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Razã Çeviri İngilizce

54 parallel translation
- Mike tiene razà ³ n.
- Mike is right.
Esta perdiendo la razà ³ n.
She's losing her mind.
Mire, la razà ³ n por la que queremos Ver la TV esta noche, es porque queremos ver el Segundo show de Valerie Kirk
I'll tell you the reason that we wanted to see TV tonight is, we wanted to see the second half of The Valerie Kirk Show.
Tenà ­ an razà ³ n!
That's right!
Hey, esa es mà ¡ s bien la segunda razà ³ n
Hey, that's, like, a secondary reason.
Donna tiene razà ³ n.
Donna's right.
Hey, miren, Jackie tiene razà ³ n, okey?
Hey, look, Jackie's right, all right?
Bogdan, la razà ³ n por la que perdimos es que no està bamos ahà ­.
Now, see, Bogdan, the reason we lost is because we weren't there.
Probablemente tengas razà ´ n.
You know, you're probably right.
Êl tenia razà ´ n,  ¿ sabes?
He was right, you know.
-  ¿ Quià © n tenà ­ a razà ² n?
- Who was right?
Por su bien, espero que tenga razà ³ n.
For your sake, I hope you're right.
Esa es mi razà ³ n de vivir.
That's what I have to live for.
Aún no hay una razà ³ n para que tenga que escucharte armar tus torpedos de fotones todas las noches.
It's still no reason for me to have to listen to you arm your photon torpedoes every night.
Yo tendrá © razà ³ n allà ­.
I'll be right there.
Marez tiene razà ³ n.
Marez is right. Marez is right!
SARGE, tiene razà ³ n aquà ­.
NECESITO Mà  S, O tienes razà ³ n, estoy perdiendo el tiempo.
Te saliste por una razà ³ n.
Usted sabe, pero por la misma razà ³ n,
Tenà ­ as razà ³ n.
Hobbes es su contrapeso, la voz de la razà ³ n su cà ³ mplice, y fiel compaà ± ero.
Hobbes is his ballast, his voice of reason, his co-conspirator and loyal companion.
Si uno lee todo los "Calvin y Hobbes" se ve que realmente tiene cosas muy interesantes que decir acerca de la sociedad, de la humanidad, acerca de las relaciones, sobre el mundo. No hay ninguna razà ³ n de por quà © no pueda hacerse en una tira cà ³ mica.
If you read through all of Calvin and Hobbes you'll see that he really has very interesting things to say about society, about humanity, about relationships, about the world, and there's no reason why he can't do that in a comic strip.
Creo que la razà ³ n por la que à © l no permite a nadie que lo comercialice es la mà ­ stica con la que crece y el deseo por ese tipo de cosas o la importancia que la gente le da a esto...
I definitely think by him not allowing anyone to merchandise, the mystique of it grows and the desire for those kinds of things, or the care with which it's taken by people.
El hecho de que no haya cosas de Calvin y Hobbes por todos lados es realmente.... Creo que es la razà ³ n por la que sigue siendo tan popular como lo es hoy.
- The fact that there isn't Calvin and Hobbes stuff all over the place is really, I think that's the reason why the strip is still as popular as it is today.
Tengo mi coleccià ³ n de tiras cà ³ micas de "Calvin y Hobbes" que me encanta por una razà ³ n u otra.
I have my collection of Calvin and Hobbes strips that I love for one reason or another.
Tienes razà ³ n.
You're right.
No, tienes razà ³ n.
You're right, it's not.
Tienes razà ³ n.
That's actually a good point.
Esta vez tiene razà ³ n.
I think you're right this time.
Porque es de los que creen que siempre tienen la razà ³ n.
Because he's one of those people who thinks he always knows best.
Tienes razà ³ n.
You right.
Pues, a lo meor, esa es la razà ³ n.
Well maybe that's the reason.
No, tienes razà ³ n.
Tienes razà ³ n, pero Sunnyvale està ¡ aquà ­, Barb.
It does need a fresh start, but this is Sunnyvale here, Barb.
Tal vez tengas razà ³ n.
Maybe you're right, Randy.
No quiero mudarme. Tienes razà ³ n.
I don't want to fucking move.
Quizà ¡ Barb tenà ­ a razà ³ n.
Maybe Barb was right.
Pues sà ­, tienes razà ³ n.
Oh, yeah. No. Totally.
Esa es la única razà ³ n por la que estamos aquà ­ ahora.
That's really the only reason why either of us are here right now.
Bueno, supongo que tienes razà ³ n.
Okay, I guess it's kind of a booty call.
Sà ­, y por alguna razà ³ n, siempre corremos en cà ­ rculos, y por eso esta enemistad es tan antigua.
Yes, and for some reason, we always seem to run in circles which is why we've been feuding for so long.
Pero, por alguna razà ³ n, pensà © que serà ­ as mejor en esto.
I just, for some reason, I thought you'd be better at it.
Tienes mucha razà ³ n, ese video del gato era gracioso ".
"You're so right. That cat video was cute and funny."
Bueno, con mà ¡ s razà ³ n deberà ­ amos despedirnos por hoy.
Well, all the more reason to... Say good night.
Tienes razà ³ n, tu sonrisa es hermosa.
You're right, you have a beautiful smile.
Usted tenà ­ a razà ³ n, ella es genial.
You were right, she's cool.
Si, tienes razà ³ n.
Yeah, you're right.
Mira, estoy seguro que ella tiene una muy buena razà ³ n
Look, I'm sure. She has a perfectly good reason for not telling you.
Tiene razà ³ n.
He's right.
Tenà ­ as razà ³ n.
You were right.

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