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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Frida

Frida Çeviri İngilizce

504 parallel translation
Una paciente, Frieda Metzger, acaba de morir. Sí.
One of my patients, Frida Metzke, just died in the course of treatment.
La Sra. Metzger recibía la dosis prescrita por el Dr. Ehrlich.
Frida Metzke was an outpatient receiving the average doses as prescribed by Dr. Ehlrich.
¿ Cuál fue según Ud. la causa de su muerte?
And what in your opinion was the cause of Frida Metzke's death?
Iba camino a casa para ver a mamá, papá y Frida.
I was on my way home, to mom, dad, and Frida.
Bo y Frida, ¡ vengan a comer!
Bo and Frida, come to the table!
¡ Frida!
No sé si tú entiendes, Frida, espasmo desolado de mi alma.
Do you understand, Frida, the writhing agony of my soul? "
- Magnífico, pero esa es de Frida.
Brilliant! But that was Frida's line.
Roberto. ¿ Tu voz, Frida?
Robert, ironic : "Your voice, Frida?" " No...
La parte de Frida será simbolizada por dos siluetas de blanco.
They'll be represented by two figures clad in white.
Efectos especiales deberán dar a esta escena aspecto de pesadilla... con Frida en la ventana.
Black light will give the scene a nightmarish quality.
Presa de un frío imprevisto, Frida se vuelve.
As if shaken by a sudden shiver, Frida turns.
Cansada, envejecida, Frida se acerca a Luca.
She looks tired, aged. She approaches him.
Esa Frida tuya es magnífica, maravillosa.
Your Frida is wonderful. She's marvelous.
Frida, la sirvienta, ¿ no estaba?
The maid, Frieda, wasn't there?
¿ Podrías poner "Para Frida"?
Please, could you put "To Freda"?
Yo me ocuparé de eso. ¡ Frida, ven!
Hey, Frida! Come here!
- ¿ Qué haces, Frida?
- Frida, what are you up to? - Me?
Frida, hazte novia de mi amigo. Haz que nuestro amigo sea tu novio.
Frida, why don't you get to know our friend here?
Frida, ¿ te gusta Mario?
Frida, do you like Mario? See?
¿ Cómo te llamas?
- What your name? I Frida.
Yo Frida.
- Ah, my name?
Frida llevará las velas.
Frida will have to take the candles.
Si estás enferma puede ir Frida.
If you're not well enough, Frida has to go.
" Y padre estaba enfermo y Frida estaba enferma, así que no me despertaron.
" And Father was sick, and Frida was sick, so they didn't wake me.
La cigüeña que trajo al hermanito de Frida.
Who? The stork that brought Frida's baby brother.
Te juro que Frida es más fea que tú!
I swear that Frida is uglier than you are.
Frida, Esmeralda, Ludmila.
Freda, Esmerelda, Ludmila?
Que el viernes una prima del interior se moría, por lo que el viernes tuvo que marcharse.
Frida _ y a cousin in Ancona died... so Saturday she had to leave.
Anuncia a Frida, los calmará.
Say something that will calm them down.
Number One se enorgullece de presentar por primera vez en Francia la divina, la incomparable vedette international,
Number One proudly presents in her French debut, international star Frida of Dusseldorf.
¿ Dónde encontró a esta Frida de Dusseldorf?
Where did you discover this Frida from Dusseldorf?
- Yes, madam.
- Frida.
- Frida.
Frida y Benny viven juntos.
Frida and Benny, living together.
Frida : se la suele describir como modesta, discreta y autocrítica.
Frida : Described as modest, unobtrusive, self-critical.
¿ Hablaste con Marc y Frida?
Get in touch with Mark or Frieda?
Tú estabas tan caliente con Frida, que me pusiste... en los brazos de Marc y ahora te pones en plan de marido ofendido... porque se te vino todo encima.
You were so damned hot for Freda you pushed mark and me together. And then you bellow like a wounded tomcat when the whole groddy plan backfires in your face. If it wasn't murder..
Y ésta es mi novia, Frida.
- And this is my girlfriend freida.
Acababa de romper con Verna y Frida.
He'd just broken up with verna and frieda.
Frieda - Frieda
Frida, ¿ podrías hacer eso luego?
Frieda, please, would you do this a little later?
Puede dejarlo por hoy, Frida.
Yeah. That'll be all for today, Frieda. Yeah.
¿ Te he hablado de Frida?
Yeah. Frieda. I told you about her, didn't I?
Frida ríe.
Frida laughs.
Frida en el silencio de tu desierto.
She goes on.
Frida, Frida, ven, ha llegado tu hermanito!
Frida! Frida, come here, your baby brother is here!
Entró en casa de Frida, yo lo vi.
It came in at Frida's house, I saw it.
Dile a Frida que la invita Blome.
Let Frida know Mr Blum is joining her :.
El Number One se complace en presentar por primera vez en Francia, la divina, la incomparable vedette internacional,
Number One proudly presents in her French debut, international star Frida of Dusseldorf.
- ¡ Frida!
- Frida!

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