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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Jamön

Jamön Çeviri İngilizce

109 parallel translation
Cenamos bien aqui en Camelot Comemos mermelada y un montán de jamön.
We dine well here in Camelot We eat ham and jam and Spam a lot
Ninguna palabra más del jamön.
Not another word about the ham bone.
Hola, Al. ¿ Tienes weenies y jamon frio?
Hello, Al. Have you any weenies and cold ham?
¿ Se conformarian con salchichas y jamon frio?
Will he settle for bologna and cold ham?
Sin conocer los United States ni el chili and beans ni el jamon eggs.
I would've never seen the United States or eaten "chili and beans", and "scrambled eggs".
Si como queso y jamon con pan de centeno, sonare con una rubia alta.
If I have ham on rye, I dream about a tall blonde.
Quieres un poco de jamon con huevos, ahora?
You like some ham and eggs now?
Y friame 3, 4, 5 huevos con jamon. Y una montaña de tostadas con mermelada de fresa. Y... el café, rápido.
And fry me three, four, five eggs with a mess of sausages and a mountain of white toast with strawberry marmalade and... keep the coffee coming.
Exquisito jamon de York a 99 centavos la libra.
Lean boiled ham, 99 cents a pound.
Tú eres el único que podría interesarme.
I'll remember that. What are the odds on Jamon Serrano?
Voy a apostar todo por él.
Are you crazy? Jamon Serrano's finished, he's run down.
En el lugar 6, el número 45, Primero. En el lugar 7, González.
And at post three, Ramon Jamon Serrano, just as colorful as always.
Aquí está. Arrigna ha perdido.
Now, Mendez must face Ramon Jamon Serrano in the white jersey.
Primero se levanta pero no llega lo suficiente.
Primero goes up but can't reach high enough and Jamon Serrano wins his fourth straight game.
¡ Es sensacional!
Ramon Serrano, the Jamon, has proved he can still win!
¡ Lo consiguió!
Jamon! Bravo!
Quiero té y unos de esos deliciosos sandwiches de pepino y jamon que nos gustan tanto
Tea and some of those delicious cucumber and crest sandwiches for which you are famous.
Sólo pedí un sandwich de jamon frito, ¿ es demasiado pedir?
A fried baloney sandwich isn't a lot to ask for!
No se si deberia tomar la suscripcion de un año gratis de jamon enlatado o lo que hay detrás de la cortina numero tres.
I don't know whether I should go for the year's supply of canned ham or what's behind Curtain Number 3!
- ¿ Es jamon artificial?
- Is that the man-made ham?
No nos iremos hasta que este jamon navideño haga una lagartija.
We're not leaving until this Christmas ham gives me a pull-up.
Sigueme, pequeño jamon endiablado.
Follow me, you little deviled ham.
" Tortilla de Jamon.
" Ham-and-cheese omelettes.
Sabes, odiaría no estar allí cuando Jimmy ponga de manifiesto su "gran jamon".
You know, I would kind of hate not being there when Jimmy brings out the big ham.
Esa de "huevos verdes con jamon"
That Green Eggs and Ham.
No me gustan los huevos verdes con jamon
I do not like green eggs and ham.
Quizas buey asado, jamon y huevos y una trucha o tres.
Roast beef, perhaps? Ham and eggs, a trout or three?
Lechuga, pepinos, jamon, ampolletas y bolasas de basura.
Lettuce, cucumber, ham, light bulbs and garbage bags.
Lechuga, pepinos, jamon, ampolletas y bolsas de basura, ¿ cierto?
Lettuce, cucumber, ham, light bulbs and garbage bags, right?
Estaba pensando en el sandwich de jamon que me trajiste el otro día.
I was just thinking about that ham sandwich you brought me the other day.
Mini galletas de naranja con jamon a la miel-mostaza y queso cheddar.
Mini orange biscuits with honey-mustard ham and cheddar cheese.
Tomé el sandwich que estaba comiendo, le quité el jamon, y lo puse entre mis nalgas, y lo regresé al sandwich y lo vi comerlo.
I took the sandwich that the priest was eating, took the piece of ham out of it, put it between my butt cheeks, and then put the sandwich back and watched him eat it.
Sabes, Yo era bastante parecido a vos - un perdedor blanco-leche con un barato corte de pelo... Y menos musculos que un jamon enlatado.
You know, I was a lot like you - a milky-white loser with a cheap haircut... and less muscle tone than a canned ham.
El Jamon ahumado que comimos anoche era jamon regular antes de que lo compres?
Ahi hay un poco de jamon, compañero.
Give you a bit of ham there, mate.
tartas, mantequilla de mani, todo lo que necesitas es un jamon glaseado y tendras una roja navidad.
Pop-Tarts, peanut butter, and all you need is honey-baked ham and you got a Redneck Christmas.
quien tiro el jamon glaseado a los musulmanes?
Who dropped the honey-baked ham on the Muslims?
no quieres una cruz llena de crema diciendo... no quieres poner un jamon de frambuesa diciendo :
You don't want a cream filled cross going... You don't wanna put raspberry jam in the grass going
Celoso? y un jamon.
Jealous, my ass.
Completamente unidos, como Marks Spencer, o Jamon y huevos, o pez y boca ensangrentada.
Inextricably linked, like Marks Spencer, or bacon and eggs, or foot-and-bloody-mouth.
Si ustedes, la gente que toma leche... la gente que produce huevos, leche y queso... mantequilla, jamon, que hace este pais cada vez mas grande.
It's you people, the dairy people... people that make eggs, milk, cheese... butter, bacon, that make the country great.
Es una frase de "Jamon" 6, verso 4.
It's a phrase from "Jamon" 6, verse 4.
Jamon en inglés significa "Maxim".
Jamon in English means Maxim.
A mi, un emparedado de jamon y queso con mostaza, sin mayonesa.
Get old Checkers a ham and cheese on some honky bread, mustard, hold the mayo.
- La semana pasada pusiste tocino en jamon.
- Last week you put bacon on ham.
Mi hermano robo un jamon, Yo lo ayude a comerlo.
My brother stole a ham, I helped him eat it.
¡ Paté de Jamon!
Taleggio! Bocconcini!
¡ El ultimo es un jamon asado!
Last one up is a glazed ham!
un par de libras doradas al fuego con frutos secos y 15 paquetes de jamon.
A few pounds of braising mince. And 1 5 packets of sliced ham.
- ¿ para que el jamon?
- What's the ham for?
Hey, necesito 6 omelets de huevo, doble jamon, doble queso.
Hey, I need a 6 egg omelet, double bacon, double cheese.

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