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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Sarah

Sarah Çeviri İngilizce

24,412 parallel translation
Sarah acepta su responsabilidad.
Sarah accepts her responsibility.
Miren qué bien salimos Sarah y yo.
The Ladder provides the rest.
Lo sé, pero seguirá las reglas.
Look how great Sarah and I turned out.
I guess he's still at a girl's house.
¿ Por qué tú, la perfecta de Sarah, me quisiste?
No. Why? Why did you, perfect Sarah, want me?
"Ha llegado el momento para que el mensaje nos dé amor". Literalmente me dijo eso, Sarah.
Like, he literally said that to me, Sarah.
Desafortunadamente, eso es imposible. Sarah, Cal acaba de abrir su corazón ante ti y siento como que tú no abriste el tuyo.
Sarah, Cal just opened his heart to you, and I feel like you didn't open yours.
Mira, Sarah, sé que me conoces.
Look, Sarah, I know you know me. Yes.
Sarah es alguien fácil de amar, ¿ no es así?
Sarah's an easy person to love, isn't she? First time you saw her, did you think anything sexually?
Tu mensaje trajo amor.
Your message brought love. - Things are changing, Sarah.
No. Sarah, te prometo...
Sarah, I promise.
Gracias, Sarah.
Thanks, Sarah.
¡ Sarah!
Creo que... Sarah y yo vamos a estar bien.
You know, I think Sarah and I are gonna be okay.
Le pediríamos a Sarah que vigilara, pero no siempre ve con claridad refiriéndose a Cal.
We'd ask Sarah to keep an eye out, but she doesn't always see clearly when it comes to Cal.
Espero que Sarah, Eddie y sus hijos me puedan perdonar.
I hope that Sarah and Eddie and their children are able to forgive me.
Por favor dile a Sarah que lo lamento mucho.
Please tell Sarah how sorry I am.
- Sarah hizo la mayor parte ella misma.
- Sarah did most of it herself.
En casa de Sarah.
Sarah's putting us up.
No me siento como para ir a lo de Jez y Sarah.
I don't feel like going to Jez and Sarah's.
Bueno, traté de hablar contigo, Sarah.
Well, I tried talking to you, Sarah.
¿ Tú... le vas a decir sobre todo esto a Sarah?
You, uh... you tell Sarah about all this?
Y si no haces La Caminata, le contaré todo a Sarah... sobre Miranda, sobre Alison.
And if you don't do The Walk, I will tell Sarah everything... about Miranda, about Alison.
Sarah Lane te recomendó.
Sarah Lane sent you.
¿ "Sarah Nevada? ¿" Suzi Shimizu "?
"Sarah Nevada"? "Suzi Shimizu"?
Gracias, Sara.
Thank you, Sarah.
Sarah, no eres lo bastante rápida.
Sarah, you're not being quick enough.
Ibas un poco lento en la salida, Sarah.
You were a little slow on the sally, Sarah.
- Creo que Sarah pensó que podría ser.
I think Sarah thought they could be.
Sarah, sólo digo.
Sarah, I'm just saying.
- Sarah ha preparado el té.
Sarah has prepared a tea.
- Sarah...
Sarah, pensamos que deberíamos llamar a la policía acerca de Jez.
Sarah, we think we ought to call the police about Jez.
Porque, de lo contrario, le diría a Sarah quién era yo realmente.
Because otherwise she would tell Sarah who I really was.
No eran buenas personas, Sarah.
They weren't good people, Sarah.
" ¿ No has ido a los EEUU, Sarah?
" Have you not been to the States, Sarah?
¡ Qué pueblerina eres, Sarah! ".
Such a country girl, Sarah! "
Sarah los llevó a Birmingham la semana pasada y dicen que se perdieron.
Well, Sarah took them to Birmingham last week and they said they got lost.
El premio para mejor jardín es para... dos ganadores, Sarah Bloxby y la Sra. Josephs.
The award for best garden goes to joint winners, Sarah Bloxby and Mrs Josephs.
Sarah, Josephine, Harriet Parr...
Sarah, Josephine, Harriet Parr...
Sarah, Jean...
Sarah, Jean...
Las flores son de Josephine Webster y Sarah dice que no te preocupes, ya están buscando a Hodge.
The flowers are from Josephine Webster and Sarah says not to worry - there's already a search party out for Hodge.
Soy Sarah Pfefferman.
I'm, um... I'm Sarah Pfefferman.
Sarah Pfefferman.
Sarah Pfefferman.
Uh, Sarah.
Sarah ha estado internada desde que tenía 15 años.
Sarah has been institutionalized since she was 15 years old.
Lo siento, Sarah.
I'm sorry, Sarah.
Voy a hacer el programa, Sarah.
I'm going to do the program, Sarah.
¿ Pensabas en Sarah o estabas pensando en...?
Were you thinking of Sarah, or were you thinking...
Las cosas están cambiando, Sarah.
- Yeah.
- Buen día, Sarah. - Buenos días.
- Morning, Sarah.

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