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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Tü

Çeviri İngilizce

92 parallel translation
¿ Tü?
Tü concéntrate en tu arte, es el único placer que tienes en la vida.
you concentrate on your art, it's your only pleasure in life.
Lo dividiremos como tü digas.
We divide it up just like you say.
Mientras tü planeabas... la pasamos muy bien con un par de pollitas de rio Hondo.
While you was doing all that planning, me and Tector... was getting our bell rope pulled by two... Two, mind you, Hondo whores.
¡ IY tü!
And you.
Pero tü te atrasas.
But you are late.
Tü y Lyle Ilevarán la siguiente carga, con la ametralladora.
You and your brother take the next load and the machine gun.
¿ GQué harias tü?
What would you do in his place?
- ¿ Bueno, ; Y tü qué eres?
- Well, what are you then?
Tü y tus estüpidos caballeros ingleses.
You and all your silly English knights.
¡ ; Y tü, escöndete!
And you, clear off!
- No, tü no.
- No, not you.
Tü también.
Well, so do you.
-? Tü terminaste la tuya?
Did you finish yours?
Desde cuándo trabajas tü para la telefónica?
Since when do you work for the phone company?
- Pero tü viste a los dos tipos...
But you saw those two guys...
Tü le pediste que leyera y lo pusiste nervioso.
"You" asked him to read, then you made him nervous.
- Tü me lo dijiste.
- You told me.
Y tü tampoco.
Neither should you.
- Ojalá tü cesaras.
- If only "you" would stop.
Yo veré a Willoughby, y tü verás a Edward.
I shall see Willoughby, and you will see Edward.
¿ ; De qué hablabais tanto tü y la señorita Steele?
What were you and Miss Steele talking about so long?
Tü y Cartwright debéis resolverlo.
You and Cartwright sort it out.
- Tü no confias en nadie.
- You confide in no one.
Tü, porque no comunicas nada.
You, because you communicate nothing.
- No es tan indigno como tü crees.
- He's not so unworthy as you think.
Quiero que sepas qué crimen has cometido. Hace treinta anos tü y mi padre estabais fuera de la ley.
Thirty years ago, you and my father... were outlaws together.
iPero tü trabajabas para la poli como chivato!
But you worked for the cops as an informer.
Creí que teníamos un acuerdo. Tü no trabajas y a cambio no cobras tus chequecitos.
I thought we had an understanding- - you don't do any work, and in return, you don't cash your paychecks.
" Tú eres el mundo, y el mundo eres tü.
" You are the world, and the world is you.
Algunos ingenieros en la conferencia disienten con usted, señor Rüþtü.
Some engineers in the conference disagree with you, Mr. Rüþtü.
Todo se mueve de acuerdo al plan, el Sr. Rüþtü.
Everything is moving according to plan, Mr. Rüþtü.
Como jefe del proyecto que estoy muy consciente de de este hecho, el Sr. Rüþtü.
As project chief I'm well aware of this fact, Mr. Rüþtü.
Good bye Mr. Rüþtü.
Good bye Mr. Rüþtü.
¿ Qué quieres que haga El Sr. Rüþtü?
What would you like me to do Mr. Rüþtü?
El "tipo" que te refieres es el Jefe de Estado, el Sr. Rüþtü.
The "guy" you're referring to is the Head of State, Mr. Rüþtü.
Las condenas a muerte de derrocado el ex presidente Celal Bayar el ex primer ministro Adnan Menderes el ex canciller Fatin Rüþtü Zorlu y ex ministro de Finanzas Hasan Polatkan fueron aprobadas.
The death sentences of overthrown former president Celal Bayar former Prime Minister Adnan Menderes former foreign minister Fatin Rüþtü Zorlu and former finance minister Hasan Polatkan were approved.
Fahri, Mesud, Rüþtü, ven con nosotros.
Fahri, Mesud, Rüþtü, come with us.
Sigamos andando... especialmente tü.
Are still walking- - especially you.
¿ Tü me contrataste?
YOU hired me?
Tü sabes, como que tuviste que aprender a recordar a mirar a los ojos de las personas cuando te hablan o sonreír a alguien cuando los conoces por primera vez o mantenerte calmado si alguien tiene una idea distinta a la tuya.
You know, like you had to learn to remember to look into people's eyes when they're talking to you or to smile at someone when you meet them for the first time or to stay calm if somebody has a different idea than you.
En ese momento, Chase y tü pensasteis que lo que hacíais era lo mejor para los chicos...
At the time, you and Chase thought you were doing what was best for the kids- -
No, me interesas tü.
No, what interests me is you.
No, tü vivirás hasta los ochenta.
No, you'll live to be eighty.
¡ Y tü eres tan perversa!
And you're so perverse!
Tü papá está aquí.
Your Poppa's here.
¡ Tü!
Pero tü viste los vendajes que llevaban en la nuca.
David, it's just too crazy for me. But you saw the band-Aids on the back of their necks.
Estará bien. ive ahi abajoi iAguantai ivamos, Linda, tü puedesi
Linda, come on! David! He'll be all right.
Tü estás bien, mamá.
You're fine, mom.
¡ Hey, tü!
Hey, you!

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