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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Tránquila

Tránquila Çeviri İngilizce

18,044 parallel translation
- Tranquila.
- It's okay.
Just relax.
¿ Cómo voy a estar tranquila?
How can I relax?
Tranquila Sonia, deja de estar jodiendo.
Chill, Sonia, stop busting our chops.
¿ Está tranquila?
Are you reassured?
A Sid no le gusta estar en ningún otro sitio, sino en casa y en su propio lugar en la cama con un partido de béisbol en la televisión. y adora su tranquila rutina.
Sid doesn't like to be any where but home and in his own little spot on the bed with a ball game playing on the television, and he likes his routine to be unruffled.
Take it easy. Ow!
Ha decidido que ya no puede tener la conciencia tranquila al alegar que el arma que se encontro en la escena pertenecia a Tuco Salamanca.
He's decided that he can no longer in good conscience claim that the gun found at the scene belonged to Tuco Salamanca.
Oh, me siento como si por fin pudiera respirar tranquila.
Oh, I feel like I can finally breathe. Good.
Tranquila, mi niña.
Be still, my child.
You must.
Es mi actitud de tranquila, Otto.
It's my reassuring face, Otto.
Calm down.
Tranquila, no nos graban.
Oh, don't worry, it's not being recorded.
Bueno, supongo que estuviste bastante tranquila.
Well, I suppose you were quiet enough.
Pero tranquila, que no es obligatorio.
But don't worry, I won't make you.
Era una chica muy tranquila.
I was a quiet girl.
- Tranquila, señora.
- Calm down. Hey, lady, lady, lady.
It's okay. It's okay.
- Tranquila.
Do not worry...
Tranquila, no os voy a hacer ningún daño.
Relax, I'm not going to harm you.
Ah, bueno, me deja más tranquila.
Ah, great, that makes me feel better.
Tranquila, hija, no le va a pasar nada.
Peace, daughter, nothing will happen to him.
Tranquila, hija, eso es bueno.
Peace, child, this is good.
Tranquila, también "parlo" un poquito español.
Relax, I also "parlo" a little Spanish.
Tranquila, ya lo tengo.
Relax, I have her.
Ya está aquí, tranquila.
She's here now, relax.
- Vale, Harmony, tranquila.
- Okay. Harmony, calm down.
Oye, Pinky, tranquila.
Hey, Pinky, be cool.
- Harmony, tranquila.
- Harmony, relax.
Tranquila, yo lo grabo.
I got it. Don't even worry about it.
Incluso cuando papá estaba en torno en casa, Muchas veces, fue muy tranquila y remota.
Even when Dad was around at home, oftentimes, he was very quiet and remote.
Tan tranquila. Sí.
So quiet.
- Tranquila, Sara.
- Settle down, Sara.
Shh, shh, it's okay, it's okay.
Quédate tranquila, ya mismo me ocupo del asunto.
Well, I'll tell you what, I'm gonna get right on that.
I got you.
Tranquila, Holly.
It's okay. It's okay, Holly.
- No, it's okay.
Don't worry.
Será muy tranquila.
It'll be low key.
Tranquila, Holly.
- -Oh... It's okay, Holly.
It's okay.
Tranquila, Once.
It's okay, Eleven.
It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
- Tranquila.
- It's okay. It's okay.
- Hey. It's okay.
It's okay, we're right here.
Tranquila, ya estás a salvo.
It's okay, you're safe.
- Tranquila.
It's okay, honey.

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