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Quiza Çeviri İngilizce

125,903 parallel translation
Estuve fuera dos años. Quizá sea solo eso...
O quizá tienen a alguien en la CIA que ha visto mi nombre en algunos papeles.
Quizá. Puedes tener mala suerte.
Hemos tenido una idea... Hemos pensado que quizá podríamos hablar con la gente con la que trabajamos para que le ofrezcan al pastor Tim un trabajo.
We had an idea... we thought that maybe we could talk to the people we work with and they might be able to get Pastor Tim a job offer.
Quizá en Europa, quizá algo de beneficencia, algo religioso.
Maybe in Europe, maybe charity work, something religious.
Así que quizá ahora nuestro país puede cultivar mejor grano.
So maybe our country can now grow better food.
Quizá tener que hablar solo inglés en casa.
Maybe we need speak only English at home.
He pensado que si hacía fotos de su diario, quizá habría algo allí que pudiera ayudaros a vosotros y vuestra gente... a buscarle el trabajo adecuado.
I thought if I photographed his diary, maybe there'd be something in there that could help you and your people... figure out his new job.
Pero... quizá quería vernos leerlas delante de ella.
But... maybe she wanted to see us read them right in front of her.
Quizá de la otra secretaria.
- Quizá solo es...
- Maybe it's just...
Quizá Anthony no la hizo explotar después de todo.
Maybe Anthony didn't blow it up after all.
La cuestión es que quizá se pregunten...
The thing is, what you might ask, is...
Porque quizá sea excéntrica, pero guardo mis recibos en un cubo.
'Cause I may be eccentric, but I save my receipts in a bucket.
Pero yo no podía pensar ni hablar y creí que quizá no causaría mucha gracia ".
I just wasn't able to think or talk, and I thought that might not be as funny as I'd hoped.
Quizá sean los medicamentos, pero...
I don't know if it's the meds, but...
Al día siguiente, quizá se haya olvidado de lo que hablamos.
The next day, she may have forgotten about that of which we spoke.
Quizá ofreciera demasiado.
Maybe I came in too high.
Creo que quizá no entiendes la tecnología que trato de construir.
I think, maybe, what's happening is that you're just not understanding the technology I'm trying to build here.
Estoy nervioso, quizá me quede sin material.
I might run out of material soon.
Por desgracia para ti, significa que quizá apostaste al caballo equivocado.
Unfortunately for you, that would mean you may have put your money on the wrong horse.
Quizá suene loco, pero si no lo hacías antes del fin de semana, pensaba decirte que no fueras a la boda de mi hermana.
This may sound crazy, but if you hadn't by this weekend, I was actually considering disinviting you from my sister's wedding. No way.
Gente amable del FBI, no sé qué les contaron o quién, quizá nunca lo sepamos, pero les aseguro que esta joven...
Good people of the FBI, I don't know what sorts of things you were told or who told them to you... we may never know... but I can assure you that this young woman is...
Quizá necesitemos un nuevo enfoque.
Perhaps we need a new angle.
Por gracia divina, quizá lo haya logrado,
And by the grace of God, I just may have pulled it off.
No sé, quizá nunca sepamos.
I don't know. Probably we'll never know.
Quizá necesite ayuda para resolver esto de mi gran amigo Keenan Feldspar.
You know, I may need a little help getting to the bottom of this from my very good friend, Keenan Feldspar!
Quizá ya le haya dicho a mi equipo que sacara un comunicado anunciando todo esto. Y debería salir en...
I may have instructed my comms team to issue a press release announcing the recall... and it should be going out at...
Quizá te dio la impresión de que le empresa está en crisis. Pero te aseguro que hay una explicación simple para eso.
It probably gave you the impression that the company is in disarray, but I can assure you, there's a very simple explanation for that.
Quizá cuando regreses...
Perhaps when you return, we...
O quizá era él, ¿ sabes?
Or m-maybe it was him, you know?
Quizá era un grito de ayuda.
Maybe it was a cry for help.
Quizá quiero seguir haciendo que me necesites.
Maybe I want to keep you needing me.
Bueno, quizá está ascendiendo.
Well, maybe he's moving up.
Quizá la cervecería.
Maybe the brewery.
Quizá es lo único que tengo.
Maybe it's all I've got going for me.
Quizá le pilló en medio.
Maybe caught in the middle.
Quizá indeciso entre Dios y su naturaleza. Oh, por Dios.
Maybe torn between god and his nature.
Como una T o una cruz, quizá.
This, burn. Like a T or a cross, maybe.
Quizá la cruz no es religiosa.
Maybe the cross isn't religion.
¿ Una marca quizá?
Maybe branding?
Quizá se lo hacen a los trans también.
Maybe they do it for trans too.
Quizá deberías pensar en hacer lo mismo.
You might think about doing the same thing.
Quizá lamentó golpearle el hueso parietal con los prismáticos de Robert E. Lee.
Perhaps you regretted bashing his parietal bone in with Robert E. Lee's field glasses.
Quizá hizo una pausa para limpiar rápidamente su arma elegida antes de devolverla a su vitrina expositora.
Perhaps you paused to wipe off your hastily chosen weapon before returning it to its display case.
Quizá no le funciona la nariz.
Like, maybe her nose doesn't work.
Quizá podamos encontrar algo que nos diga dónde ha estado pasando el tiempo.
Well, maybe we can find something here that'll tell us where he's been spending his time.
Quizá esté cerca de donde la retiene.
Perhaps it's closer to where he's holding her.
Después que desapareció, pensé que quizá no me creyó.
After she went missing, I thought maybe she didn't believe me.
Quizá fue con él para saber más del sitio.
Maybe she went with him to learn more.

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