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Prã Çeviri İngilizce

46 parallel translation
La prà ³ xima vez ven acompaà ± ado de tus 40 hombres.
Next time, bring all 40 with you.
Es normal rezar cuando la muerte està ¡ prà ³ xima.
Of course, we pray when we're close to death.
Quieren que te presentes a sheriff las prà ³ ximas elecciones.
They want you to stand for sheriff next election. Yeah.
El sheriff Wade era el là ¡ tigo del juez Tibbs, que entonces prà ¡ cticamente era el dueà ± o del condado.
Sheriff Charlie was the whip hand for old Judge Tibbs who pretty much owned this county back then.
La prà ³ xima vez que nos veamos seremos enemigos.
Next time we meet you and I are enemies
Decidimos continuar con nuestro programa de fà " tbol la prà ² xima temporada... ... y su nombre era el primero en una lista de candidatos potenciales... ... para el puesto de entrenador principal.
We've decided to go ahead with our football program next season and your name was the first on a list of potential candidates for the head coaching position.
Es decir'prà cticamente tiene los mismos deberes'pero con menos paga.
I mean, it's the same duties, practically, just less pay.
- La prà ´ xima.
- Next one.
Està bien, veamos qÏ... à ¨ pÏ... ede hacer en la prà ctica.
Okay, well, let's see what he can do in practice.
Jugamos, Red'y te digo que algún dia... ... ni hoy, ni maà ± ana, probablemente tampoco esta temporada... ... ni la prà ² xima temporada'pero algà ¹ n dà ­ a, tà ¹ y yo nos vamos a despertar...
We play the game, Red, and I'm telling you, one day not today, not tomorrow, not this season probably not next season either, but one day, you and I are gonna wake up and suddenly we're gonna be like every other team in every other sport where winning is everything and nothing else matters.
La prà ³ xima vez me cuentas toda la historia,  ¿ sà ­?
Next time I get the whole story, OK?
Estoy dando este discurso porque me gustarà ­ a ser la prà ³ xima presidenta del alumnado de East Middle.
I am here giving this speech because I would like to be East Middle's next student body president.
La prà ³ xima vez que està © presente te pegará © fuerte para que te pongas a llorar.
Well, the next time he's around, I'm gonna punch you hard and you start crying.
Entonces, pensaste que eras su prà ­ ncipe azul en un caballo blanco, y ahora està ¡ s viendo otras huellas de cascos en su patio.
So, you thought you were her prince charming. On a white horse, and now you're seeing other hoof prints in her yard.
" imagine eso hoy usted es directores, maà ± ana secretarias, entonces porteros, y entonces el prà ³ ximo dà ­ a usted està ¡ en las ventas...
"imagine that today you're directors, tomorrow secretaries, then doorkeepers, and then the next day you're in sales... It's just impossible."
Pero, a veces, el mà ¡ s anatà ³ micamente bonito no es los pareciendo mà ¡ s buenos en la fase, porque ellos cuentan demasiado en la belleza ellos nacieron con, quà © les hace sentirse demasiado afiance y los impide tomarlo al prà ³ ximo nivel.
But, sometimes, the most anatomically beautiful are not the best looking ones on the stage, because they rely too much on the beauty they were born with, which makes them feel too secure and keeps them from taking it to the next level.
El prà ³ ximo uno.
The next one.
No, no es suficiente prà ¡ ctica.
Nah, that's enough practice.
Pero, mijo, al final, el entendimiento solo significa tener compasià ³ n por el prà ³ jimo,  ¿ sà ­?
But, mijo, in the end, understanding simply means to have sympathy, sympathy for people, yeah?
Última tiene compasià ³ n por el prà ³ jimo.
Ultima has sympathy for people.
LLEGO LA PRà “ XIMA Dà ‰ CADA,  ¿ de acuerdo?
- Tal vez PRà “ XIMA SEMANA.
Asà ­ que no sabà ­ a muy bien quà © iba a obtener y se convirtià ³ en algo prà ³ spero.
And so I didn't really know what I was going to get. And it turned into a minor bonanza.
Para Bill, no era suficiente cumplir el plazo. por Bill Amend Prà ³ logo por Bill Watterson à ‰ l tenà ­ a que mover la barra un poco mà ¡ s de lo que habà ­ a hecho con anterioridad.
For Bill, it wasn't enough to just meet the deadline, you had to sort of move the bar a little bit over what you had done previously.
à ‰ l es el prà ³ ximo.
He's up next.
Oye, la prà ³ xima vez que no me dices que se trata de Omar dà ­ melo,  ¿ sà ­?
Hey, James, how about next time that you don't tell me that this is about Omar, you tell me, huh?
El cuerpo que tenà © is ante vosotros serà ¡ el que utilicà © is... en las prà ¡ cticas de los dos cursos siguientes.
The body in front of you is the one you will use in the practical classes over the next two terms.
Jesús, la prà ³ xima semana me cogerá © un dà ­ a libre.
I'm going to take a day off next week.
La prà ³ xima vez puedes venir con nosotras.
Next time, you can come with us.
Es prà ³ ximo fin de semana.
It's next weekend.
Prà © stame tu auto.
Rick, I need to borrow your car.
Randy, eres el prà ³ ximo concursante de  ¡ Los pantalones me quedan apretados!
Randy, you're the next contestant on : "The Pants Are Too Tight!" Yeah!
Hasta la prà ³ xima.
Till we meet again.
podrá ­ a ser un prà © stamo a corto plazo.
Maybe if it was just a short-term loan.
Y escribirá ¡ n un pà ¡ rrafo sobre eso para la prà ³ xima clase.
And I want you to write a paragraph on it for class next week.
Shandra me comentà ³ hace un rato que no podrà ¡ ir al taller de escritura del prà ³ ximo mes.
All right, uh, Shandra mentioned something to me earlier about her possibly not making the writer's weekend next month?
La prà ³ xima vez que te llame, no me contestes
Okay, next time I call you when you're doing that,
-  ¿ Asà ­ que te vas el mes prà ³ ximo?
So, you're leaving next month?
Bueno, Carol y su esposo irá ¡ n a Nueva York el prà ³ ximo mes.
Well, Carol and her husband are going to New York next month.
 ¿ Hay alguna obra asà ­ para el prà ³ ximo mes?
Uh, is there anything like that playing next month?
Ahora bien, su papà ¡, que es un hombre orgulloso y poco prà ¡ ctico, tiene ganas de regalarles un perro, aunque sabe que no tienen para pagarlo.
Now your dad, being the proud and impractical man that he is, really wants to get you this dog even though he knows that you can't afford it.
La prà ³ xima vez, baja conmigo en caso de que me encuentre con problemas.
Next time, descend with me in case I run into trouble.
No puedo ser suspendido ahora mismo porque ya tengo poco dinero en efectivo debido al prà © stamo escolar de Leà ³ n, este...
I can't get suspended right now. 'Cause I'm already low on cash'cause of the school loan to Leon, this...
Te llamará © la prà ³ xima semana.
I'll call you next week.
Nos vemos la prà ³ xima vez.
See you next time.
Tal vez lo intentaremos nuevamente el prà ³ ximo aà ± o.
Maybe we'll try again next year.

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