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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Líes

Líes Çeviri İngilizce

94 parallel translation
No quiero que te líes con él. Prefiero pasarme aquí el resto de la vida.
Listen, I don't want you playing around with that guy if I have to stay here rest of my life.
No te líes.
You got nothing to worry about.
- No me líes con trucos.
- Don't bother me with trifles. - And, John...
- Georges, no te líes.
Jo, don't be silly!
No me líes.
Don't confuse me.
No te líes con eso ahora.
Don't worry about that now.
- ¡ Nada, no lo líes más, Carmela!
~ Nothing, don't mess it up any further, Carmela!
Pero no me líes, lo sé todo sobre él.
Please don't try to tell me, I know all about Doctor Hardy.
No te líes otra vez con ese chiflado.
Don't get tangled with that nut again!
No lo líes con el mal de hígado.
Winifred, never confuse efficiency with a liver complaint.
Amigo, no me líes.
Amigo, don't con me.
No te líes con ellos, no saben nada.
But they're just a couple of quacks, not good for anything. - No?
Ahora vete y no me líes!
Now go away and don't fuss me!
Pues estos mecánicos son nuevos y no quiero que los líes con tu estilo tan anticuado.
I just got this crew broke in, so don't go screwing'em up with your old-fashioned ways.
Bueno, bueno, no la líes más.
Don't make a mess.
No te líes mucho o acabarás casado.
Don't get sucked in. You'd end up married.
- Gonso, no la líes. "
- Gonzo, don't make trouble.
No la líes o llamaré a la poli.
Don't screw it, or I call the cops.
No me líes.
Don't mess with me.
¡ Yo sólo bromeaba, a mí no me líes!
I am just kidding, don't ask me!
no te líes con la chica de un gángster.
One, never fool around with a gangster's girl.
Y 2ª : nunca te líes con la chica de un gángster.
And two, never fool around with a gangster's girl.
No me líes con trucos del diablo.
Don't trick me with twists of the devil's tongue.
No me líes con Kendrick y Jessep.
Don't you dare lump me in with Kendrick and Jessep. I'm your friend.
- No la líes.
- Don't confuse her.
No me líes. ¿ Dices que un espíritu maligno viajó de polizón a bordo?
Gimme a break. You saying some kind of evil spirit stowed away on board?
No la líes...
Don't mess...
- No me líes con trucos.
- Don't bother me with trifles.
Ya tengo suficientes problemas como para que me líes la cabeza.
Look, I have enough to deal with without you mind-fucking me.
Tal vez me líes con una actriz,?
Yeah, yeah. No problem.
Tu no líes más las cosas.
You don't tie any more things up.
No te líes con pacientes.
Don't get involved with patients.
No te líes con las hijas de pacientes.
Don't get involved with patients'daughters. - You understand?
No te líes con operadoras llamadas Amor.
Don't get involved with dispatchers named Love.
Oye, ¡ será mejor que no la líes con ese sombrero!
Hey, you better not mess with that hat!
No me líes.
- Stops you, confuse me!
No hay forma de que te líes con su mamá.
No way you're getting jiggy with his mama.
No te líes.
Don't screw up.
No te líes con la madre de un paciente.
Never sleep with a patient's mother.
- Tío, no la líes.
- Dude, don't mess this up.
Pero no la líes.
But don't get it twisted.
Antes de que la líes más, quiero hablar contigo.
Before I mess you up good, I want a word with you.
Caín, por favor no la líes, no te metas.
Cain, please Not the lies, do not get.
No quiero que lo líes todo.
I don't want you to mess it up.
No la líes, este arreglo le va a ir bien a todo el mundo.
Don't mess this up. This arrangement is working out great for everybody.
No quiero que te líes más con esto.
I don't want you to be bothered by it.
A mí no me líes.
Don't chew my head.
No líes así.
Don't lie.
No me líes.
Don't get me mad.
¡ Hippo, no te líes con esa puta!
Hey, boy, you better stay away from that hooker.
¡ No te líes!
Your wife and daughter are idiots.

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