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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Gustó

Gustó Çeviri İngilizce

14,113 parallel translation
Todo el mundo pudo ver mi verdadero yo... y no le gustó lo que vieron, ¿ no?
Everybody got to see the real me... and didn't really like what they saw, did they?
Te gustó Revancha.
You liked "Southpaw."
¿ No le gustó el guisado?
- You don't like the guisado?
¿ Te gustó mi nuevo juguete?
Did she like my little toy?
Me gustó tu pieza.
I liked your piece.
Realmente me gustó, pero siento que te estás conteniendo, Brandon.
I really did, but I feel like you're holding back, Brandon.
Así que, sí, sí, me gustó mucho.
So, yes, yes, I enjoyed it.
Entonces, te gustó el atuendo?
So, did you like that outfit?
A ella no le gustó mi rutina francesa.
She didn't like my French routine.
No estamos peleados, ella dijo algo que me gustó y luego dijo algo que no me gustó así que yo dije... bien, estamos peleados
We're not fighting. She just said something I liked and then said something I didn't like, so I said... okay, maybe we're fighting.
Me gustó todo.
I liked it all.
Nunca le gustó la idea de consultores.
He never liked the idea of consultants.
Nunca me gustó mucho Kebo.
Never liked Kebo much myself.
¿ Crees que me gustó?
You think I liked it?
¿ Crees que me gustó?
- You think I liked it? !
¿ Te gustó la película Boyhood?
Did you like the movie Boyhood?
Acabo cociné un filete de Gordon Ramsay y le gustó.
I just cooked a steak for Gordon Ramsay and he liked it.
En secreto, me gustó, pero la próxima vez, no sé, tal vez, tal vez no seas tan dura.
Secretly, I liked it, but next time, I don't know, maybe, uh, maybe not so rough.
Le gustó, ¿ no?
He liked it, right?
Me gustó que... que él era un lobo solitario, ¿ sabes? El Grinder.
Um, I liked that, um... that he was a lone wolf, you know?
Eso no me gustó.
I didn't like it.
Le gustó mi ropa.
She liked my clothes.
No me gustó.
I didn't like it.
¿ Quién me gustó?
Who was it that I liked?
Nunca te gustó limpiar tu habitación.
You never really did like cleaning your room.
Le puse algo de música y le gustó.
I played her some music, and she was into it.
No me gustó todo lo que oí.
Um, I didn't like everything that I heard on it.
¿ Me estás preguntando si me gustó la atención?
Are you asking me if I liked the attention?
Fost and no sé qué más... y no le gustó, para nada.
Fost and something, and he didn't like it, at all.
Sí, ¿ te gustó el sabor, por cierto?
Yeah, did you like the flavor, by the way?
- Hey. Te gustó tu nuevo bolso?
How are you liking the new bag?
¿ Y le gustó a Eun Hee unni primero?
And did Eun Hee like you first?
No le gustó tu acto de baile.
He did not like your dancing sketch.
Me gustó tener a alguien que quisiera escuchar.
It's just... I loved having someone who was willing to listen.
Me gustó que el ministro no predicaba demasiado.
I love how the minister wasn't preachy.
Sabes, eso fue algo que nunca hice, porque cuando era niño, me obligaban a ir a la iglesia, y no me gustó.
You know, that was something that I never did, because growing up as a kid, church was shoved down my throat, and I didn't like it.
- Lo sé, me gustó. De acuerdo.
- I know, I liked it.
Dios mío, creo que les gustó.
Oh, my God. I think they liked it.
¿ No les gustó nuestra iglesia?
Oh, you... you didn't... you didn't like our church?
Se sintió bien. Así que fui a trabajar sabiendo que estaba haciendo lo correcto... por mis hijos... pero a mis compañeros de trabajo no les gustó la idea de un regalo.
So, I went to work knowing I was doing the right thing for my kids, but my co-workers didn't like the one-gift idea.
Yo solo quería que le gustara como a mí me gustó.
I did. I just... I wanted her to love it as much as I love it.
Nunca me gustó cómo me mirabas.
I still have it in the head. Your glance.
No le gustó la radiación de la máquina de rayos-X.
It didn't like the radiation from the X-ray machine.
Al principio, me gustó.
It was cool at first.
"No me gustó que me sorprendieras así en el parque".
"You don't have no business playin'like that in the park."
Se me ocurrió imitar a Bill Clinton, y a él le gustó.
I started doing impressions of Bill Clinton and he started liking it.
¿ Te gustó Jamás besada?
Did you like Never Been Kissed?
No me gustó eso, así que la despedí.
- Uh... Silly me, I didn't like that. So I fired her ass.
¿ No le gustó el té?
You don't like the tea?
Si nos encontramos, puedo obtener información de él, pero él siempre le gustó dos chicas a la vez.
If we meet, I can get information from him, but he always liked two girls at once.
Me gustó.
I liked it.

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