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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Educational

Educational Çeviri İngilizce

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El servicio educacional de pruebas no actúa caprichosamente.
The Educational Testing Service does not act capriciously.
Fue educativo, me hizo darme cuenta
The educational value was okay, it made me realize
Podría resultar muy instructivo.
Todo está predeterminado por las fuerzas de la naturaleza y con permiso del comité local y del comité educativo.
Everything is determined by the forces of nature and the permission of the local committee and the educational committee.
El es un indicativo deprimente de nuestro sistema educativo.
He's a depressing indictment of our educational system.
Quisiera tener al alférez Crusher a bordo para observar su educación.
I would like Acting Ensign Crusher on board for educational observation.
Esto podría ser muy educativo... aun más que el laboratorio.
This should be very educational, better than lab.
Creo que nos va bastante bien en el mundo... a pesar del sistema educativo que tú criticas.
I think we are doing quite well in the world... in spite of the educational system, which you criticize.
Creo que debemos cuidar mucho el ambiente educativo de Kevin.
I think we have to be very careful about Kevin ´ s educational environment.
En un medio ambiente más sensible a sus necesidades...
In an educational environment that ´ s more sensitive to his needs.
- Educativo.
- Educational.
En la vida real, no te dan un puesto ejecutivo a menos que tengas buena formación, y te quieran dar la oportunidad.
I said, the well-dressed men of the'80s, get into the suits and get into the pumps. In real life, you can't get a job as an executive unless you have the educational background and the opportunity.
Me gustaría presentar al nuevo comisionado escolar... recién llegado del este con varios triunfos educacionales Brian Hunter.
I would like to introduce our new school commissioner... fresh from several educational triumphs... on the East Coast- - Brian Hunter.
Limpieza del estómago, seguida de sesiones con psicóloga educativa... por quien desarrollé una pasión intensa que... me alentó a convertirme yo mismo en psicólogo.
Cleaning the stomach, followed by sessions with educational psychologist... by those who develop intense passion... encouraged me to become a psychologist myself.
El Departamento de Defensa Educacional... se ha conformado para reabrir las escuelas... y controlar las pandillas.
The Department of Educational Defense has been formed to reopen the schools and control the gangs.
Este programa secreto, promovido por el Departmento de Defensa Educacional y Megatech, logrará que los alumnos puedan retornar a la secundaria Kennedy.
This secret program, sponsored by the Department of Educational Defense and Megatech, is going to make it possible for classes to resume once again at Kennedy High School.
O tienen problemas en absorber las directivas educacionales.
Or they're having trouble absorbing the educational directives.
Podrian anular las directrices educativas.
The educational directives may have miscarried.
Les dije, "No hay problema, solo debemos unir nuestras máquinas de guerra con el modelo educacional básico".
I said, "No problem, all we have to do is marry our war machine with the basic educational model."
Bob Forrest, Departmento de Defensa Educacional.
Bob Forrest, Department of Educational Defense.
Es... educacional.
Is... educational.
Gracias por un día tan educativo, Sr. Lovecraft.
Thank you for a very educational day, mr. Lovecraft.
Puramente educativo.
Purely educational.
Carlton está viendo un documental educativo sobre la música a todo volumen.
carlton's watching an educational documentary on loud music.
Dadas las oportunidades educacionales de hoy,
Me gustan los programas educativos, pero podrian tener mas morbo.
I'm all for educational programmes. I just think they could sex'em up a bit.
Por lo general, no me equivoco.
I ´ m usually right. Educational psychologist ´ s report.
El dinero es educacional, más que las cosas que puede comprar.
Money is educational, more than the things it buys.
No lo sé, sobre todo teniendo un simposio sobre la administración docente este fin de semana.
- I don't know. Especially since you have a symposium on educational administration this weekend.
Tras este largo y agotador viaje... pero sobre todo educativo... aquí estamos en la amistosa ciudad de Zagreb.
After this long and exhausting trip... educational above all... here we are in the friendly city of Zagreb!
Hablaremos de cuestiones educativas con las partes.
We'll discuss educational issues with the parties.
- Fue muy educativa.
- lt was very educational.
- Me pareció muy educativa, señor.
- l found it very educational, sir.
El antecedente educativo será entregado más adelante.
Educational background to be provided later.
Pueden decidejust usarlos con fines educativos.
They may decidejust to use them for educational purposes.
Tal vez me recuerden de otros filmes educacionales y ¡ Aquí viene el sistema métrico!
You kids might remember me from such educational films as Lead Paint : Delicious But Deadly and Here Comes The Metric System.
Esto ha sido muy instructivo, pero nunca abro el regalo de otro hombre.
This has been very educational, but I never open another man's gift.
Uno en una película educativa y en una companía de TV - mucha responsabilidad.
One for an educational film and TV company - heavy responsibility.
No, no fue incómoda, Autumn, fue educativa.
No, it wasrt awkward, Autumn, it was educational.
Ustedes chicos tienen un buen sistema educacional, eh?
Gee, you guys do have a good educational system, huh?
Andrew Baydon hizo su fortuna vendiendo material educativo en Asia.
The style's appropriate. Andrew Baydon made his fortune selling educational hardware to Asia.
" se dedica a satisfacer las necesidades educativas de los niños huérfanos...
" is dedicated to fulfilling the educational needs of orphaned children...
Así que es un gasto educacional.
So, it's like an educational expense.
Pero, ya sabes, esto ha sido muy educativo para mí.
But, you know, this has been very educational for me.
Un espectáculo tan malo es educativo.
Anything this bad has to be educational.
También es una inmensa tarea educacional y una gran responsabilidad delante de la sociedad lo que será depende de Ud.
It also means enormous educational work and involves a huge responsibility to society which is depending on you.
Hemos aprendido mucho.
Thanks for a very educational stay.
Un paseo muy educativo, ¿ no?
These nature walks are really educational, huh, guys?
Abajo de "Educacional," detrás tuyo.
Under "Educational," behind you.
Entonces lo ponemos en "Educational" también, no es así?
We ought to file that under "Educational" too, oughtn't we?
Despacio, señor.

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