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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Married

Married Çeviri İngilizce

85,196 parallel translation
Todo el tiempo me digo que la gente casada termina llegando a... estancarse en el sexo, y es lo normal.
I tell myself all the time, like, married people, you know, after a while they reach this... sexual plateau, and that's the norm.
Me casé con ella y adopté a la carita sonriente.
A year later, I married her, adopted smiley over here.
¿ Por qué no puedo casarme sin que me juzgues?
I just think there's more to life than getting married. Why can't I just get married without you judging me?
No creo que a nadie le moleste.
Well, we are married.
En realidad me casé por amor.
Had nothing when we met. I actually married for love.
¿ Y preferirías estar sola? ¿ Que casada conmigo?
So, you'd rather be alone... than be married to me?
¿ Todas las parejas que conozco, casadas más de cinco años?
All the couples I know married longer than five years...
- Tener un bebé... sentar cabeza.
-... get married, have a baby.... - Have a baby settle down.
Se casó con mi madre en el 82.
Married my mom in'82.
Que solo estuvo casado con la abuela durante un tiempo.
Just married to Grandma for a while.
¿ Estás casada o divorciada?
Married or divorced?
Si regresa, habrán estado casados todo el tiempo.
If he returns, they were always married.
Y si lo piensas, quiere decir... que todo el año estuvo casada y divorciada.
Which means, if you really think about it, for the entire year, she was married and divorced.
Vamos a casarnos.
We're getting married.
- ¿ Está casado?
Is he married?
Me casé nada más terminar el instituto con un tipo que conocía desde el campamento de verano de quinto curso.
Got married straight out of high school to a guy I knew since fifth grade summer camp.
Y estoy casada.
- And I'm married.
¿ Está casado?
You married?
Tú jodiste a tu mujer en cuanto te casaste con ese bomboncito de chocolate que cobra 5.000 por noche.
You fucked your wife the minute you married that 5K-a-night piece of chocolate cake.
Nadie se va creer que estamos casados.
No one's gonna believe you and me are married.
No podría creer que fuera una mujer casada.
I couldn't yet believe she was a married woman.
¿ Has estado casado alguna vez?
You ever been married?
Quiero dejar este mundo. O casarme y contar cuentos a un niño, como tú.
I want to leave this world, or get married, and read fairy tales.
Habrá oído en el pueblo... que Carlà no me desposó por ser su criada.
I'm sure you've heard by now that I was the Carlán's maid, and he never married me.
Lo que la gente no sabe es que mi marido, pensando que los anarquistas lo matarían... me desposó para no dejar a los niños sin nada.
What people don't know is that my husband, suspecting the anarchists would kill him, married me so our children would be his heirs.
Sé que tiene hijo y mujer, aunque no esté casado.
I know you have a son with a woman, but you're not married.
Ya verá, doctor. Ahora todos creen que estaban casados.
I know, Doc, but now everyone thinks they were married.
- No estamos casados.
- We're not married.
¿ Por qué no nos casamos y olvidamos todo esto?
Let's get married and forget all this.
De todas formas, después de que Sean se casara y se incorporara a la familia, todo cambió.
Anyway, after Sean married into the family, that all changed.
No. ¿ Una mujer casada?
No. A married woman?
Después de haberme casado con Moshe, prácticamente desapareciste de mi vida.
After I married Moshe, you practically disappeared from my life.
Incluso me he casado.
I even got married.
No lo estés... estuve casada contigo 27 años.
Don't be- - I was married to you for 27 years.
Sabes, la primera vez que Se suponía que se casaran,
You know, the first time we were supposed to get married,
A causa de eso, La segunda vez que fuimos Supuestamente para casarse
And because of that, the second time we were supposed to get married,
¿ Está casado, Mark?
Are you married, Mark?
Estuve casada con Kevin 15 años.
I was married to Kevin for 15 years.
¿ Eres casada?
- Are you married?
¿ Eres casada o sales con alguien?
Are you married or are you seeing somebody?
Se casó con un buen chico.
She married a great guy.
¿ Te volviste a casar?
Did you ever get married again?
Y ya que estamos casados, tengo una confesión.
And now that you've married me, I have a confession.
Conoces al hombre con el que te casaste.
You know the man you married.
John y tú os casasteis en mi patio trasero.
You and John were married in my backyard.
Pero está casado, así que nadie debía saber lo nuestro.
But he's married, so no one's supposed to know about us.
¿ Cómo es estar casado con un monstruo?
How does it feel to be married to a monster, huh?
¿ Cómo es estar casado con un monstruo?
How does it feel to be married to a monster?
Suponía que estar casado con Rebecca ya te habría abierto los ojos.
I should have thought that being married to Rebecca would have opened your eyes by now.
No, siempre quise tener, pero me casé con la ley, y una no puede tener hijos libros... ¿ O sí?
No, I always hoped I would, but I'm married to the law, and you can't very well have book babies... now, can you?
Creí que mis padres estarían casados para siempre y...
I thought my parents would be married forever, and...

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