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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Quedò

Quedò Çeviri İngilizce

8 parallel translation
Se quedò mirando fijamente.
He just stared.
Otra vez me quedò mojado el abrigo.
I get the wet coat again.
Dos caballos se escaparon, pero el pinto se quedò.
Two of the horses ran off, but the pinto hung around.
Seguramente, el asesino se quedò con el boleto antes de arrojar a West del tren con el fin de no revelar, el nombre de la estaciòn cercana al lugar de su residencia.
Surely, the murderer would have removed the ticket before throwing West from the train so as not to reveal the name of the station nearest his place of residents.
Aquella vez que te quitaron el apéndice se quedò toda la noche en el hospital, y los odia.
When you were in the hospital and you had your appendix out he stayed the whole night long, and he hates hospitals!
En dicha declaración dijo que quedò impresionado y encantado con la calidad del trabajo de Beckett. ¿ Recuerda haberlo dicho?
In that deposition you said that you were impressed and delighted with the quality of Andrew Beckett's work. Do you recall saying that?
El se quedò?
He stayed there?
Bueno, lo que quedò de èl.
Well, what's left of him, anyway.

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