumstances, Mr. President, I would, uh, I would feel that, uh, your dalliances should remain a matter between you, your wife, and your God.

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