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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Ustéd

Ustéd Çeviri İngilizce

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Y dijo que usted le robó al novio.
She also mentioned that you stole her boyfriend.
No estamos aquí por usted, señora.
We aren't here for you, ma'am.
Agente Morgan, me gustaría hablar con usted y su superior.
Agent Morgan, I'd like to speak with you and your SAC.
Regresaré por usted.
I'll come back for you.
Voy a necesitar un número telefónico de usted también.
I'm gonna need a phone number for you as well.
- Policía de Chicago. ¿ Usted es?
- Hey. - CPD. And you are?
- Bueno, las médicas aquí me dijeron que usted estuvo en el sótano durante el incendio.
- Well, the medics here told me that you were in the basement during the fire.
Quizá tenga más preguntas para usted.
I might have more questions for you.
Tengo que hablar con usted.
I gotta talk to you.
Dada la 12ª enmienda, ¿ tiene usted elección?
But given the Twelfth Amendment, would you have a choice?
Les concertamos reuniones a usted y a la presidenta con los estados menores.
We've arranged sit-downs for you and Madam President with all of the small states.
Usted, no.
Yours are still not.
Es lo mejor para Frank, pero quizá no sea lo mejor para usted.
While it's what's best for Frank, it may not be what's best for you.
Usted es un hombre razonable.
You seem like a reasonable man.
Quizá por eso confío en usted.
Maybe that's why I trust you.
Pero yo podría convencerla, si usted renuncia y compiten las listas, presidente y vicepresidente, en unas elecciones en Tennessee y Ohio.
But I could... convince her if you were to step down, and our full tickets president and vice president run against each other in Tennessee and Ohio.
- Y fiel a usted.
- And loyal to you, ma'am.
Usted pidió estar aquí, y está aquí.
Yeah, you bargained to get in here, Francis, and now you're here.
Usted habría hecho lo mismo.
You would have done the same.
Usted y yo, este fin de semana, estamos vendiéndonos en este campamento.
I mean, you and I, right now, this weekend, we're here at this camp selling ourselves.
Usted decide si viven o mueren.
It's up to you if they live or die.
Usted vino y me preguntó.
You came here. You asked me.
¿ Por qué me pasaron con usted?
I don't understand why I was transferred to you.
Necesito algo de paz. Usted no está ayudándome.
I'm trying to find some peace with this and you're not helping.
Cuando empezó esto, no imaginé que estaría parado aquí con usted hoy.
Well, when all this started, I don't think I imagined myself standing here with you tonight.
- Se reunirá con usted adentro.
He'll meet you inside. We will wait for Francis.
Me recuerda a usted.
He reminds me of you.
Fue una filtración, y no salió de usted.
It was a leak, and it didn't come from you.
En cuanto acabe con usted es como si apagaran un interruptor.
But once he's done with you... it's as if a switch gets turned off.
No necesito probarle mi valor a usted ni a la Sra. Underwood.
And I don't need to convince you or Mrs. Underwood of my worth.
Lo que usted considere.
Whatever you think.
Solo le informaré a usted, señor.
I report only to you, sir.
Usted era su contacto. ¿ Haría algo así?
You were his contact. Would he do something like that?
Claire, lo mejor para usted será que se aleje tanto como pueda.
Claire, I think... it might be best for you to stay out of this as much as possible.
Ese lugar le corresponde a usted.
I think it should be you.
Tom cree que Doug Stamper y usted participaron en la muerte de Zoe Barnes.
Tom thinks Doug Stamper and yourself, sir, are somehow involved with the death of Zoe Barnes.
- ¿ Qué valor tiene para usted?
- What's it worth to you?
Dígamelo usted.
You tell me.
- Conozco a la gente como usted.
- I've been around your kind.
¿ Cuánto vale ella para usted?
What is she worth to you?
Usted, por ejemplo, diputado Romero y su cruzada para derribarme. ¿ Es por justicia?
You, for example, Congressman Romero... and your crusade to take me down, is it for justice?
Nos puso a todos, a usted incluida, en una posición imposible.
He has put you, he has put all of us, in an impossible position.
Sr. Stamper. ¿ Mató usted a Zoe Barnes?
Mr. Stamper... did you kill Zoe Barnes?
¿ Usted me envió dos tarjetas de cumpleaños?
Did you send me two birthday cards?
Pero ¿ cómo es que usted, diputado Romero, su mayor crítico, ahora lo apoya?
But how is it that you, Congressman Romero, his biggest critic, are supporting him now?
Por usted y por sus seres queridos haría cualquier cosa.
For you, and for any dear to you, I would do anything.
Si tuviese mejor fortuna y algo que poder sacrificar, me sacrificaría por usted y por sus seres queridos.
If my career were of that better kind that there was any opportunity or capacity to sacrifice in it, I would embrace any sacrifice for you and for those dear to you.
Sé que su opinión significa mucho para usted.
Look... I know his opinion means a lot to you.
Yo estaba aquí antes que usted, y seguiré aquí después que usted.
I was here before you and I'll be here after you.
Me sorprendió ver de qué forma usted y su esposo robaron las elecciones.
I was shocked to realize the degree to which you and your husband stole this election.
A cambio de influencia sobre usted.
In exchange for influence over you.

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