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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Hablã

Hablã Çeviri İngilizce

12 parallel translation
- hablã © con Tom. Â ¿ No te lo dijo?
- Didn't Tom tell you I called?
La primera vez que hablà © con à © l... fue en aquel preciso instante, con un hombre blanco muerto, desangrà ¡ ndose entre nosotros.
The first time I talked with him was right there and then with a dead white man leaking blood on the floor between us.
Hablà © con mi mamà ¡, mis abuelos y el director durante los tres últimos aà ± os y nadie hizo nada al respecto.
I've been to my mom, my grandparents and the principal, all for the last three years, and they haven't done anything about it.
- Yo hablà © con à © l.
- I did talk to him.
Cuando yo hablà © con el jefe, à © l parecà ­ a satisfecho.
When I talked to the boss, he seemed satisfied.
Bà © go hablà ³ sobre crear un la jerarquà ­ a en la estructura del mando...
Bégo talked about creating a hierarchy in the control structure...
Hablà © con ella hace unas horas.
I spoke with her a few hours ago.
 ¿ Acaso el cura no te hablà ³ de eso?
Didn't the priest talk about it in church?
- Orson Welles me hablà ³ de un almuerzo reciente con el director y productor Steven Spielberg, que acababa de adquirir el famoso trineo Rosebud, de "Ciudadano Kane", por 45000 dà ³ lares.
Orson Welles told me about a lunch he had recently with director-producer Steven Spielberg, who had just purchased the famous "Rosebud" sled from "Citizen Kane" for $ 45,000.
Oh, ya sabes, me olvidà © antes les hablà ©
Oh, you know, I forgot earlier- -
 ¡ Jimmy Kimmel està ¡ hablà ¡ ndome en là ­ nea!
Get over here! Jimmy Kimmel's talking to me on the computer!
Hablà © con à © l, pero no me creyà ³ nada de lo que le dije.
Barb, I talked to Julian but he didn't believe a fucking word I was saying.

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