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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Salem

Salem Çeviri İngilizce

1,088 parallel translation
Salem. ¿ Tú good con la polla, aquí?
You good? With prick? Here?
¡ No había habido una buena caza de brujas en este estado desde la de Salem!
We haven't had a good witch hunt in this state since Salem!
Hola, Salem!
Hello, Salem!
Oh, poderoso Abu Salem... tu que gobiernas sobre miles de demonios... por todos los fuegos del infierno y de la oscuridad... dale fuerza y vida a ésta, tu criatura.
O mighty Abu Salem... you who rule over a thousand devils... by all the fires of hell and darkness... give strength and life to this, your creature.
Era de Salem, Massachusetts.
He was from Salem, Massachusetts.
Lo echaron de Salem por brujo.
They ran him out of Salem for being a witch.
No, me refiero a Salem's Lot.
No, I meant to Salem's Lot.
¿ Qué estará haciendo realmente en Salem's Lot?
What is he really doing in Salem's Lot?
Los vientos de rebelión barrieron el condado de Jerusalem's Lot que después sería Salem's Lot.
The winds of revolt swept through the township of Jerusalem's Lot soon to be known as Salem's Lot.
Los hombres de Salem's Lot pelearon en el valle Forge sufrieron un largo invierno.
Some men from Salem's Lot fought at Valley Forge suffering through that long, cold winter.
Sí, Salem's Lot tuvo sus héroes, vivos y muertos habían luchado por el tesoro mas valioso de todos : la libertad.
Yes, Salem's Lot had its share of heroes, living and dead but they had fought for the greatest treasure of all :
¿ No se irá de Salem's Lot?
You're not leaving Salem's Lot, are you?
En el tranquilo pueblo de Salem's Lot.
Quiet little town of Salem's Lot.
Nacido aquí en Salem's Lot.
He was born here, in Salem's Lot.
Todo Salem's Lot está relacionado con la casa
Everything here's connected with it. You can see it in every part of the town.
En Salem's Lot.
In Salem's Lot.
Pronto todo el pueblo de Salem's Lot...
Soon this whole town of Salem's Lot....
Pero el fuego purificará Salem's Lot.
It will purify Salem's Lot.
Yo no le creo a esos idiotas que me dicen que nuestros ancestros quemaban brujas en Salem. ¿ Ok?
I don't believe those idiots who tell me that our ancestors were salem witch burners alright?
Realmente no crees en esas taradeses sobre Salem, ¿ no?
You don't really believe in that stupid salem witch stuff, do you?
Sí, por cierto... Sí, es la ciudad donde el padre Thomas... Terrible... terrible.
Yes, as a matter of fact... yes, that's the town where father thomas... terrible... terrible you know that dunwich was built on the ruins of the original salem.
Una mujer expulsada de Salem por hechicería... violó las leyes indias y construyó la casa sobre un antiguo cementerio.
A woman expelled from Salem for witchcraft... violated the Indians'laws against building on an ancient burial ground.
Oum Salem está llevando su carta.
Oum Salem is carrying her letter.
Pobre Oum Salem, todavía espera a su hijo.
Poor Oum Salem, she's still waiting for her son...
Lo hacemos desde que Salem Jones llegó.
We have ever since Salem Jones got here.
Priam no hace nada malo, pero Salem Jones le azota de todos modos.
Yes. And Priam doesn't do anything bad. But Salem Jones whips him anyhow.
Desde que Salem Jones ha estado durmiendo con Semiramis...
Ever since Salem Jones has been sleeping with Semiramis...
Salem hace que los negros trabajen más que nadie. No lo justifica.
Salem Jones gets more work out of the Negroes than anyone ever has.
¿ Qué hay de ese esclavo Nat Turner que asesinó a 55 blancos a sangre fría?
Well, Salem Jones knows a thing or two. What about that slave, Nat Turner, murdered 55 white people in cold blood?
Semiramis, no te acerques a Salem Jones.
Semiramis, you stay away from Salem Jones now.
¡ Por favor, Salem!
Please, Salem.
Salem Jones.
- It's Salem Jones.
Tres más para alegrar a la compañía, Salem.
Three more to swell the company, by the looks of you.
¿ Qué dices, Salem?
What's that you say, Salem?
Venga, Salem, ya me has oído.
Come on, Salem, you heard me.
- ¿ Bangord o filete Salem?
Bangor Burger or Salem Steak?
Bueno, de todos modos se llama Salem's Lot
Anyway, it's called Salem's Lot.
Nunca vayas a Jerusalem's Lot.
[IN CREPPY VOICE] Don't ever go to Salem's Lot. An evil place. Shut up, Sherry.
Recuerdo, estábamos en el coche, les pedí que se alejaran del Jerusalem's Lot.
I told them to stay off the road to Salem's Lot. - They wouldn't listen! - Your favorite.
Ud. dijo Salem's Lot.
El mismo lugar.
You said Salem's Lot.
- Sí Ya sabe.
- In Salem's Lot?
Ni un nazi iría a Jerusalem's Lot.
- Yep. You know, even a nazi would have enough sense not to hang around Salem's Lot.
Esa iglesia en Jerusalem's Lot.
A church in Salem's Lot?
Señores, no se alarmen.
Welcome to Salem's Lot.
Esa ventana no tiene barrotes.
No bars. I couldn't let you leave Salem's Lot without seeing this production that our young people have prepared.
Fue tejido en 1890 por mujeres profesas del ocultismo
Yes. It was sewn in the 1890s By salem women who were following the occult.
Salem Jones sabe una cosa o dos.
Does it?
Pasé un tiempo con mi tía Clara en'Salem's Lot'.
I spent some time here with Aunt Clara at Salem's Lot.
Querrá decir Salem.
You mean Salem's Lot.
¿ A donde va?
You're in Salem's Lot.

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