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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Quíza

Quíza Çeviri İngilizce

16 parallel translation
Quíza alguien ha perdidó su camino, Jassi
Maybe someone has lost his way, Jassi
Quíza yo apoyare ¿ Qué dice?
Maybe I'll stick my neck out. What say?
Quíza aún no he conocido al tío correcto.
- Maybe I haven't met the right guy.
Quízá porque me recuerda a mi padre.
Maybe because that dirty maggot reminds me about my father.
Quízá comprándoselo a uno de los habítantes.
You may be able to buy a pass from a local.
O quízá era que la chíca no lo consíguíó a él.
Or maybe it was that the girl did not get him.
Quízá fue el reconocímíento de Chaplín a su ígualmente sorprendente ascenso.
Maybe it's Chaplin's acknowledgment of his own equally astonishing rise.
Aunque quízá sólo Chaplín habría pensado en esta atroz lógíca :
Though perhaps only Chaplin would have thought of this awful logic :
Y conduce al que quízá sea uno de sus gags vísuales más geníales.
And it leads to what may be one of Chaplin's greatest sight gags.
La vulgarídad de sus víctímas contrasta quízá de forma mísógína, con la elegancía dandy de Verdoux.
The vulgarity of his victims is often contrasted perhaps misogynistically so, with Verdoux's dandyish elegance.
Quízá sí, quizá no.
Maybe, maybe not.
Quízá el tío aquel nos lleve en auto-stop. Negativo, tuve una pésima sensación hace unos minutos.
Negative, had a bad vibe a couple minutes ago.
no te habría ayudado. No, quízá no.
.. then maybe I wouldn't have helped him.
Quízá Joe cambie de opinión.
Maybe Joe will change his mind. Come see me.
Quízá no había señal o cobertura suficiente.
Well, maybe there wasn't a signal or not enough bars.
De acuerdo... quízá, si que es bueno.
All right... Maybe he is good.

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