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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Those

Those Çeviri İngilizce

290,752 parallel translation
El niño del ático, ¿ qué crees que les susurraba a esos huesos?
That kid in the attic, what do you think he was whispering into those shells?
Shelby, ¿ todavía tienes esos guantes de esquí?
Ooh. Shelby, do you still have those ski gloves?
Esos países son exclusivamente árabes o musulmanes.
Those countries just happen to be exclusively Arab or Muslim.
La ley y el orden son uno de esos temas que cruzan las líneas de los partidos.
Law and order's one of those issues that crosses party lines.
¿ Estás disculpando a esas personas?
You're apologizing for those people?
Esas personas son parte de este país.
Those people are a part of this country.
Cambiemos esos votos.
Turn those votes.
Todos esos niños pasando un buen rato.
All those kids out having a good time.
Esas fiestas suelen ser mucho más pequeñas.
Those parties are usually a lot smaller.
Solo estaba tratando de ayudar a esos chicos.
I was just trying to help those kids.
Demasiado tarde para todos esos jóvenes y sus familias afligidas.
Far too late for all those young people and their grieving families.
Si los responsables están observando, están a punto de sentir toda la fuerza y el alcance del Departamento de Policía de Chicago.
If those responsible are watching this, they're about to feel the full strength and scope of the Chicago Police Department.
Sí, tenemos 85 miembros de bandas registrados con esas iniciales en nuestra base de datos.
Yeah, we got 85 registered gang bangers with those initials in our database.
Era... una de esas personas que hacen del mundo un lugar mejor.
She was... just one of those people, made the world a better place.
No puedo sacar a esos pobres niños de mi cabeza.
I just can't get those poor children out of my head.
Dudo que Sam o las niñas aprecien la diferencia.
I doubt that Sam or the girls will split those hairs.
Ese fuego, todos esos chicos...
That fire, all those kids...
Toda esa gente está muerta por mi culpa, ¿ verdad?
All those people are dead because of me, aren't they?
Ahora me pregunto, ¿ son esas lágrimas para los 39 muertos?
Now I wonder, are those tears for the 39 dead?
Tres de las cosas que más detesto.
Those are three of my least favorite things.
Tómalos, llévate estos.
Here you go. Just take those.
Sabes sobre ellas, ¿ no?
You probably know all about those, huh?
Tantos reclutadores tratando de obtener un pedazo de Jesse.
All those schools'boosters trying to get a piece of Jesse.
Esos hombres solo están velando por los intereses de Jesse.
Those men were just looking out for Jesse's best interests.
¿ Le dijo a alguno de esos hombres sobre la fiesta a la que fueron esa noche?
Did you tell any of those men about the party they were going to that night?
¿ Alguna vez has pensado que tal vez eres uno de esos sujetos que no son felices a menos que sean miserables?
Have you ever thought that maybe you're one of those guys that's just not happy unless you're miserable?
Voy a prender fuego con los dados.
- Momo-what? - Not before I hit that craps table, man. 'Cause you know I'm sick on those dice.
Si esas fotos las ponen otra vez, Vern se va a fregar.
I mean, if those pictures start to get reposted, Vern's in deep shit.
Debo escuchar esas paredes.
It's my job to listen to those walls.
Sí, la Srta. Brewer de la liga quiere tomar unas copas hoy.
The best way to success is really through the draft, but didn't really hit on those draft picks.
¿ quién protegerá a mi hija?
And if those Swedes can best me, when the Final Battle comes... how am I going to protect my daughter?
¿ Trajiste los otros libros?
Did you bring those other books?
Lo que este grupo de sombra estaba planeando robando esas unidades todavía es desconocido
Whatever this shadow group was planning by stealing those drives is still unknown.
Solamente en esta ocasión, aquellos iniciados pueden ser responsables por el mismo acto de terror del cual se beneficiaron.
Only this time, those insiders may be responsible for the very act of terror from which they profited.
Mira, sé que la información que Lydia ha liberado de esas unidades está siendo usada para propósitos peligrosos.
Look, I know the information that Lydia has released from those drives is being used for dangerous purposes.
No tengo nada que ver con esos asesinatos.
I had nothing to do with those murders.
Todas esas teorías que recitó como loro...
All those theories he rattled off- -
El material en esos expedientes se suponía que fuera oro.
The stuff in those files, it's supposed to be gold.
Anson Gephardt está ahora en un punto muerto con las autoridades federales de esas dos agencias en la casa de su madre en Riverdale, Nueva York.
Anson Gephardt is now engaged in a standoff with federal authorities from those two agencies at his mother's home in Riverdale, New York.
Un gran diseño se logra cuando todo eso pasa a segundo plano y captas el mensaje.
Great design is when all those things take a backseat and you get the message.
Son detalles maravillosos de la humanidad que comienzas a entender.
And it's those amazing details of humanity that you start to understand.
Y si puedo transmitir esos valores entonces es algo bueno.
And if I can pass those values on, then it's a good thing.
Esos sitios maravillosos, democráticos y hermosos que son como un escenario para la gente que trabaja allí.
Those wonderful, democratic, beautiful spaces, that was very much like a stage for the staff that work there.
Esos corredores largos convierten a las personas en pacientes esperando a los doctores que marchan de un lado a otro.
Those great long corridors reduced people to patients, waiting for the doctor in the white coat to march up and down.
Están muy interesados en cómo podemos trasladar esos valores humanos a sus restaurantes.
They're very interested in how we can bring those human values into their restaurants.
Pero cuando diseñamos algunos interiores debimos hacer productos específicos para esos interiores porque no pudimos encontrarlos.
But when we were designing some interiors, we needed to do specific products for those interiors, because we couldn't find them.
Lo considero un deseo primario. Necesitas tener esas restricciones y de algún modo te liberas.
I think of it as a primal drive, that you need those tight restrictions and then, somehow or other, you come out of it.
Ahora damos el siguiente paso : ... llevar este aprendizaje a lo que podemos hacer en los restaurantes de IKEA.
Now, we're taking the next step, into the restaurant, bringing those learnings into what we could do to the restaurant business of IKEA...
Quitamos el frente y detrás de la casa, sin formalidad, sin barreras.
[Ilse] So we got rid of front and back of house. That formality, those boundaries.
Tal vez no tan grandes como las tuyas.
Maybe not as big as those, but they got ears.
- ¡ Mírate!
Stop donating to all those right wing fucks denying my people equal opportunity.

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