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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Energia

Energia Çeviri İngilizce

1,001 parallel translation
Inyéctale energia.
Get a little pep into it.
Nos iremos la próxima semana... y New Winton tendrá bastante energia eléctrica.
We'll be pulling out of here next week... and New Winton will have plenty of electric power.
Usarás esa energia para defenderte.
You're going to spend that energy fighting these people back.
Como les iba diciendo, señores, este hombre aquí presente tiene todas las cualidades precisas. Honestidad, energia, integridad. Con ello bastará para continuar la tradición de'Cass-Winter y Cía'.
Now, as I was saying, gentlemen here is a young man possessed of those attributes honesty, energy, integrity that alone can carry on the glorious tradition of Cass-Winter and Company.
Madame Fanny tiene energia.
Madame Fanny has energy.
Tu energia me fascina.
Your energy is astounding.
Nosotros, los que se dicen civilizados, no tenemos energia para gastar en un sentimiento tan primitivo.
We highly civilized people... so-called... no longer have the energy to feel such a simple emotion, I'm afraid. A
No queda casi energia.
We've had it.
Ya no me queda energia para empezar nada nuevo, quiero descansar
I don't have any energy left to start over in a new direction, I just want rest
El tipo debe tener una energia de hierro.
This guy must have an iron fist.
Hey, regreso la energia.
Hey, the power is on.
Albondigas, necesitas energia.
Dumplings, you need the energy.
Vea, aqui hay una nueva estacion de energia que han construido aqui en Köplin.
You see. There's a new power station they've just built here at Kiiplin.
tienen que quemar energia de algun modo los enviaré al enfriador todos!
Got to blow off steam somehow. I'll send you to the cooler, every one of you!
¿ Cuánta energia hace falta para casarse?
How much energy does it take to get married?
El círculo del tazón se expande y observas que la revolución significa pasión por la educación pasión por la implicación de los pueblos en su propio futuro en sus propias estructuras sociales, en su propia política. y en el otro extremo de esa energía, que ella trata de impulsar despúes de muchos, muchos, muchos años de poder colonial en el otro extremo de esa energia esta parado un hombre que también tiene un tazón de arroz en las manos y cuya pobreza es equivalente y que con su poder no se ha separado del destino de la mayoría que viste la misma ropa humilde de algodón con dignidad entre ellos y que no ejerce el poder desde un cuarto trasero
The circumference of the bowl expands and you note that the revolution has meant... a passion for education... a passion for grass-roots involvement in their own future... their own social structures, their own politics... and that at the other end of that power, which they are trying to move upward... after so many, many years of colonial powerlessness... at the other end of that power is standing a man who also has a rice bowl in his hand... and whose poverty is equivalent... whose power has not separated himself from the fate of the majority... who can move in the same cheap cotton clothing... and with dignity among them... and whose power is not an inferior backroom game... or a game of marked cards under a table... or corrupt double-talk such as we've gotten so used to in the chanceries of the West.
"Quiero tener poder y quiero tener energia"
"and I want it to have power, " and I want it to have energy,
¡ Mantén la boca cerrada y ahorra energia!
Shut up. Keep your mouth shut, save your energy.
No tienen energia.
You have no drive, no willpower.
Nos damos cuenta de que... solo hay una forma de liberar toda esa energia acumulada...
We realize that... there's only one way to release this whole accumulated energy, see...
El deseo considerado como energia potencial.
Desire as a potential energy.
Digamos que acumulas energia sexual...
Say you hold sexual energy...
Una energia se transforma.
You can transform this energy.
Si encuentras la manera de transformarla... en energia anti-gravitacional, por ejemplo...
If you can find a way to transform it... into anti-gravitational energy, for example...
Pero, espera porque... una energia se transforma.
But wait! You can transform an energy!
Imaginate que puedes transformar la energia sexual... en... no se, fuente emisora de rayos infra-lubricos, o ultra-lubricos, por ejemplo...
Imagine you can transform sexual energy... into... I don't know, into an emitting source of infra - or ultra-lustful rays, for example...
¿ Puedes sentir esta energia?
Can you feel this energy?
Rayos Ion, candide y andreon convirtieron el material en energia.
Ion, candide and andreon beams converted material to energy.
la energia luminosa te llevara a traves del tiempo, hacia...
The light energy will take you through time, back to...
Dad energia!
Give energy!
- Dad energia.
- Give energy.
- ¡ Escudo de energia activado!
- Open circuit breakers! Remove thrust drive propellent!
libres, bajo señores de su elección, 385 01 : 10 : 02,159 - - 01 : 10 : 08,189 serán gobernados solo por esos dioses que gobiernan con energia.
Free, under lords of their choosing, they'll be governed only by those gods who rule with power.
¿ Estas llena de energia, eh?
Full of ginger, aren't you?
Una vez que concectes el flujo de energia, dominaras el kung fu interno.
Once you connect the energy flow, you'll master internal Kung Fu.
Deberás enfocarte en convocar tu energia interna.
You have to focus, summon your inner energy.
Le he dicho energia máxima, Segura.
I said full power, Segura.
¡ Aumenta la energia!
Increase power!
Un tanque de 300 m y ahorra 220000 L de energia.
Tanker and save 60,000 gallons of valuable energy.
Y esto es donde la energia es almacenada.
And this is where the energy is stored.
Y desde que el hombre puede recordar, el pentagrama ha sido un simbolo para la energia mistica y el poder.
And for as long as man can remember, the pentagram has been a symbol for mystical energy and power.
Dr. Gross : Se penso que la energia nuclear podria ser la clave para una energia mas limpia.
Nuclear energy was thought to be one alternative to a cleaner environment.
Wolf, corten la energia!
That's it. Go on in.
Tenemos energia para alimentar una pequeña ciudad.
We've got the energy output of a small city.
Suponte que tomamos el Manitou de todas las maquinarias del hospital, las encendemos al mismo tiempo y dirigimos esa energia al brujo.
Suppose we took the Manitou of all the machinery in this hospital, turned it on all at once, and directed that energy toward the Mixmaster?
Bob, quiero que despejes el cuarto de control y los de energia, si?
Bob, I want you to clear the control rooms and power rooms, okay?
Energia agotada. No puedo aguantar mucho más.
Power depleted, Cannot hold much longer,
- Energia agotada.
- Power exhausted,
Caray con tu energia.
He sure has a lot of energy.
Has practicado estilos duros de kung fu, ahora debes trabajar tu energia interna.
You have been practising hard style kung fu but now you should work on your inner powers ;
Es barata, eficiente y ahorra energia.
It's cheap, efficient and energy-saving.

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