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Translate.vc / İspanyolca → İngilizce / Verã

Verã Çeviri İngilizce

19 parallel translation
No lo verà ¡ s mà ¡ s.
You won't see him no more.
Michael me està ¡ enseà ± ando a conducir. Fà ­ jese, ya verà ¡.
Michael is teaching me to drive... watch, I'll show you.
Luego, me las verà © con Don Barzini y con Tattaglia.
And then I'll meet with Don Barzini and Tattaglia.
Deja de cultivar marà ­ a en tu casa y verà ¡ s mà ¡ s la luz del dà ­ a.
Stop growing that locoweed at your place, you'd see more daylight.
Ya verà ¡ s cà ³ mo van a embestir los Longhorns este sà ¡ bado.
Longhorns are going to kick some serious butt this Saturday. You just watch.
Verà ³ nica grita...
Veronica screamed...
Verà ³ nica no regresà ³.
Veronica didn't come back.
 ¡ Ya lo verà ¡ s!
Oh, it's on now!
Ya verà ¡ s tus malditos 126.
I got your damn 126.
Verà ¡ s, si de verdad pensaras verà ­ as el cuadro completo.
See, if you was thinking, you'd get the big picture. You'd see where you are.
Me ha salido muy bien, ya verà ¡ s.
It's delicious.
Verà © si puedo lograr que venga para que lo conozcan.
I'll see if I can get him here to at least meet you guys. Okay.
Damas y caballeros, nià ± os y nià ± as, bienvenidos a la Legià ³ n, donde està ¡ n a punto de ver la octava maravilla del mundo, mà ¡ s algo que nunca creyeron que verà ­ an.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we'd like to welcome you to the Legion where you're about to witness the 8th Wonder of the World. ( Playing riff ) And you're about to see something you never thought you'd witness before.
Verà © si puedo llamarlos y...
See if I can holler at them and, uh...
Nadie lo verà ¡.
Chill out, no one's going to see it, man.
- Genial. Sà ­, se verà ¡ bien.
The black's kind of lame, yeah.
Verà © quà © puedo conseguir despuà © s.
Yeah, well, uh, I'll see what I can pick up later on.
Ya lo verà ¡ n.
You'll see.
Verà © si puedo tocar en esto.
I'll see if I can play this thing.

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