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Words Çeviri İngilizce

49,735 parallel translation
- Tus palabras exactas fueron,
Your exact words were,
Solo os separan unas palabras de vuestra libertad.
There's just a few words separating you from your freedom.
Dos palabras que no se oyen muy a menudo juntas.
Two words you don't hear together often enough.
Sin palabras dentro.
With no words in it.
Esto demuestra que la situación es desesperante.
In other words, the present condition is very desperate.
Siempre he querido decírtelo pero tenía mucha vergüenza.
These are the words that had been in my heart to tell you, but I felt too awkward to be able to say it.
En otras palabras, quiere un soborno.
In other words, he wants a bribe.
Y para usar las palabras de Liz, eso era solo la punta del iceberg.
And to use Liz's words, that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Tiene que entender todos los "oh" y los "ah", y todos los acentos y las palabras que suenan igual pero significan cosas diferentes.
I mean, it has to push through the uhs and ums, and all the accents, and all those same-sounding words with totally different definitions.
Bueno, la llamaron "teléfono inalámbrico" en la filmación.
They did use the words "wireless phone" in the film to describe the invention.
En otras palabras, ¿ alcanzaron su máximo desempeño?
In other words, have they reached the peak of their performance?
No hay palabras que me hagan más feliz.
There aren't words that could make me happier.
Qué palabra infrecuente.
Plus, you know, SAT words.
No presentó mucho vocabulario, Sr. Lake.
Actually, by my count, you are three words short, Mr. Lake.
Escribes muy lindo, Jim.
Your words are beautiful, Jim.
Aquí se ve el deseo de conquista de Napoleón.
Napoleon's words show an unquenchable need for conquest.
No... no tengo palabras.
I... I can't find the words.
Segundaria Arcadia Oaks, tengo dos palabras.
Arcadia Oaks High, I have two words for you.
- Soy bueno en esto.
- Ah, I am savvy with words.
No se puede describir.
Words cannot describe.
No escuché mucho, pero invocaron la palabra "gallina".
I didn't hear much but the words "wussing" and "out" were frequently invoked.
¿ Las palabras volaron a mi boca?
Jim, am I wrong? Or did words just fly into my mouth?
Toby devora palabras y se volvió el Dios del Saber.
Toby is gorging on magic troll words and turning into some kind of a knowledge god!
O mejor...
Uh, poor choice of words.
Sus palabras, no las mías.
His words. Not mine.
Hablar no es mi fuerte.
Words aren't usually my strong suit.
Pero imaginen poder comunicar pensamiento y sentimiento sin palabras.
Yet imagine being able to communicate thought and feeling without words.
Las palabras.
"No tengo palabras". "No bastan las palabras".
"Words can't express." "Words aren't enough."
"Me fallan las palabras".
"I can't find the words."
- Y las famosas palabras de Yu aquí.
- And Yu's famous words here.
- Qué palabras tan divinas.
- Such beautiful words.
¿ Dijimos tantos despropósitos?
Were our words so meaningless?
No sé qué decirle a la gente que me gusta.
I lose my words with people I like.
- Las palabras de Nacchan te suenan duras.
- Nacchan's words sound harsh to you.
Pero sus palabras...
But her words...
Importan más mi actitud y las palabras.
More my... my attitude and words.
Especialmente, después de eso, la reacción de Hikaru por unas palabras...
Especially after lunch with Hansan, Hikaru's reaction from just a few words...
- El consejo de Hansan.
- Hansan's words of advice.
Si lo que dije se entendió así, entonces debería explicárselo.
If my words were taken that way then I should explain it to her.
- Palabras famosas.
- Famous words.
La forma en que eliges las palabras según la persona con quien hablas es algo que deberías considerar.
How you choose your words depending on the person... is something you're supposed to consider.
Las palabras de la persona que te gusta, sean las que sean realmente te afectan.
Words from the person you like, whatever they may be... really affect you.
Aunque no lo hayas dicho en palabras, debe saber lo que sientes.
Even though you haven't said so in words, he must know how you feel.
¿ Quieres decir unas palabras, Pee-wee?
Would you like to say a few words, Pee-wee?
El Presidente pronunció estas palabras esta mañana.
The President spoke those words to me this morning.
Y recuerda mis palabras : Los mataré a todos.
And you mark my fucking words, I'm going to kill every last one.
- ¿ Tienes últimas palabras, Jack?
- What's your last words, Jack?
Especialmente a Inky por esas... palabras increíblemente emotivas.
Especially inky for those incredibly moving words.
Un plan secreto.
"Covert operation." My two favorite words!
Esas palabras no significan nada.
Those words mean nothing.

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