/ İspanyolca → İngilizce / Nósotros
Nósotros Çeviri İngilizce
29 parallel translation
Vamos ver lo que el 63 % puede hacer por nósotros.
Sir, Iet's take this 63 % out for a spin. Let's see what it could do.
Si. Nósotros los alcanzaremos.
Yes, yes, we'll catch up with you.
Entonces ustes está diciendo que todos nósotros estamos relacionados con los monos.
So you are saying that we're all related to monkeys.
Bien, si. Basicamente, nósotros somos.
Well yes, basically, we are.
Nósotros tenemos pulso.
We have a pulse.
- Cuidado querida. A la directora no la gusta cuando nósotros...
The school board doesn't like it when we -
Muchas personas se congelaron en laboratórios criogenicos, y nósotros no las descongelamos.
Lots of people froze themselves in cryogenic labs and we don't unfreeze them.
Agora vean, nutrias tontas, que nósotros somos los ateos en el control!
Now you see, foolish sea otters, that we are the atheists in control!
OK, Niño del Tiempo. nósotros cumplimos nuestra parte del trato.
All right, Time Child, we've filled our side of the bargain.
Bien, nósotros estamos muy felices con su regreso
Well, we're all glad you're back.
Sólo espero que el otro grupo tenga mas suerte que nósotros.
Let's hope the other crews are luckier that we've been.
Nósotros sólo tenemos que terminar esta parte aqui, y el nível estará hecho.
We just have to finish this part here and the level will be done.
Nósotros nos transformamos en la plantacion, trabajadores y los servidores.
We're between the plantation, the workers and the surface.
Nósotros somos los manutencionistas de la RENZO.
We are in the maintenance REZO.
en el fin nósotros creamos una costumbre entre nósotros. yo gane nuevas ilusiones...
In the end we grew accustomed to each other. I've got no illusions.
la energia en la propiedad ordenada és infinita. y creame, nósotros sólo estamos en el início.
The sap's energetic properties are infinite and believe me, we're just at the beginning.
conecte para saber que quiere de nósotros.
I'll wind up knowing what it wants from us.
Nósotros fuimos ingênuos, nósotros creiamos que el ciclo era perfecto.
We were naive. We believed that the cycle was perfect.
Está protegiendose de nósotros.
It's protecting itself from us.
Nósotros, los técnicos de RENZO, rechazamos apoyar esa mentira.
We, the technicians of the REZO refuse to maintain this line.
Nósotros interceptamos imagenes de la plantacion.
We've intercepted images form the plantation.
la aparicion de los trabajadores en las plantaciones... y la resistència de RENZO fueron sólo inafortunados contratiempos... que nósotros pretendemos ratificar.
The uprising of the plantation workers and the resistance of the REZO were just unfortunate setbacks, that we are eager to rectify.
Que no tienen oportunidad, mas que confiar en sus esperanzas, por la cual nósotros nunca tuvimos condiciones de ofrecerles
We have no choice but to rely on hope for what we have never been able to offer them.
Nósotros precisamos de hombres como usted. Consciência de la obligacion, del sacrifício, que és esencial para este nuevo mundo.
We need men like you - conscious of the obligation, of the sacrifice which is essential to this new world.
Si, nósotros estudiamos el oxímoro.
Yes, we've done the oxymoron.
- Nósotros somos asistentes sociales.
- We are social workers.
Nósotros somos musulmanos, y no enterramos cristianos.
We are Muslims, we don't bury Christians.
- Nósotros oimos cuando usted dió aquel grito rebelde.
- We heard you give that rebel yell.
- Lo que esta dentro de ellas, somos nósotros, futuro.
Whatever's inside them - what is inside of them is us - the future.