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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Senti

Senti Çeviri İngilizce

549 parallel translation
Recibi el llamado mas asustador, algo como "Tu necesitas venir aqui" Me senti aterrorizada.
I got the scariest call, which is like, "You need to come here."
Senti que estabas avergonzada cuando lloraste.
- I just felt like there was a sense of shame when you broke down.
Y la semana pasada lloré porque senti que mi madre no estaria orgullosa de lo que hice.
And last week's performance was a letdown, because I feel like my mom probably wouldn't be proud of what I did.
No te pongas senti...
Say, listen, don't you get sentimental.
No te pongas senti...
Don't you get sentimental.
Cielos, me senti muy mal cuando supe queJoe se lastimó.
My, my. I felt so sorry when I heard Joe got hurt.
Lo senti todo el dia.
Felt it coming'all day.
Bueno, nunca senti que estuviera hecho para mi.
Well, I've never felt that it was right for me.
De repente me senti totalmente calmo.
Suddenly I felt totally calm.
- Cuando lo vi senti deseos de aplastarle las narices.
- When I saw you tonight I wanted to take a poke at you- - Let me finish.
Cuando comenzaron a volar y tenia que desplegar mi escuadrón... senti un vuelco en la boca del estómago.
The minute that stuff started flying through the air and I had to deploy my squad... something happened right in the pit of my gut.
- Creo que me senti solo,
- Just got lonesome, I reckon.
Senti que debia visitarte.
Just felt like visiting.
Senti algo en mi pecho, debajo del libro, como cosquillas.
I felt something on my chest behind the book, sort of tickling.
Cerquita, casi le senti las plumas.
So close, I could almost feel his feathers.
Me senti con ganas de estar aqui.
Algunas veces en California cuando senti nostalgia, ¿ sabes que hice?
Sometimes in california when i get that closed-in feeling, you know what i do?
Cuando me lo hicieron, no senti nada.
When they did mine, i didn't feel a thing.
Te sentiste como una mujer anoche, y yo me senti como un hombre.
You felt like a woman last night and I felt like a man.
Senti, el poder sobrenatural.
I felt it! Strong, weird, power.
Senti Que Yo Debia irme y Empezar De Nuevo.
I felt I should go And start over.
Me Senti Realmente Muy Bién.
I felt really good.
Senti sus dedos dentro de mi. Profundo!
I felt fingers enter me, hard, very hard.
Cuando me dijeron que habian muerto tus padres lo senti mucho.
We were so sorry to hear about your parents'death.
la venganza en ese momento estaba segura que a causa de su dolor por lo que senti la necesidad de proteger tanto a ella como a nolan de las consecuencias de aquella locura.
I was sure of one thing, though. His grief had made the orca unpredictable. I felt obliged to protect both it and nolan from that insanity.
No importa si habian encontrado la respuesta a la inmortalidad. Senti una gran maldad entre los miembros de este grupo.
Even if they had the answer to immortality, I felt a great sense of evil among the members of this group.
Escuché sus historias. Senti gran admiracion hacia ellos.
After listening to these professionals, I grew to admire them.
Al ver estos cuerpos totalmente mutilados, senti que en este accidente presentaba su cara mas grotesca.
Viewing the bodies mutilated beyond recognition, I had the painful realization this disaster could be the most gruesome face of death.
Fue todo muy duro para mí. Me senti al borde de la locura.
It was a very emotionally rough time for me and I thought I was gonna go mad.
Pero me senti mejor despues algunos meses. Y entonces esta casa se convirtio en una pesadilla viviente.
But after a few months, I had begun to pull myself together when this house just turned into a living nightmare.
Y la primera vez que lo senti fue cuando me levante el Jueves por la mañana.
And I first felt it when I woke up on Tuesday morning.
Yo me senti asi una vez.
I felt the same way once.
De pronto, senti que te estaba perdiendo.
Suddenly I felt I was missing you.
Senti tal angustia en la noche que pense que podia mejorar con un baño.
I felt such anguish in the night. I thought it would pass if I had a bath.
Nunca me senti mejor.
I never felt better.
Hay uno que se llama asi es como me senti al llegar a ese estado, y luego volver a una situación normal.
There was one called, Beyond and Back which is what I felt like, to, like, reach this hideous state but then return to normal, you know, normal situations.
Al principio de nuestro viaje me senti un poco raro, Porque al sur de Italia, en la costa, me parecio a mi... Amalfi.
In the beginning of our journey I felt somewhat strange, because in the south of italy, on the shore, it seemed to me...
Bueno, si lo senti en mi estomago anoche.
Well, I slept on my stomach last night.
- Senti que era el tiempo apropiado.
- I felt this was the right time.
Yo me senti asi cuando murió mi mujer.
I felt that way when my wife died.
¿ Y cómo puedo olvidar el dolor y el odio que senti cuando me dejó?
And then how can I forget the pain and the hatred that I felt when he left me? I...
- Senti que era hora de un cambio
- I felt it was time for a change.
Por mucho tiempo me senti endurecido.
For a long time, I felt dazed. "
¿ cómo crees que me senti cuando supe que saliste con ese imbecil?
This makes me crazy. How do you think I felt knowing you were out with this jerk-off?
Senti por dentro como una convulsion.
I felt a spasm inside me.
Estaba en estas habitaciones 114 00 : 15 : 11,720 - - 00 : 15 : 14,280 Oh, Dios, lo senti venir.
I was in these rooms.
Y por primera vez en mi vida, me senti en casa.
And for the first time in my whole life, I felt I was home.
Senti como un tartamudeo.
It felt like a stutter.
Me senti inspirada en la cocina, con tantos maravillosos utenzilios que dejaron aqui.
I felt inspired in the kitchen. Such wonderful old appliances, and all just... left here.
Senti una... rabia tan grande... y de pronto vomité encima de toda mi familia.
I just felt such... Incredible anger. Then, suddenly, I vomited on my family.
Literalmente, la peor cosa que senti.
[electronic music]

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